Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, July 7th, 2024
the Week of Proper 9 / Ordinary 14
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Jeremiah 34:15
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As for you, ye were now turned, & dyd right before me, in yt ye proclamed, euery ma to let his neghboure go fre, & in yt ye made a couenaunt before me, in the temple that beareth my name:
Jeremiah 34:20
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Those men wil I geue in to the power of their enemies, and in to the hondes of them that folowe vpon their lyues. And their deed bodies shall be meate for the foules of the ayre, and beestes of the felde.
Jeremiah 34:21
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As for Sedechias the kinge of Iuda & his prynces, I will delyuer them in to the power of their enemies, and of them that desyre to slaye them, and in to the honde of the kynge of Babilons hooste, which now is departed from you:
Jeremiah 35:6
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But they sayde: we drynke no wyne, For Ionadab the sonne of Rechab oure father commaunded vs, sayenge: Ye and youre sonnes shall neuer drynke wyne, buylde no houses, sowe no sede, plante no vynes,
Jeremiah 35:7
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yee ye shall haue no vynyardes: but for all youre tyme ye shall dwell in tetes, yt ye maye lyue loge in the lode, wherin ye be straugers.
Jeremiah 35:14
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The wordes which Ionadab the sonne off Rechab comaunded his sonnes, yt they shulde drynke no wyne, are fast & surely kepte: for vnto this daye they drynke no wyne: but obeye their fathers comaundement. But as for me, I haue stode vp early, I haue spoke vnto you, & geuen you earnest warnynge: & yet haue ye not bene obediet vnto me.
Jeremiah 35:17
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And therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes ye God of Israel: Beholde, I wil bringe vpo Iuda & vpo euery one yt dwelleth in Ierusale, all the trouble yt I haue deuysed agaynst the. For I haue spoke vnto the, but they wolde not folowe: I haue called vnto them, neuertheles they wolde geue me no answere.
Jeremiah 35:18
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Ieremy also spake vnto the housholde off the Rechabites: Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: For so moch as ye haue obeyed ye comaundemet of Ionadab yor father, & kepte all his preceptes, & done acordinge vnto all yt he hath bydden you:
Jeremiah 36:2
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Take a boke, & write therin all ye wordes, yt I haue spoke to the, to Israel, to Iuda & to all the people, fro the tyme yt I begane for to speake vnto the (in ye reigne of Iosias) vnto this daye.
Jeremiah 36:3
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That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage, which I haue deuysed for the, they maye peradueture turne, eueryman fro his wicked waye, that I maye forgeue their offences and synnes.
Jeremiah 36:7
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Peraduenture they will praye mekely before the face of the LORDE, and turne, euery one from his wicked waye. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the LORDE hath taken agaynst this people.
Jeremiah 36:12
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he wete downe to the kinges palace in to ye scrybes chabre for there all ye prynces were set: Elisama the scrybe, Dalias the sonne of Semei, Elnatha the sonne off Achbor, Gamaria the sonne of Saphan, Sedechias the sonne of Hananias, with all the princes.
Jeremiah 36:22
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Now the kynge sat in the wynter house, for it was in the ix. Moneth, and there was a good fyre before him.
Jeremiah 37:3
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Neuertheles Sedechias the kynge sent Iuchal the sonne of Selamia and Sophonias the sonne of Maasia the prest to the prophet Ieremy, sayenge: O praye thou vnto the LORDE oure God for vs.
Jeremiah 37:7
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Thus saieth ye LORDE God of Israel, This answere shal ye geue to the kynge of Iuda, that sent you vnto me for councell: Beholde, Pharaos hooste which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egipte in to his owne londe:
Jeremiah 37:9
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For thus saieth the LORDE: disceaue not yor owne myndes, thinkynge on this maner: Tush, the Caldees go now their waye from vs: No, they shall not go their waye.
Jeremiah 37:10
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For though ye had slayne the whole hooste off the Caldees. that besege you, and euery one of the slayne laye in his tent, yet shulde they stonde vp, and set fyre vpon this cite.
Jeremiah 37:11
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Now whe the hooste of the Caldees was broke vp from Ierusale for feare of the Egipcians armye,
Jeremiah 37:15
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Wherfore the princes were angrie with Ieremy, causinge him to be beaten, & to be layed in preson in the house of Ionathas the scrybe. For he was the ruler of the preson.
Jeremiah 37:17
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Then Sedechias the kynge sent for him, & called him, & axed him quietly in his owne house, sayenge: thinkest thou this busynes (that now is in honde) cometh of the LORDE? Ieremy answerde: yee yt it doth: & thou (sayde he) shalt be delyuered in to the kynge of Babilons power.
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