Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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1 Peter 4:8
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bifore alle thingis haue ye charite ech to other in you silf algatis lastynge; for charite couerith the multitude of synnes.
1 Peter 4:14
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If ye ben dispisid for the name of Crist, ye schulen be blessid; for that that is of the onour, and of the glorie, and of the vertu of God, and the spirit that is his, schal reste on you.
1 Peter 4:17
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For tyme is, that doom bigynne at Goddis hous; and if it bigynne first at vs, what ende schal be of hem, that bileuen not to the gospel?
1 Peter 5:2
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that ben among you, fede ye the flok of God, that is among you, and puruey ye, not as constreyned, but wilfulli, bi God; not for loue of foule wynnyng,
1 Peter 5:5
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Also, ye yonge men, be ye suget to eldre men, and alle schewe ye togidere mekenesse; for the Lord withstondith proude men, but he yyueth grace to meke men.
1 Peter 5:7
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and caste ye al youre bisynesse in to hym, for to hym is cure of you.
1 Peter 5:8
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Be ye sobre, and wake ye, for youre aduersarie, the deuel, as a rorynge lioun goith aboute, sechinge whom he schal deuoure.
2 Peter 1:3
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Hou alle thingis of his godlich vertu, that ben to lijf and pitee, ben youun to vs, bi the knowyng of hym, that clepide vs for his owne glorie and vertu.
2 Peter 1:8
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For if these ben with you, and ouercomen, thei schulen not make you voide, nethir with out fruyt, in the knowyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
2 Peter 1:11
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for ye doynge these thingis schulen not do synne ony tyme. For thus the entryng in to euerlastynge kyngdom of oure Lord and sauyour Jhesu Crist, schal be mynystrid to you plenteuousli.
2 Peter 1:12
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For which thing Y schal bigynne to moneste you euere more of these thingis; and Y wole that ye be kunnynge, and confermyd in this present treuthe.
2 Peter 1:16
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For we not suynge vnwise talis, han maad knowun to you the vertu and the biforknowyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist; but we weren maad biholderis of his greetnesse.
2 Peter 1:17
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For he took of God the fadir onour and glorie, bi siche maner vois slidun doun to hym fro the greet glorie, This is my loued sone, in whom Y haue plesid to me; here ye hym.
2 Peter 1:21
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for prophesie was not brouyt ony tyme bi mannus wille, but the hooli men of God inspirid with the Hooli Goost spaken.
2 Peter 2:4
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For if God sparide not aungels synnynge, but bitook hem to be turmentid, and to be drawun doun with boondis of helle in to helle, to be kept in to dom;
2 Peter 2:8
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for in siyt and hering he was iust, and dwellide amongst hem that fro dai in to dai turmentiden with wickid werkis a iust soule.
2 Peter 2:9
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For the Lord kan delyuere piteuouse men fro temptacioun, and kepe wickid men `in to the dai of dom to be turmentid;
2 Peter 2:19
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Whiche lyuen in errour, and biheten fredom to hem, whanne thei ben seruauntis of corrupcioun. For of whom ony man is ouercomun, of hym also he is seruaunt.
2 Peter 2:20
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For if men forsaken the vnclennessis of the world, bi the knowyng of oure Lord and sauyour Jhesu Crist, and eftsone ben wlappid in these, and ben ouercomun, the lattere thingis ben maad to hem worse than the formere.
2 Peter 2:21
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For it was betere to hem to not knowe the weie of riytwisnesse, than to turne ayen aftir the knowyng, fro that hooli maundement that was bitakun to hem.
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