Lectionary Calendar
Thursday, July 4th, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Zechariah 10:3
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On scheepherdis my strong veniaunce is wrooth, and on buckis of geet Y schal visite; for the Lord of oostis hath visitide his floc, the hous of Juda, and hath put hem as an hors of hys glorie in batel.
Zechariah 10:5
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And thei schulen be as stronge men, defoulynge clei of weies in batel, and thei schulen fiyte, for the Lord is with hem; and stieris of horsis schulen be confoundid.
Zechariah 10:6
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And Y schal coumforte the hous of Juda, and Y schal saue the hous of Joseph; and Y schal conuerte hem, for Y schal haue merci on hem; and thei schulen be as thei weren, whanne Y hadde not cast awei hem; for Y schal be the Lord God of hem, and Y schal graciousli here hem.
Zechariah 10:8
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Y schal hisse, `ether softli speke, to hem, and Y schal gadere hem, for Y ayen bouyte hem, and Y schal multiplie hem, as thei weren multiplied bifore.
Zechariah 11:2
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Yelle, thou fir tre, for the cedre felle doun, for grete men ben distried; yelle, ye okis of Basan, for the stronge welde wode is kit doun.
Zechariah 11:3
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Vois of yellyng of schepherdis, for the greet worschip of hem is distried; vois of roryng of liouns, for the pride of Jordan is wastid.
Zechariah 11:7
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and Y schal fede the beeste of sleyng. For this thing, ye pore men of the floc, here. And Y took to me twei yerdis; oon Y clepide Fairnesse, and the tother Y clepide Litil Corde; and Y fedde the floc.
Zechariah 11:8
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And Y kittide doun thre scheepherdis in o monethe, and my soule is drawun togidere in hem; for also the soule of hem variede in me.
Zechariah 11:11
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And it `is led forth voide in that dai; and the pore of floc that kepen to me, knewen thus, for it is the word of the Lord.
Zechariah 11:16
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for lo! Y schal reise a scheepherde in erthe, which schal not visite forsakun thingis, schal not seke scatered thingis, and schal not heele `the brokun togidere, and schal not nurische forth that that stondith. And he schal ete fleischis of the fat, and schal vnbynde the clees of hem.
Zechariah 12:9
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And it schal be, in that dai Y schal seke for to al to-breke alle folkis that comen ayens Jerusalem.
Zechariah 12:10
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And Y schal helde out on the hous of Dauid, and on dwelleris of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of preieris; and thei schulen biholde to me, whom thei `fitchiden togidere. And thei schulen biweile hym with weilyng, as on `the oon bigetun; and thei schulen sorewe on hym, as it is wont `for to be sorewid in the deth of the firste bigetun.
Zechariah 13:3
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And it schal be, whanne ony man schal profesie ouer, his fadir and modir that gendriden hym, schulen seie to hym, Thou schalt not lyue, for thou hast spoke leesyng in the name of the Lord; and his fadir and his modir, gendreris of hym, schulen `togidere fitche hym, whanne he hath profesied.
Zechariah 13:5
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but `thei schulen seie, Y am not a profete; Y am a man `erthe tiliere, for Adam is myn ensaumple fro my yongthe.
Zechariah 14:5
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And ye schulen fle to the valei of myn hillis, for the valei of hillis schal be ioyned togidere til to the nexte. And ye schulen fle, as ye fledden fro the face of erthe mouyng in the daies of Osie, kyng of Juda; and my Lord God schal come, and alle seyntis with hym.
Zechariah 14:18
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`That and if the meynee of Egipt schal not stie vp, and schal not come, nether on hem schal be reyn; but fallyng schal be, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, whiche stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.
Zechariah 14:19
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This schal be the synne of Egipt, and this the synne of alle folkis, that stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.
Malachi 1:9
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And now biseche ye the cheer of the Lord, that he haue merci on you; for of youre hond this thing is doon, if in ony maner he resseiue youre faces, seith the Lord of oostis.
Malachi 1:11
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For fro rysyng of the sunne til to goyng doun, my name is greet in hethene men; and in ech place a cleene offring is sacrifisid, and offrid to my name; for my name is greet in hethene men, seith the Lord of oostis.
Malachi 1:14
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Cursid is the gileful, that hath in his floc a male beeste, and `he makynge a vow offrith a feble to the Lord; for Y am a greet kyng, seith the Lord of oostis, and my name is dredeful `in folkis.
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