Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 6th, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Jeremiah 3:14
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O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, saieth the LORDE, and I wilbe maried with you. For I will take one out of the citie and two out of one generacion from amoge you, and bringe you out of Sion:
Jeremiah 3:16
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Morouer, when ye be increased and multiplied in the londe, then (saieth the LORDE) there shall nomore boost be made of the arke of the LORDES Testament: No man shall thinke vpon it, nether shall eny man make mencion of it: for from thence forth it shall nether be visited, ner honoured with giftes.
Jeremiah 3:17
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Then shall Ierusalem be called the LORDES seate, and all Heithen shalbe gathered vnto it, for the name of the LORDE sake, which shalbe set vp at Ierusalem. And from that tyme forth, they shall folowe nomore the ymaginacion of their owne frauwerde herte.
Jeremiah 3:19
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I haue shewed also, how I toke the vp beinge but a childe, and gaue the a pleasaunt londe for thine heretage, yee and a goodly hooste of the Heithen: and how I commaunded the, that thou shuldest call me father only, and not to shrencke fro me.
Jeremiah 3:21
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And therfore the voyce of the children of Israel was herde on euery side, wepinge and waylinge: for they haue defyled their waye, and forgotten God their LORDE.
Jeremiah 3:22
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O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, (saynge: lo, we are thine, for thou art the LORDE oure God:) And so shal I heale youre bacturnynges.
Jeremiah 3:25
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So do we also slepe in oure confucion, and shame couereth vs: for we and oure fathers from oure youth vp vnto this daye haue synned agaynst the LORDE oure God. and hahaue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God.
Jeremiah 4:3
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For thus saieth the LORDE, to all Iuda and Ierusalem: plowe youre londe, and sowe not amonge the thornes.
Jeremiah 4:6
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Set vp the token in Sion, spede you, and make no tarienge: for I will bringe a greate plage, and a greate destruction from the north.
Jeremiah 4:7
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For the spoyler of the Gentiles is broken vp from his place, as a lyon out of his dene, that he maye make the londe waist, and destroye the cities, so, that no man maye dwell therin.
Jeremiah 4:8
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Wherfore gyrde youre selues aboute wt sack cloth, mourne, and wepe, for the fearfull wrath of the LORDE shal not be withdrawen from you.
Jeremiah 4:13
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For lo, he commeth downe like as a cloude, and his charettes are like a stormy wynde: his horsmen are swifter then the Aegle. Wo vnto vs, for we are destroyed.
Jeremiah 4:15
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For a voyce from Dan and from ye hill of Ephraim speaketh out, and telleth of a destruction.
Jeremiah 4:17
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they shall geue them warnynge in euery place, like as the watch men in the felde. For they haue prouoked me to wrath, saieth the LORDE.
Jeremiah 4:19
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Ah my bely, ah my bely, (shalt thou crie) how is my hert so sore? my hert paunteth within me, I can not be still, for I haue herde the crienge of the trompettes, and peales of warre.
Jeremiah 4:27
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For thus hath the LORDE sayde: The whole londe shalbe desolate, yet will I not then haue done.
Jeremiah 4:28
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And therfore let the earth mourne, and let the heauen be sory aboue: for the thinge that I haue purposed and taken vpon me to do, shal not repente me, and I will not go from it.
Jeremiah 4:29
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The whole londe shal fle, for the noyse of the horsmen and bowmen: they shall runne in to dennes in to woddes, and clymme vp the stony rockes. All the cities shalbe voyde, and no man dwellinge therin.
Jeremiah 4:30
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What wilt thou now do, thou beinge destroyed? For though thou clothest thy self with scarlet, & deckest ye with gold: though thou payntest thy face wt colours, yet shalt thou trymme thy self in vayne. For those that hither to haue bene thy greate fauourers, shal abhorre the, and go aboute to slaye ye.
Jeremiah 4:31
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For (me thinke) I heare a noyse, like as it were of a woman trauelinge, or one laboringe of hir first childe: Euen the voyce of the doughter Sion, that casteth out hir armes, and swowneth, sayenge: Ah wo is me, how sore vexed and faynte is my herte, for them that are slayne?
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