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Bible Encyclopedias
Rontgen Rays
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
W. K. Röntgen discovered in 1895 (Wied. Ann. 64, p. 1) that when the electric discharge passes through a tube exhausted so that the glass of the tube is brightly phosphorescent, phosphorescent substances such as potassium platinocyanide became luminous when brought near to the tube. He found that if a thick piece of metal, a coin for example, were placed between the tube and a plate covered with the phosphorescent substance a sharp shadow of the metal was cast upon the plate; pieces of wood or thin plates of aluminium cast, however, only partial shadows, thus showing that the agent which produced the phosphorescence could traverse with considerable freedom bodies opaque to ordinary light. He found that as a general rule the greater the density of the substance the greater its opacity to this agent. Thus while this effect could pass through the flesh it was stopped by the bones, so that if the hand were held between the discharge tube and a phosphorescent screen the outline of the bones was distinctly visible as a shadow cast upon the screen, or if a purse containing coins were placed between the tube and the screen the purse itself cast but little shadow while the coins cast a very dark one. Röntgen showed that the cause of the phosphorescence, now called Röntgen rays, is propagated in straight lines starting from places where the cathode rays strike against a solid obstacle, and the direction of propagation is not bent when the rays pass from one medium to another, i.e. there is no refraction of the rays. These rays, unlike cathode rays or Canalstrahlen, are not deflected by magnetic force; Röntgen could not detect any deflection with the strongest magnets at his disposal, and later experiments made with stronger magnetic fields have failed to reveal any effect of the magnet on the rays. The rays affect a photographic plate as well as a phosphorescent screen, and shadow photographs can be readily taken. The time of exposure required depends upon the intensity of the rays, and this depends upon the state of the tube, and the electric current going through it, as well as upon the substances traversed by the rays on their journey to the photographic plate. In some cases an exposure of a few seconds is sufficient, in others hours may be required. The rays coming from different discharge tubes have very different powers of penetration. If the pressure in the tube is fairly high, so that the potential difference between its electrodes is small, and the velocity of the cathode rays in consequence small, the Röntgen rays coming from the tube will be very easily absorbed; such rays are called "soft rays." If the exhaustion of the tube is carried further, so that there is a considerable increase in the potential differences between the cathode and the anode in the tube and therefore in the velocity of the cathode rays, the Röntgen rays have much greater penetrating power and ale called "hard rays." With a highly exhausted tube and a powerful induction coil it is possible to get appreciable effects from rays which have passed through sheets of brass or iron several millimetres thick. The penetrating power of the rays thus varies with the pressure in the tube; as this pressure gradually diminishes when the discharge is kept running through the tube, the type of Röntgen ray coming from the tube is continually changing. The lowering of pressure due to the current through the tube finally leads to such a high degree of exhaustion that the discharge has great difficulty in passing, and the emission of the rays becomes very irregular. Heating the walls of the tube causes some gas to come off the sides, and by thus increasing the pressure creates a temporary improvement. A thin-walled platinum tube is sometimes fused on to the discharge tube to remedy this defect; red-hot platinum allows hydrogen to pass through it, so that if the platinum tube is heated, hydrogen from the flame will pass into the discharge tube and increase the pressure. In this way hydrogen may be introduced into the tube when the pressure gets too low. When liquid air is available the pressure in the tube may be kept constant by fusing on to the discharge tube a tube containing charcoal; this dips into a vessel containing liquid air, and the charcoal is saturated with air at the pressure which it is desired to maintain in the tube. Not only do bulbs emit different types of rays at different times, but the same bulb emits at the same time rays of different kinds. The property by which it is most convenient to identify a ray is the absorption it suffers when it passes through a given thickness of aluminium or tin-foil. Experiments made by McClelland and Sir J. J. Thomson on the absorption of the rays produced by sheets of tin-foil showed that the absorption by the first sheets of tin-foil traversed by the rays was much greater than that by the same number of sheets when the rays had already passed through several sheets of the foil. The effect is just what would occur if some of the rays were much more readily absorbed by the tin-foil than others, for the first few layers would stop all the easily absorbable rays while the ones left would be those that were but little absorbed by tin-foil.
