Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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John 8:44
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Ye are of your father the deuill, and the lustes of your father ye will doe: hee hath bene a murtherer from the beginning, and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When hee speaketh a lie, then speaketh hee of his owne: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
John 9:21
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But by what meanes hee nowe seeth, we know not: or who hath opened his eyes, can we not tell: he is olde ynough: aske him: hee shall answere for himselfe.
John 9:22
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These wordes spake his parents, because they feared the Iewes: for the Iewes had ordeined already, that if any man did confesse that he was Christ, he should be excommunicate out of the Synagogue.
John 10:4
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And when hee hath sent foorth his owne sheepe, he goeth before them, and the sheepe follow him: for they know his voyce.
John 10:5
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And they will not follow a stranger, but they flee from him: for they know not the voyce of strangers.
John 10:10
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The theefe commeth not, but for to steale, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might haue life, and haue it in abundance.
John 10:11
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I am that good shepheard: that good shepheard giueth his life for his sheepe.
John 10:13
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So the hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheepe.
John 10:15
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As the Father knoweth me, so know I the Father: and I lay downe my life for my sheepe.
John 10:19
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Then there was a dissension againe among the Iewes for these sayings,
John 10:26
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But ye beleeue not: for ye are not of my sheepe, as I sayd vnto you.
John 10:32
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Iesus answered them, Many good workes haue I shewed you from my Father: for which of these workes doe ye stone me?
John 10:33
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The Iewes answered him, saying, For the good worke we stone thee not, but for blasphemie, and that thou being a man, makest thy selfe God.
John 11:4
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When Iesus heard it, he saide, This sickenes is not vnto death, but for the glorie of God, that the Sonne of God might be glorified thereby.
John 11:15
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And I am glad for your sakes, that I was not there, that ye may beleeue: but let vs go vnto him.
John 11:19
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And many of ye Iewes were come to Martha and Marie to comfort them for their brother.
John 11:28
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And when she had so saide, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.
John 11:30
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For Iesus was not yet come into the towne, but was in the place where Martha met him.
John 11:39
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Iesus saide, Take ye away the stone. Martha the sister of him that was dead, said vnto him, Lorde, he stinketh alreadie: for he hath bene dead foure dayes.
John 11:47
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Then gathered the hie Priests, & the Pharises a councill, and said, What shall we doe? For this man doeth many miracles.
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