Lectionary Calendar
Monday, July 8th, 2024
the Week of Proper 9 / Ordinary 14
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2 Chronicles 25:8
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for if thou gessist that batels stonden in the myyt of oost, the Lord schal make thee to be ouercomun of enemyes, for it is of God for to helpe, and to turne in to fliyt.
2 Chronicles 25:16
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Whanne the profete spak these thingis, Amasie answeride to hym, Whether thou art a counselour of the king? ceesse thou, lest perauenture Y sle thee. Therfor the profete yede awei, and seide, Y woot, that the Lord thouyte to sle thee; for thou didist this yuel, and ferthermore thou assentidist not to my counsel.
2 Chronicles 25:20
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Amasie nolde here, for it was the wille of the Lord, that he schulde be bitakun in to the hondis of enemyes, for the goddis of Edom.
2 Chronicles 26:1
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Forsothe al the puple of Juda made kyng, Ozie, his sone, `of sixtene yeer, for his fader Amasie.
2 Chronicles 26:8
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Amonytis paieden yiftis to Ozie, and his name was pupplischid `til to the entryng of Egipt for ofte victories.
2 Chronicles 26:10
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Also he bildide touris in the wildirnesse, and he diggide ful many cisternes; for he hadde many beestis as wel in the feeldi places as in the wastnesse of deseert. Also he hadde vyneris and tiliers of vynes in the hilles, and in Carmele; for he was a man youun to erthetilthe.
2 Chronicles 26:13
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And vndur hem was al the oost, thre hundrid thousynde and seuen thousynde and fyue hundrid, that weren able to batel, and fouyten for the king ayens aduersaries.
2 Chronicles 26:15
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And he made in Jerusalem engynes of dyuerse kynde, which he settide in touris, and in the corneris of wallis, that tho schulden caste arowis and grete stoonys; and his name yede out fer, for the Lord helpide hym, and hadde maad him strong.
2 Chronicles 26:18
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whiche ayenstoden the kyng, and seiden, Ozie, it is not of thin office, that thou brenne encense to the Lord, but of the preestis of the Lord, that is, of the sones of Aaron, that ben halewid to siche seruyce; go thou out of the seyntuarye; dispise thou not; for this thing schal not be arettid of the Lord God to thee in to glorie.
2 Chronicles 26:19
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And Ozie was wrooth, and he helde in the hond the censere for to offre encence, and manaasside the preestis; and anoon lepre was sprungun forth in his forheed, bifor the preestis in the hows of the Lord on the auter of encense.
2 Chronicles 26:20
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And whanne Azarie, the bischop, hadde biholde hym, and alle othere preestis `hadden biholde him, thei sien lepre in his forheed, and hiyngli thei puttiden hym out; but also he was aferd, and hastide to go out; for he feelide anoon the veniaunce of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 26:21
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Therfor kyng Ozie was leprouse `til to the dai of his deeth, and dwellide in an hows bi it silf, and he was ful of lepre; `for which he was cast out of the hows of the Lord. Forsothe Joathan, his sone, gouernyde the hows of the kyng, and demyde the puple of the lond.
2 Chronicles 26:23
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And Ozie slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden not hym in the feeld of the kyngis sepulcris, for he was leprouse; and Joathan, his sone, regnyde for hym.
2 Chronicles 27:6
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And Joathan was maad strong, for he hadde dressid hise weies bifor `his Lord God.
2 Chronicles 27:9
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And Joathan slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in the citee of Dauid; and Achaz, his sone, regnede for him.
2 Chronicles 28:6
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And Facee, the sone of Romelie, killide of Juda sixe scoore thousynde in o dai, alle the men werriours; for thei hadden forsake the Lord God of her fadris.
2 Chronicles 28:10
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Ferthermore ye wolen make suget to you the sones of Juda and of Jerusalem in to seruauntis and handmaidis; which thing is not nedeful to be doon; for ye han synned on this thing to `youre Lord God.
2 Chronicles 28:11
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But here ye my councel, and lede ayen the prisounneris, whyche ye han brouyt of youre britheren; for greet veniaunce of the Lord neiyith to you.
2 Chronicles 28:13
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and seiden to hem, Ye schulen not brynge in hidur the prisoneris, lest we doen synne ayens the Lord; whi wolen ye `ley to on youre synnes, and heepe elde trespassis? For it is greet synne; the ire of the strong veniaunce of the Lord neiyeth on Israel.
2 Chronicles 28:15
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And the men stoden, whiche we remembriden bifore, and thei token the prisounneris, and clothiden of the spuylis alle that weren nakid; and whanne thei hadden clothid hem, and hadden schod, and hadden refreschid with mete and drynke, and hadden anoyntid for trauel, and hadden youe cure, `ether medecyn, to hem; `thei puttiden hem on horsis, whiche euere `myyten not go, and weren feble `of bodi, and brouyten to Jerico, a citee of palmes, to `the britheren of hem; and thei turneden ayen in to Samarie.
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