Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

New Living Translation

Romans 14:12

Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Charitableness;   Commandments;   Conscience;   Evil;   Judgment;   Self-Denial;   Uncharitableness;   Thompson Chain Reference - Accountability;   Judgment;   Stewardship;   Stewardship-Ownership;   Universal;   The Topic Concordance - Accountability;   Judges;   Judgment;   Stumbling/slipping;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Judgment;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Brother;   Predestination;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Law of Christ;   Motives;   Paul the Apostle;   Sanctification;   Strong and Weak;   Tithe, Tithing;   Worship;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Judgment, Last;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Romans, the Epistle to the;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Food Offered to Idols;   Human Free Will;   Knowledge;   Romans, Book of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Ethics;   Judging;   Regeneration;   Romans, Epistle to the;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Account;   Liberty (2);   Word;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Works;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Interesting facts about the bible;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Accountability;   Worship;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Saul of Tarsus;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for September 26;   Every Day Light - Devotion for May 30;  

Parallel Translations

Simplified Cowboy Version
Ain't nobody going to be standing there making excuses for your life in front of God.
New American Standard Bible (1995)
So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.
Legacy Standard Bible
So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.
Bible in Basic English
So every one of us will have to give an account of himself to God.
Darby Translation
So then each of us shall give an account concerning himself to God.
Christian Standard Bible®
So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
World English Bible
So then each one of us will give account of himself to God.
Wesley's New Testament (1755)
So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God.
Weymouth's New Testament
So we see that every one of us will give account of himself to God.
King James Version (1611)
So then euery one of vs shall giue accompt of himselfe to God.
Literal Translation
So then each one of us will give account concerning himself to God.
Miles Coverdale Bible (1535)
Thus shal euery one of vs geue acomptes for himselfe vnto God.
Mace New Testament (1729)
Since then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God;
Amplified Bible
So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
American Standard Version
So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Revised Standard Version
So each of us shall give account of himself to God.
Tyndale New Testament (1525)
So shall every one of vs geve accomptes of him selfe to God.
Update Bible Version
So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Webster's Bible Translation
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Young's Literal Translation
so, then, each of us concerning himself shall give reckoning to God;
New Century Version
So each of us will have to answer to God.
New English Translation
Therefore, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Berean Standard Bible
So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Contemporary English Version
And so, each of us must give an account to God for what we do.
Complete Jewish Bible
So then, every one of us will have to give an account of himself to God.
English Standard Version
So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Geneva Bible (1587)
So then euery one of vs shall giue accounts of himselfe to God.
George Lamsa Translation
So then every one of us shall answer for himself to God.
Hebrew Names Version
So then each one of us will give account of himself to God.
International Standard Version
Consequently, each of us will give an account of himself to God.Matthew 12:36; Galatians 6:5; 1 Peter 4:5;">[xr]
Etheridge Translation
Therefore, every one of us the answer for himself shall give unto Aloha.
Murdock Translation
So then, every one of us must give account of himself to God.
New King James Version
So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.
New Life Bible
Everyone of us will give an answer to God about himself.
English Revised Version
So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God.
New Revised Standard
So then, each of us will be accountable to God.
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Hence, then, each one of us, of himself shall give account unto God.
Douay-Rheims Bible
Therefore every one of us shall render account to God for himself.
King James Version
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Lexham English Bible
So each one of us will give an account concerning himself.
Bishop's Bible (1568)
So shal euery one of vs geue accompt of hym selfe to God.
Easy-to-Read Version
So each of us will have to explain to God about the things we do.
New American Standard Bible
So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.
Good News Translation
Every one of us, then, will have to give an account to God.
Wycliffe Bible (1395)
Therfor ech of vs schal yelde resoun to God for hym silf.

Contextual Overview

1 Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don't argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. 2 For instance, one person believes it's all right to eat anything. But another believer with a sensitive conscience will eat only vegetables. 3 Those who feel free to eat anything must not look down on those who don't. And those who don't eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to condemn someone else's servants? Their own master will judge whether they stand or fall. And with the Lord's help, they will stand and receive his approval. 5 In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable. 6 Those who worship the Lord on a special day do it to honor him. Those who eat any kind of food do so to honor the Lord, since they give thanks to God before eating. And those who refuse to eat certain foods also want to please the Lord and give thanks to God. 7 For we don't live for ourselves or die for ourselves. 8 If we live, it's to honor the Lord. And if we die, it's to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 Christ died and rose again for this very purpose—to be Lord both of the living and of the dead. 10 So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

Ecclesiastes 11:9, Matthew 12:36, Matthew 18:23-35, Luke 16:2, Galatians 6:5, 1 Peter 4:5

