the First Week of Lent
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New Living Translation
Romans 7:9
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Once I was alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life again
For I was aliue without the Law once, but when the commandement came, sinne reuiued, and I died.
For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died.
I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin came to life, and I died;
I was alive before I knew the law. But when the law's command came to me, then sin began to live,
I was once alive without [knowledge of] the Law; but when the commandment came [and I understood its meaning], sin became alive and I died [since the Law sentenced me to death].
I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and I died;
Now I was once alive apart from the Law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died;
Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died.
Before I knew about the Law, I was alive. But as soon as I heard that command, sin came to life,
I was once alive outside the framework of Torah. But when the commandment really encountered me, sin sprang to life,
But *I* was alive without law once; but the commandment having come, sin revived, but *I* died.
Before I knew the law, I was alive. But when I heard the law's command, sin began to live,
For I once was aliue, wtout the Law: but when the commandement came, sinne reuiued,
Formerly I lived without the law: but when the commandment came, sin came to life and I died.
I myself was once alive apart from law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life,
And I was alive once, apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life
And I was alive apart from Law once, but the commandment came, and sin came alive, and I died.
And I was alive apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died;
And there was a time when I was living without the law: but when the law gave its orders, sin came to life and put me to death;
I was alive apart from the law once, but when the mitzvah came, sin revived, and I died.
At one time I was alive without any connection toany connection to">[fn] the law. But when the commandment came, sin sprang to life,
But I was alive without the law formerly: but when the commandment came, sin lived, and I died.
And I, without the law, was alive formerly; but when the commandment came, sin became alive, and I died;
I once lyued without lawe: But when the commaundement came, sinne reuyued,
And I was alive apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died;
I was alive apart from the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
And I was once alive without the law; but when the commandment came,
Once, apart from Law, I was alive, but when the Commandment came, sin sprang into life, and I died;
And Y lyuede withouten the lawe sumtyme; but whanne the comaundement was comun, synne lyuede ayen.
And I was alive apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived,
For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
And I was once alive apart from the law, but with the coming of the commandment sin became alive
I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.
I was once alive. That was when I did not know what the Law said I had to do. Then I found that I had broken the Law. I knew I was a sinner. Death was mine because of the Law.
I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived
And, I, was alive, apart from law, at one time, but, the commandment coming, sin sprang up to life,
And I lived some time without the law. But when the commandment came, sin revived,
I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died;
I once lived with out lawe. But when the commaundement came synne revyved and I was deed.
And I was alive apart from law once, and the command having come, the sin revived, and I died;
As for me, I lyued some tyme without lawe. Howbeit whan the commaundement came, synne reuyued, but I was deed.
then it was I once liv'd secure; but when the prohibition came, sin exerted it self, and I was in a dying condition:
The Code didn't make me sin, it just made me realize how much sin lived within me.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
For I: Matthew 19:20, Luke 10:25-29, Luke 15:29, Luke 18:9-12, Luke 18:21, Philippians 3:5, Philippians 3:6
without: Matthew 5:21-26, Matthew 15:4-6, Mark 7:8-13
but: Romans 3:19, Romans 3:20, Romans 10:5, Psalms 40:12, Galatians 3:10, James 2:10, James 2:11
sin: Romans 7:21-23, Romans 8:7
and I died: Romans 7:4, Romans 7:6, *marg. Romans 7:11, Romans 3:20, Galatians 2:19
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:7 - sin Deuteronomy 15:9 - Beware 1 Kings 8:32 - justifying 2 Kings 22:13 - great 2 Chronicles 15:3 - without law Nehemiah 8:9 - all the people Psalms 36:2 - For he Isaiah 57:10 - There is Jeremiah 2:35 - Because Jeremiah 23:9 - like a drunken Ezekiel 28:15 - till iniquity Malachi 3:7 - Wherein Matthew 9:12 - They that be whole Mark 10:20 - General Mark 12:34 - Thou Luke 15:7 - which John 5:45 - there John 16:9 - General Acts 2:37 - they Acts 9:6 - what Acts 13:39 - from which 2 Corinthians 3:6 - for
So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and the man chose a name for each one.
Noah was 600 years old when the flood covered the earth.
They entered the boat in pairs, male and female, just as God had commanded Noah.
When Noah was 600 years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the underground waters erupted from the earth, and the rain fell in mighty torrents from the sky.
The rain continued to fall for forty days and forty nights.
A male and female of each kind entered, just as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord closed the door behind them.
