the First Sunday of Lent
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King James Version
Psalms 74:19
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Do not give to beasts the life of your dove;do not forget the lives of your poor people forever.
Don't deliver the soul of your dove to wild beasts. Don't forget the life of your poor forever.
Do not deliver the soul of your dove to the wild beasts; do not forget the life of your poor forever.
Do not give us, your doves, to those wild animals. Never forget your poor people.
Do not hand the life of your dove over to a wild animal! Do not continue to disregard the lives of your oppressed people!
Oh, do not hand over the soul of your turtledove to the wild beast; Do not forget the life of Your afflicted forever.
Do not give the soul of Your turtledove to the wild animal; Do not forget the life of Your afflicted forever.
Don't deliver the soul of your dove to wild beasts. Don't forget the life of your poor forever.
Giue not the soule of thy turtle doue vnto the beast, and forget not the Congregation of thy poore for euer.
Do not deliver the soul of Your turtledove to the wild beast;Do not forget the life of Your afflicted forever.
Do not deliver the soul of Your dove to beasts; do not forget the lives of Your afflicted forever.
You treat us like pet doves, but they mistreat us. Don't keep forgetting us and letting us be fed to those wild animals.
Don't hand over the soul of your dove to wild beasts, don't forget forever the life of your poor.
Give not up the soul of thy turtle-dove unto the wild beast; forget not the troop of thine afflicted for ever.
Don't give us like a helpless dove to those wild animals. Never forget your poor, suffering people.
O deliver not to destruction the soul that confesses to thee; forget not the souls of thy poor for ever.
Don't abandon your helpless people to their cruel enemies; don't forget your persecuted people!
Do not give to beasts the life of your dove; do not ever forget the life of your afflicted ones.
Do not give the soul of Your turtledove to the wild beasts; You will not forever forget the life of Your afflicted ones.
Remembre this (o LORDE) how the enemie rebuketh, & how the foolish people blaspheme thy name.
Oh deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove unto the wild beast: Forget not the life of thy poor for ever.
O give not the soul of your dove to the hawk; let not the life of the poor go out of your memory for ever.
O deliver not the soul of Thy turtle-dove unto the wild beast; forget not the life of Thy poor for ever.
O deliuer not the soule of thy turtle doue vnto the multitude of the wicked forget not the Congregation of thy poore for euer.
O deliuer not the soule of thy turtle doue vnto a wylde beast: forget not the congregation of the poore for euer.
Deliver not to the wild beasts a soul that gives praise to thee: forget not for ever the souls of thy poor.
O deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove unto the wild beast: forget not the life of thy poor for ever.
Bitake thou not to beestis men knoulechenge to thee; and foryete thou not in to the ende the soulis of thi pore men.
Oh don't deliver the soul of your turtle-dove to the wild beast: Don't forget the life of your poor forever.
O deliver not the soul of thy turtle dove to the multitude [of the wicked]: forget not the congregation of thy poor for ever.
Oh, do not deliver the life of Your turtledove to the wild beast! Do not forget the life of Your poor forever.
Don't let these wild beasts destroy your turtledoves. Don't forget your suffering people forever.
Do not give the life of Your dove over to the wild animal. Do not forget the lives of Your troubled people forever.
Do not deliver the soul of your dove to the wild animals; do not forget the life of your poor forever.
Do not deliver up, to a wild beast, the life of thy turtle-dove, The living host of thine oppressed ones, do not forget perpetually.
(73-19) Deliver not up to beasts the souls that confess to thee: and forget not to the end the souls of thy poor.
Do not deliver the soul of thy dove to the wild beasts; do not forget the life of thy poor for ever.
Give not up to a company, The soul of Thy turtle-dove, The company of Thy poor ones forget not for ever.
Do not deliver the soul of Your turtledove to the wild beast; Do not forget the life of Your afflicted forever.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
turtledove: Psalms 68:13, Song of Solomon 2:14, Song of Solomon 4:1, Song of Solomon 6:9, Isaiah 60:8, Matthew 10:16
forget: Psalms 68:10, Psalms 72:2, Zephaniah 3:12, James 2:5, James 2:6
Reciprocal: Psalms 44:24 - forgettest Psalms 94:5 - break Isaiah 64:12 - General
Gill's Notes on the Bible
O deliver not the soul of thy turtledove,.... By which is meant the church, see Song of Solomon 2:14, which is comparable to this creature for its cleanness and purity, for its amiableness and beauty, for its harmlessness and innocence, for its modesty and meekness, for its affection and chastity to its mate, for its mournful and bemoaning voice for the loss of it, for its being a timorous and fearful creature, a weak one, and exposed to the prey of others; all which is true of the church, and may be applied to it: the Targum is,
"do not deliver the souls of them that teach thy law;''
the word having some affinity with "torah", the law; but Jarchi says, that Jonathan, in his Targum (which is not now extant) interprets it a turtle; the Syriac version, by the change of a letter, renders it, "the soul that confesseth thee": and the Arabic version, by a like change, and the addition of a letter, "the soul that knows thee"; all which, indeed, is applicable to the church of God; but our version expresses the true sense of the word, with which agree Jarchi, Kimchi, Ben Melech, and others: and it is a prayer of the church for herself; that the life of her members, their corporeal life (for not the soul, the better part, and its eternal concerns, are meant, which are safe in Christ's hands), might not be delivered
unto the multitude of the wicked, or "to the beast" g; to persecutors comparable to lions and bears, and particularly the Romish antichrist, often called the beast in Revelation 11:8, do not deliver
"to the people, who are like to the beasts of the field, the souls of, c.:''
forget not the congregation of thy poor for ever the church of God is a congregation of men gathered out of the world by effectual grace, and consists chiefly of such who are literally poor, and all of them are spiritually so, and are sensible of it; for the most part they are a poor and "afflicted" h people, as the word may be also rendered, which the church is made up of; and may seem by themselves and others to be forgotten of God, when under divine desertions, or under afflictions, and immediate help is not given; but they are not forgotten, and still less for ever; see Isaiah 49:14.
g לחית "ferae", Montanus, Piscator; "bestiae", Musculus, Vatablus, Cocceius, Gejerus, Michaelis; "bestiis", V. L. h ענייך "afflictorum tuorum", Montanus, Vatablus, Tigurine version, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, &c.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
O deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove - The “life” of thy turtle-dove; or, thy turtle-dove itself. The turtle-dove is a name of endearment for one beloved, in Song of Solomon 2:12, and is thus applied here to the people of Israel. The leading idea in such an application of the word is that of innocence, harmlessness, timidity, gentleness. The thought here is that of a people dear to God, now timid and alarmed. It is the prayer of a people beloved by God that he would not deliver them to their enemies. The prayer may be regarded as one which was used on the occasion referred to in the psalm; or, as a general prayer for the people of God, considered as exposed to ravening enemies.
Unto the multitude of the wicked - The words “of the wicked” are not in the original. The word rendered “multitude” - חיה chayâh - (compare the notes at Psalms 68:10) - is the same which in the other member of the sentence is rendered “congregation.” It may be applied to a herd of cattle, tame or wild; and then to a “people” - a band, a troop, a host - whether of orderly and civilized, or of wild and savage people. It seems to be used in this double sense in the verse before us; in the first member of the verse, “deliver not thy turtle-dove “to the multitude” - to the wild beast, or to the savage hosts; in the latter, “forget not the congregation of thy poor” - thy flock - thy people - considered as timid or alarmed. Save the timid and trembling flock from beasts of prey.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Psalms 74:19. Deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove — Thy people Israel are helpless, defenceless, miserable, and afflicted: O deliver them no longer into the power of their brutal adversaries.