The fact that the rays when they pass through a gas ionize it and make it a conductor of electricity furnishes the best means of measuring their intensity, as the measurement of the amount of conductivity they produce in a gas is both more accurate and more convenient than measurements of photographic or phosphorescent effects. Röntgen rays when they pass through matter produce - as Perrin (Comptes rendus, 124, p. 455), Sagnac ( Jour. de Phys., 1899, (3), 8, and J. Townsend ( Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 1899, Jo, p. 217, have shown - secondary Röntgen rays as well as cathodic rays. A very complete investigation of this subject has been made by Barkla and Sadler (Barkla, Phil. Mag., June 1906, pp. 812-828; Barkla and Sadler, Phil. Mag., October 1908, pp. 55 0 -5 8 4; Sadler, Phil. Mag., July 1909, p. 107; Sadler, Phil. Mag., March 1910, p. 337). They have shown that the secondary Röntgen rays are of two kinds: one kind is of the same type as the primary incident ray and may be regarded as scattered primary rays, the other kind depends only on the matter struck by the rays - their quality is independent of that of the incident ray. When the atomic weight of the element exposed to the primary rays was less than that of calcium, Barkla and Sadler could only detect the first type of ray, i.e. the secondary radiation consisted entirely of scattered primary radiation; elements with atomic weights greater than that of calcium gave out, in addition to the scattered primary radiation, Röntgen rays characteristic of the element and independent of the quality of the primary rays. The higher the atomic weight of the metal the more penetrating are the characteristic rays it gives out. This is shown in the table, which gives for the different elements the reciprocal of the distance, measured in centimetres, through which the rays from the element can pass through aluminium before their energy sinks to 1/2.7 of the value it had when entering the aluminium; this quantity is denoted in the table by X.
Element. Chromium Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc . Arsenic . Selenium . Strontium Molybdenum Rhodium Silver. . Tin. . | Atomic weight. . 52 59.0 . 58.7? (61.3) . 63.6 . 65'4 . 75.0 . 79.2 . 87.6 . 96 o . 103.0 107 9 119.0 | A. 367 193'2 159'5 128.9 106.3 60.7 51.0 35'2 12'7 8'44 6'75 4.33 The radiation from chromium cannot pass through more than a few centimetres of air without being absorbed, while that from tin is as penetrating as that given out by a fairly efficient Röntgen tube. Barkla and Sadler found that the radiation characteristic of the metal is not excited unless the primary radiation is more penetrating than the characteristic radiation. Thus the characteristic radiation from silver can excite the characteristic radiation from iron, but the characteristic radiation from iron cannot excite that from silver. We may compare this result with Stokes's rule for phosphorescence, that the phosphorescent light is of longer wave-length than the light which excites it. The discovery that each element gives out a characteristic radiation (or, as still more recent work indicates, a line spectrum of characteristic radiation) is one of the utmost importance. It gives us, for example, the means of getting homogeneous Röntgen radiation of a perfectly definite type: it is also of fundamental importance in connexion with any theory of the Röntgen rays. We have seen that there is no evidence of refraction of the Röntgen rays; it would be interesting to try if this were the case when the rays passing through the refracting substance are those characteristic of the substance. 1 Secondary Cathodic Rays 2 Absorption of Röntgen Rays 3 Polarization of Röntgen Rays 4 Apparatus for producing Röntgen Rays Secondary Cathodic RaysThe incidence of Röntgen rays on matter causes the matter to emit cathodic rays. The velocity of these rays is independent of the intensity of the primary Röntgen rays, but depends upon the "hardness" of the rays; it seems also to be independent of the nature of the matter exposed to the primary rays. The velocity of the cathodic rays increases as the hardness of the primary Röntgen rays increases. Innes (Proc. Roy. Soc. 79, p. 442) measured the velocity of the cathodic radiation excited by the rays from Röntgen tubes, and found velocities varying from 6.2 X 109cm./sec. to 8.3 X Io 9 cm./sec. according to the hardness of the rays given out by the tube. The cathodic rays given out under the action of the homogeneous secondary Röntgen radiation characteristic of the different elements have been studied by Sadler ( Phil. Mag., March 1910) and Beatty ( Phil. Mag., August 1910). The following table giving the properties of the cathode rays excited by the radiation from various elements is taken from Beatty's paper; t 1 is the thickness of air at atmospheric pressure and temperature required to absorb one-half of the energy of the cathode particles, t 2 is the corresponding quantity for hydrogen.