The wolf and the lamb will feed together. The lion will eat hay like a cow. But the snakes will eat dust. In those days no one will be hurt or destroyed on my holy mountain. I, the Lord , have spoken!"
Even the stork that flies across the sky knows the time of her migration, as do the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane. They all return at the proper time each year. But not my people! They do not know the Lord 's laws.
There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
In this new life, it doesn't matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
For I was alive without the law once,.... The apostle says this, not in the person of Adam, as some have thought; who lived indeed, in a state of innocence, a perfectly holy and righteous life, but not without the law, which was the rule of his actions, and the measure of his obedience; he had the law of nature written upon his heart, and a positive law respecting the forbidden fruit given him, as a trial of his obedience; and though when he transgressed he became mortal, yet sin could not be said to revive in him, which never lived before; nor does the apostle speak in the person of a Jew, or the whole body of the people of Israel before the law was given on Mount Sinai; before that time the sons of Abraham did not live without a law; for besides the law of nature, which they had in common with others, they were acquainted with other laws of God, as the laws of circumcision, sacrifices, and the several duties of religion; see Genesis 18:19; and when the law did come from Mount Sinai, it had not such effects upon them as are here expressed: but the apostle is speaking of himself, and that not as in his state of infancy before he could discern between good and evil, but when grown up, and whilst a Pharisee; who, though he was born under the law, was brought up and more perfectly instructed in it than the common people were, and was a strict observer of it, yet was without the knowledge of the spirituality of it; he, as the rest of the Pharisees, thought it only regarded the outward actions, and did not reach to the spirits or souls of men, the inward thoughts and affections of the mind; the law was as it were at a distance from him, it had not as yet entered into his heart and conscience; and whilst this was his case he was "alive", he did not know that he "was dead in trespasses and sins", Ephesians 2:1, a truth he afterwards was acquainted with; nor that he was so much as disordered by sin; he thought himself healthful, sound, and whole, when he was diseased and full of wounds, bruises, and sores, from head to foot; he lived in the utmost peace and tranquillity, without the least ruffle and uneasiness, free from any terror or despondency, and in perfect security, being in sure and certain hope of eternal life; and concluded if ever any man went to heaven he certainly should, since, as he imagined, he lived a holy and righteous life, free of all blame, and even to perfection;
but when the commandment came; not to Adam in the garden of Eden; nor to the Israelites on Mount Sinai; but into the heart and conscience of the apostle, with power and light from above:
sin revived; it lift up its monstrous head, and appeared in its ugly shape, exceeding sinful indeed; it grew strong and exerted itself; its strugglings and opposition, its rebellion and corruption were seen and felt, which show that it was not dead before, only seemed to be so; it was in being, and it lived and acted before as now; the difference was not in that, but in the apostle's sense and apprehension of it, who upon sight of it died away:
and I died; he now saw himself a dead man, dead in sin, dead in law, under a sentence of death which he now had within himself; he saw he was deserving of eternal death, and all his hopes of eternal life by his obedience to the law of works died at once; he now experimentally learnt that doctrine he so much insisted afterwards in his ministry, and to the last maintained, that there can be no justification of a sinner by the deeds of the law, since by it is the knowledge of sin.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
For I - There seems to be no doubt that the apostle here refers to his own past experience. Yet in this he speaks the sentiment of all who are unconverted, and who are depending on their own righteousness.
Was alive - This is opposed to what he immediately adds respecting another state, in which he was when he died. It must mean, therefore, that he had a certain kind of peace; he deemed himself secure; he was free from the convictions of conscience and the agitations of alarm. The state to which he refers here must be doubtless that to which he himself alludes elsewhere, when he deemed himself to be righteous, depending on his own works, and esteeming himself to be blameless, Philippians 3:4-6; Acts 23:1; Acts 26:4-5. It means that he was then free from those agitations and alarms which he afterward experienced when he was brought under conviction for sin. At that time, though he had the Law, and was attempting to obey it, yet he was unacquainted with its spiritual and holy nature. He aimed at external conformity. Its claims on the heart were unfelt. This is the condition of every self-confident sinner, and of everyone who is unawakened.
Without the law - Not that Paul was ever really without the Law, that is, without the Law of Moses; but he means before the Law was applied to his heart in its spiritual meaning, and with power.