Reciprocal: Acts 24:25 - judgment 1 Corinthians 13:5 - seeketh Hebrews 13:17 - give account Revelation 2:23 - and I will Revelation 22:12 - to give


Genesis 11:27
This is the account of Terah's family. Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.
Genesis 12:5
He took his wife, Sarai, his nephew Lot, and all his wealth—his livestock and all the people he had taken into his household at Haran—and headed for the land of Canaan. When they arrived in Canaan,
Genesis 14:9
They fought against King Kedorlaomer of Elam, King Tidal of Goiim, King Amraphel of Babylonia, and King Arioch of Ellasar—four kings against five.
Genesis 14:11
The victorious invaders then plundered Sodom and Gomorrah and headed for home, taking with them all the spoils of war and the food supplies.
Genesis 14:12
They also captured Lot—Abram's nephew who lived in Sodom—and carried off everything he owned.
Genesis 14:13
But one of Lot's men escaped and reported everything to Abram the Hebrew, who was living near the oak grove belonging to Mamre the Amorite. Mamre and his relatives, Eshcol and Aner, were Abram's allies.
Genesis 14:17
After Abram returned from his victory over Kedorlaomer and all his allies, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in the valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley).
Genesis 14:19
Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing: "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.
Numbers 16:26
"Quick!" he told the people. "Get away from the tents of these wicked men, and don't touch anything that belongs to them. If you do, you will be destroyed for their sins."
Job 9:23
When a plague sweeps through, he laughs at the death of the innocent.

Gill's Notes on the Bible

So then everyone of us,.... this is the conclusion, drawn from the foregoing account of things, that there will be a general judgment, that Christ will be Judge, and all must appear at his bar; from whence it necessarily follows, that every man, and so every Christian, strong or weak, whatever may be his gifts, talents, and abilities,

shall give an account of himself to God; that is, to Christ, who is God; which is another proof of his deity, for he will be the Judge, the Father will judge no man; it is before his judgment seat all shall stand; and therefore the account must be given to him by every one, of himself, and not another; of all his thoughts, words, and deeds, which will be all brought into judgment; and of his time and talents, how they have been spent and used; and of all his gifts of nature, providence, and grace, how they have been exercised for the glory of God, his own good, and the good of others: the formal manner in which this will be done is unknown unto us; however, this is certain, that the saints will have upon this reckoning, in what sort soever it may be, a full and open discharge, through the blood and righteousness of Christ. The Jews q, say, in much such language as the apostle does, that

"when a man removes out of this world, then ?????? ??????

????, "he gives an account to his Lord", of all that he has done in the world.''

q Zohar in Gen. fol. 49. 3.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

So then - Wherefore; or according to the doctrine of the Old Testament.

Every one of us - That is, every Christian; for the connection requires us to understand the argument only of Christians. At the same time it is a truth abundantly revealed elsewhere, that �all men� shall give account of their conduct to God; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 25:0; Ecclesiastes 12:14.

Give account of himself - That is, of his character and conduct; his words and actions; his plans and purposes. In the fearful arraignment of that day every work and purpose shall be brought forth, and tried by the unerring standard of justice. As we shall be called to so fearful an account with God, we should not be engaged in condemning our brethren, but should examine whether we are prepared to give up our account with joy, and not with grief.

To God - The judgment will be conducted by the Lord Jesus; Matthew 25:31-46; Acts 17:31. All judgment is committed to the Son; John 5:22, John 5:27. Still we may be said to give account to God,

  1. Because He �appointed� the Messiah to be the Judge Acts 17:31; and,
  2. Because the Judge himself is divine.

The Lord Jesus being God as well as man, the account will be rendered directly to the Creator as well as the Redeemer of the world. In this passage there are �two� incidental proofs of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. �First,� the fact that the apostle applies to him language which in the prophecy is expressly spoken by �Yahweh;� and, �Secondly,� the fact that Jesus is declared to be the Judge of all. No being that is not �omniscient� can be qualified to judge the secrets of all people. None who has not �seen� human purposes at all times, and in all places; who has not been a witness of the conduct by day and by night; who has not been present with all the race at all times, and who in the great day cannot discern the true character of the soul, can be qualified to conduct the general judgment. Yet none can possess these qualifications but God. The Lord Jesus, �the judge of quick and dead� 2 Timothy 4:1, is therefore divine.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Romans 14:12. Every one of us shall give account of himself — We shall not, at the bar of God, be obliged to account for the conduct of each other-each shall give account of himself: and let him take heed that he be prepared to give up his accounts with joy.

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