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Jeremiah 28:9
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As for the prophet who prophesies peace—only when the word of the prophet comes true will the prophet be recognized as one the Lord has truly sent.”
The prophet who prophesies of shalom, when the word of the prophet shall happen, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD has truly sent him.
The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the Lord hath truly sent him.
As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the Lord has truly sent the prophet."
"As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, then that prophet will be known as one whom the LORD has truly sent."
But if a prophet prophesies that we will have peace and that message comes true, he can be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord ."
"But as for the prophet who [on the contrary] prophesies of peace, when that prophet's word comes to pass, [only] then will it be known that the LORD has truly sent him."
The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall happen, then shall the prophet be known, that Yahweh has truly sent him.
And the Prophet which prophecieth of peace, when the word of the Prophet shall come to passe, then shall the Prophet be knowen that the Lorde hath truely sent him.
The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, then that prophet will be known as one whom Yahweh has truly sent."
As for the prophet who prophesies peace, only if the word of the prophet comes true will the prophet be recognized as one the LORD has truly sent."
Now you are saying we will have peace. We will just have to wait and see if that is really what the Lord has said.
The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, shall be known as the prophet whom Jehovah hath really sent.
So the prophet who says that we will have peace must be tested. People can know that he really was sent by the Lord only if his message comes true."
If a prophet prophesies of peace, then when the word of that prophet shall come to pass, he shall be known as the one whom the LORD has truly sent.
But a prophet who predicts peace can only be recognized as a prophet whom the Lord has truly sent when that prophet's predictions come true."
The prophet who prophesies peace, at the coming of the word of the prophet, will become known as the prophet that Yahweh has truly sent."
As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, the prophet shall be known as one whom Jehovah has truly sent him.
ether of peace, vpon many nacions & greate kingdomes, were proued by this (yf God had sende them in very dede) when the thinge came to passe, which that prophet tolde before.
The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that Jehovah hath truly sent him.
The prophet whose words are of peace, when his words come true, will be seen to be a prophet whom the Lord has sent.
The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.'
The prophet which prophecieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to passe, then shall the prophet be knowen, that the Lord hath truely sent him.
Either of peace vpon many nations and great kyngdomes, were proued by this (yf God hath sent them in very deede) when the thyng came to passe which the prophete tolde before.
We tried to heal Babylon, but she was not healed: let us forsake her, and depart every one to his own country: for her judgment has reached to the heaven, it has mounted up to the stars.
The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.
The profete that profesiede pees, whanne his word cometh, shal be knowun the profete whom the Lord sente in treuthe.
The prophet that prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that Yahweh has truly sent him.
The prophet who prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, [then] shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.
So if a prophet prophesied peace and prosperity, it was only known that the Lord truly sent him when what he prophesied came true."
As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, the prophet will be known as one whom the LORD has truly sent."
So a prophet who predicts peace must show he is right. Only when his predictions come true can we know that he is really from the Lord ."
As for the man who told that peace would come, when his word comes to pass, then that man will be known as the one that the Lord has sent."
As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes true, then it will be known that the Lord has truly sent the prophet."
the prophet who prophesied of peace when the word of the prophet was fulfilled, then was known the prophet, whom Yahweh had sent in truth.
The prophet that prophesied peace: when his word shall come to pass, the prophet shall be known, whom the hath sent in truth.
As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the LORD has truly sent the prophet."
The prophet who doth prophesy of peace -- by the coming in of the word of the prophet, known is the prophet that Jehovah hath truly sent him.'
"The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, then that prophet will be known as one whom the LORD has truly sent."
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
which: Jeremiah 4:10, Jeremiah 6:14, Jeremiah 8:11, Jeremiah 14:13, Ezekiel 13:10, Ezekiel 13:16
then: Deuteronomy 18:22, Ezekiel 13:10-16
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 13:2 - General 1 Kings 22:28 - If thou return Isaiah 44:25 - frustrateth Ezekiel 33:33 - when Zechariah 2:9 - and ye Malachi 2:4 - ye
When ‘Esav was forty years old, he took as wives Y'hudit the daughter of Be'eri the Hitti and Basmat the daughter of Elon the Hitti.
Then suddenly Adonai was standing there next to him; and he said, "I am Adonai , the God of Avraham your [grand]father and the God of Yitz'chak. The land on which you are lying I will give to you and to your descendants.
Then he became afraid and said, "This place is fearsome! This has to be the house of God! This is the gate of heaven!"
The sons of Re‘u'el were Nachat, Zerach, Shammah and Mizah. These were the sons of Basmat ‘Esav's wife.
The sons of Oholivamah ‘Esav's wife were the chieftains of Ye‘ush, Ya‘lam and Korach. These were the chieftains descended from Oholivamah the daughter of ‘Anah, ‘Esav's wife.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
The prophet which prophesieth of peace,.... Of prosperity, of good things, as Hananiah did, and which are always acceptable to men; and such a prophet is agreeable to them:
when the word of the Lord shall come to pass; when the prophecy of good things, which he delivers in the name of the Lord, shall be filled:
[then] shall the prophet be known that the Lord hath truly sent him; and not till then; it is the event that must make it manifest: in the other case it may be in a good measure known before it comes to pass, and, whether it comes to pass or not, that a prophet is a true prophet; because his prophecies are agreeable to the word and the declared will of God; contain evils threatened on account of sin, and in order to bring men to repentance, which must needs be right; and besides, they have no interest of their own to serve, but run contrary to the stream of the people, and are exposed to their rage and censure: whereas, a man that prophesies of peace, he is more to be suspected of flattering the people, and of prophesying out of his own heart; and nothing but the event can show him a true prophet; which if he delivers with a proviso, that the people do not do that which is evil in the sight of God, to provoke him to deny them the promised good, is always certainly fulfilled; and if it is not, then he appears manifestly a false prophet.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Jeremiahâs own wishes concurred with Hananiahâs prediction, but asserts that that prediction was at variance with the language of the older prophets.
Jeremiah 28:9
Then shall the prophet ... - Or, âshall be known as the prophet whom the Lord hath truly sent.â
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Jeremiah 28:9. When the word of the prophet shall come to pass — Here is the criterion. He is a true prophet who specifies things that he says shall happen, and also fixes the time of the event; and the things do happen, and in that time.
You say that Nebuchadnezzar shall not overthrow this city; and that in two years from this time, not only the sacred vessels already taken away shall be restored, but also that Jeconiah and all the Jewish captives shall be restored, and the Babylonish yoke broken, see Jeremiah 28:2-4. Now I say that Nebuchadnezzar will come this year, and destroy this city, and lead away the rest of the people into captivity, and the rest of the sacred vessels; and that there will be no restoration of any kind till seventy years from this time.