But when the commandment came - When it was applied to the heart and conscience. This is the only intelligible sense of the expression; for it cannot refer to the time when the Law was given. When this was, the apostle does not say. But the expression denotes whenever it was so applied; when it was urged with power and efficacy on his conscience, to control, restrain, and threaten him, it produced this effect. We are unacquainted with the early operations of his mind, and with his struggles against conscience and duty. We know enough of him before conversion, however, to be assured that he was proud, impetuous, and unwilling to be restrained; see Acts 8:0; Acts 9:0. In the state of his self-confident righteousness and impetuosity of feeling, we may easily suppose that the holy Law of God, which is designed to restrain the passions, to humble the heart, and to rebuke pride, would produce only irritation, and impatience of restraint, and revolt.
Sin revived - Lived again. This means that it was before dormant Romans 7:8, but was now quickened into new life. The word is usually applied to a renewal of life, Romans 14:19; Luke 15:24, Luke 15:32, but here it means substantially the same as the expression in Romans 7:8, “Sin ...wrought in me all manner of concupiscence.” The power of sin, which was before dormant, became quickened and active.
I died - That is, I was by it involved in additional guilt and misery. It stands opposed to “I was alive,” and must mean the opposite of that; and evidently denotes that the effect of the commandment was to bring him under what he calls death, (compare Romans 5:12, Romans 5:14-15;) that is, sin reigned, and raged, and produced its withering and condemning effects; it led to aggravated guilt and misery. It may also include this idea, that before, he was self-confident and secure, but that by the commandment he was stricken down and humbled, his self-confidence was blasted, and his hopes were prostrated in the dust. Perhaps no words would better express the humble, subdued, melancholy, and helpless state of a converted sinner than the expressive phrase “I died.” The essential idea here is, that the Law did not answer the purpose which the Jew would claim for it, to sanctify the soul and to give comfort, but that all its influence on the heart was to produce aggravated, unpardoned guilt and woe.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Romans 7:9. I was alive without the law once — Dr. Whitby paraphrases the verse thus:-"For the seed of Abraham was alive without the law once, before the law was given, I being not obnoxious to death for that to which the law had not threatened death; but when the commandment came, forbidding it under that penalty, sin revived, and I died; i.e. it got strength to draw me to sin, and to condemn me to death. Sin is, in Scripture, represented as an enemy that seeks our ruin and destruction; and takes all occasions to effect it. It is here said to war against the mind, Romans 7:23; elsewhere, to war against the soul, 1 Peter 2:11; to surround and beset us, Hebrews 12:1; to bring us into bondage and subjection, and get the dominion over us, Romans 6:12; to entice us, and so to work our death, James 1:14-16; and to do all that Satan, the grand enemy of mankind, doth, by tempting us to the commission of it. Whence Chrysostom, upon those words, Hebrews 12:4: Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, προς την ἁμαρτιαν ανταγωνιζομενοι, striving against sin; represents sin as an armed and flagrant adversary. When, therefore, it finds a law which threatens death to the violater of it, it takes occasion thence more earnestly to tempt and allure to the violation of it, that so it may more effectually subject us to death and condemnation on that account; for the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law, condemning us to death for transgressing it. Thus, when God had forbidden, on pain of death, the eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, Satan thence took occasion to tempt our first parents to transgress, and so slew them, or made them subject to death; εξηπατησε, he deceived them, Genesis 3:13; 1 Timothy 2:14; which is the word used Romans 7:11. The phrase, without the law, sin was dead, means, that sin was then (before the law was given) comparatively dead, as to its power of condemning to death; and this sense the antithesis requires; without the law, ἁμαρτια νεκρα, εγω δε εζων, sin was dead, but I was living; but when the commandment came, (i.e. the law,) sin revived, and I died. How were men living before the law, but because then no law condemned them? Sin, therefore, must be then dead, as to its condemning power. How did they die when the law came but by the law condemning them to death? Sin therefore revived, then, as to its power of condemning, which it received first from the sin of Adam, which brought death into the world; and next, from the law of Moses, which entered that the offence might abound, and reign more unto death, Romans 5:20; Romans 5:21. For though sin was in the world from Adam to Moses, or until the law was given, yet it was not imputed unto death, when there was no law that did threaten death; so that death reigned from that interval by virtue of Adam's sin alone; even over them who had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, i.e. against a positive law, forbidding it under the penalty of death; which law being delivered by Moses, sin revived; i.e. it had again its force to condemn men as before to death, by virtue of a law which threatened death. And in this sense the apostle seems to say, Galatians 3:19, the law was added because of transgressions, to convince us of the wrath and punishment due to them; and that the law, therefore, worketh wrath, because where no law is there is no transgression, Romans 4:15, subjecting us to wrath; or no such sense of the Divine wrath as where a plain Divine law, threatening death and condemnation, is violated." See Whitby, in loco.