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Saturday, July 6th, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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2 Kings 8:19
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Neuertheles the LORDE wolde not destroye Iuda for his seruaunt Dauids sake, as he promysed him, to geue him euer a lanterne amoge his childre.
2 Kings 8:28
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for he was sonne in lawe in the house of Achab. And he wente with Ioram the sonne of Achab into the battayll agaynst Hasael ye kinge of Syria vnto Ramoth in Gilead, but ye Syrians smote Ioram.
2 Kings 8:29
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Then Ioram the kinge turned backe, to be healed at Iesreel of ye woundes, wherwith the Syrians had wounded him at Ramoth, wha he foughte with Hasael kinge of Syria. And Ochosyas ye sonne of Iora kinge of Iuda, came downe to viset Ioram the sonne of Achab at Iesreel, for he laye sicke.
2 Kings 9:14
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So Iehu the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimsi, made a confederacion agaynst Ioram. As for Iora he laye before Ramoth in Gilead with all Israel agaynst Hasael the kynge of Syria.
2 Kings 9:16
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And he rode, and departed vnto Iesrael: for Ioram laye there, and Ochosias the kinge of Iuda was come downe to vyset Ioram.
2 Kings 9:20
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And the watchman tolde it, and sayde: He is come to them: and commeth not agayne, and the goynge is as it were the goynge of Iehu the sonne of Nimsi: for he dryueth on as he were mad.
2 Kings 9:25
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And Iehu sayde vnto Bidekar the knyghte: Take and cast him in the pece of londe of Naboth the Iesraelite: for I remembre sence thou rodest with me in a charet after Achab his father, that the LORDE wolde laye this heuy burthen vpon him.
2 Kings 9:34
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And whan he came in, and had eaten and dronken, he sayde: Loke vpon yonder cursed woman, & burye her, for she is a kynges doughter.
2 Kings 10:3
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loke which is the best and most righteous amonge youre lordes sonnes, & set him vpon his fathers seate, and fighte for youre lordes house.
2 Kings 10:16
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and saide: Come with me, and se my zele for the LORDE. And they caryed him with him vpon his charet.
2 Kings 10:19
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Call vnto me now therfore all Baals prophetes, all his seruautes and all his prestes, that there be none wantynge, for I haue a greate sacrifyce to do vnto Baal. Who so euer is myssed, shal not lyue. But Iehu dyd it craftely, that he mighte destroye all the mynisters of Baal.
2 Kings 10:22
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Then sayde he vnto him that had the rule of the vestrye. Brynge forth rayment for all Baals mynisters. And he broughte forth the rayment.
2 Kings 10:24
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And whan they came in to offer sacrifyces and burntofferynges, Iehu appoynted him foure score men without, & sayde: Yf eny of these men escape whom I delyuer vnder youre handes, then shal the same mans soule be for his soule.
2 Kings 10:31
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Neuerthelesse Iehu was not diligent to walke in the lawe of the LORDE God of Israel with all his hert: for he lefte not of fro the synnes of Ieroboam which made Israel to synne.
2 Kings 10:32
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At the same time beganne the LORDE to be greued at Israel. For Hasael smote them in all the borders of Israel
2 Kings 11:15
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Neuertheles Ioiada ye prest commaunded ye rulers ouer hundreds, which were appointed ouer the hoost, and saide vnto them: Brynge her without the wall, and whosoeuer foloweth hir, let him dye of the swerde (for the prest had sayde, that she shulde not dye in the house of the LORDE.)
2 Kings 11:20
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And all the people of the lode were glad, and the cite was at rest. As for Athalia, they slewe her with the swerde in ye kynges house.
2 Kings 12:3
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But they put not downe ye hye places: for the people offred & brent incense yet vpon the hye places.
2 Kings 12:4
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And Ioas sayde vnto the prestes: All the money that is sanctified to be bestowed vpo ye house of the LORDE, namely the money yt euery man geueth vnto the treasury, and ye money that euery man geueth for his soule, and all the money that euery man geueth of a fre hert, to be bestowed on the house of the LORDE,
2 Kings 12:15
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The men also that the money was delyuered vnto, for to geue the workmen, neded not to make eny acomptes, but did their busynes vpon credence.
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