the Fourth Week after Epiphany
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The UPDV Bible is copyrighted and is not to be modified without express written permission from the publisher, unless allowed under the restrictions below. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis by writing to Greg Abrams. If an exception is approved, the approval will be made in writing from Greg Abrams.
However, anyone is free to copy, print, publish or otherwise use any amount of this Bible without permission or payment subject to the restrictions below.
The following restrictions apply:
Only the following modifications to the text of this Bible are allowed: Plus signs (+) may be omitted. Footnotes may be omitted. Brackets [ ] and/or the text within brackets may be omitted. Text may be omitted in context by normal conventions such as use of three dots (...). The titles of books, as well as the numbers of the chapters and verses, may be omitted. The location of paragraph breaks and indents may be omitted.
A special exception is allowed for modifying song lyrics used with music: text may be omitted, modified, or rearranged as long as the meaning is substantially similar. This exception which allows modification for song lyrics used with music is limited to no more than 500 verses in whole or in part.
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In at least one conspicuous location, a work which uses text from this Bible is to contain the following blanket statement in a readable format indicating the use of this Bible:
Scripture quoted or adapted from:
UPDV Updated Bible Version (Version 2.17)
Copyright © 2003-2018 by Greg Abrams
If used in presentations, religious services, or other incidental uses of no more than 250 verses, (UPDV) or (updv) near the verse(s) quoted may be used instead of the blanket statement.
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UPDV is a trademark of Greg Abrams.