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Monday, July 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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2 Chronicles 1:17
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`a foure `horsid carte for sixe hundrid platis of siluer, and an hors for an hundrid and fifti. In lijk maner biyng was maad of alle the rewmes of citees, and of the kingis of Sirie.
2 Chronicles 2:5
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For the hows which Y coueyte to bilde is greet; for `oure Lord God is greet ouer alle goddis.
2 Chronicles 2:6
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Who therfor may haue myyt to bilde a worthi hows to hym? For if heuene and the heuenes of heuenes moun not take hym, hou greet am Y, that Y may bilde `an hows to hym, but to this thing oonli, that encense be brent bifor hym?
2 Chronicles 2:8
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But also sende thou to me cedre trees, and pyne trees, and thyne trees of the Liban; for Y woot, that thi seruauntis kunnen kitte trees of the Liban; and my seruauntis schulen be with thi seruauntis,
2 Chronicles 2:9
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that ful many trees be maad redi to me; for the hows which Y coueyte to bilde is ful greet and noble.
2 Chronicles 2:11
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Forsothe Iram, king of Tire, seide bi lettris whiche he sente to Salomon, For the Lord louyde his puple, therfor he made thee to regne on it.
2 Chronicles 4:22
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also he made pannes for colis to brenne encense, and censeris, and viols, and morters, of pureste gold. And he grauyde doris of the ynnere temple, that is, in the hooli of hooli thingis, and the goldun doris of the temple with out forth; and so al the werk was fillid that Salomon made in the hows of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 5:6
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Sotheli kyng Salomon, and alle the cumpenyes of Israel, and alle that weren gaderid to gidere, offriden bifor the arke wetheris and oxis with outen ony noumbre; for the multitude of slayn sacrifices was `so greet.
2 Chronicles 5:9
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Sotheli the heedis, by which the arke was borun, weren opyn bifor Goddis answeryng place, for tho heedis weren a litil lengere; but if a man hadde be a litil with out forth, he myyt not se tho barris. Therfor the arke was there til in to present dai;
2 Chronicles 5:11
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Forsothe the prestis yeden out of the seyntuarie, for alle preestis, that myyten be foundun there, weren halewid, and the whiles, and the ordre of seruyces among hem was not departid yit in that tyme;
2 Chronicles 5:13
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Therfor whanne alle sungen togidur both with trumpis, and vois, and cymbalis, and orguns, and of dyuerse kynde of musikis, and reisiden the vois an hiy, the sown was herd fer, so that whanne thei hadden bigunne to preyse the Lord, and to seie, Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is in to the world, `ether, with outen ende; the hows of God was fillid with a cloude,
2 Chronicles 5:14
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and the preestis miyten not stonde and serue for the derknesse; for the glorie of the Lord hadde fillid the hows of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 6:3
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And Salomon turnede his face, and blesside al the multitude of Israel; for al the cumpeny stood ententif; and he seide,
2 Chronicles 6:4
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Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, for he fillide in werk that thing, that he spak to Dauid, my fadir, and seide,
2 Chronicles 6:8
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the Lord seide to hym, For this was thi wille, `that thou woldist bilde an hows to my name, sotheli thou didist wel,
2 Chronicles 6:10
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Therfor the Lord hath fillid his word, which he spak; and Y roos for Dauid, my fader, and Y sat on the trone of Israel, as the Lord spak, and Y bildide an hous to the name of the Lord God of Israel;
2 Chronicles 6:13
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For Salomon hadde maad a brasun foundement, and hadde set it in the myddis of the greet hows, and it hadde fyue cubitis of lengthe, and fyue of breede, and thre cubitis of heiythe, and he stood theron; and fro that tyme he knelide ayens al the multitude of Israel, and reiside the hondis in to heuene,
2 Chronicles 6:24
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If thi puple Israel is ouercomen of enemyes, for thei schulen do synne ayens thee, and if thei conuertid doen penaunce, and bisechen thi name, and preien in this place,
2 Chronicles 6:26
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If whanne heuene is closid, reyn come not doun for the synne of thi puple, and thei bisechen thee in this place, and knowlechen to thi name, and ben turned fro her synnes, whanne thou hast turmentid hem,
2 Chronicles 6:30
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thou schalt here fro heuene, that is, fro thin hiye dwellyng place, and do thou mercy, and yelde thou to ech man aftir hise weies, whiche thou knowist, that he hath in his herte; for thou aloone knowist the hertis of the sones of men;
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