the First Sunday of Lent
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Bible Dictionaries
Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types
Genesis 49:11 (a) By this type the Holy Spirit is informing us of the wonderful and rich blessing which Judah would enjoy from GOD. His vines would produce so abundantly that he could use the wine for every purpose; figuratively he could use it for laundry purposes. This is just a picture of the great abundance which GOD would give to this wonderful man.
Psalm 69:11 (c) These are the prophetic words of our Lord in which He stated that from head to foot He was covered with grief and sorrow because of our sin and iniquity.
Psalm 73:6 (c) This refers to the fact that evil and hostile actions against the things of GOD completely envelop the one who does them, as a robe covers the entire body.
Psalm 102:26 (a) By this type our Lord is describing the eventual destruction of this physical earth, as well as the heavens. He will discard them, He will destroy them, and will not try to mend them. (See also Hebrews 1:11; Isaiah 50:9; Isaiah 51:6, Isaiah 51:8).
Psalm 104:2 (a) By this picture we see the complete envelopment of the Lord in light effulgent. The Saviour was covered with this light on the Mount of Transfiguration.
Psalm 109:18 (a) This is a description of Judas Iscariot. The cursing was not with oaths but rather it was his curse upon CHRIST, wherein he consigned the Lord JESUS to the wrath of His enemies, and wished for His destruction. He did it with his whole person. From his feet which carried him to the garden to the lips which kissed the Saviour, his whole person was involved in his wicked action.
Proverbs 30:4 (a) This type represents the boundaries of the ocean or the lakes or the rivers whereby GOD controls the extent of their influence and their power.
Ecclesiastes 9:8 (c) This word typifies the religious profession and confession which are made by Christians before the world. They are to live lives that are unspotted, unstained and unreproachable.
Isaiah 59:6 (a) The Lord uses this term in regard to the efforts made by men to weave their own garments to cover their own nakedness. All men's efforts to protect themselves from the gaze of GOD's righteousness will be unavailing. All such man-made righteousnesses are of no avail.
Isaiah 59:17 (a) This figure represents the anger of GOD against a disobedient people. His whole being is aroused to take vengeance on those who know not GOD, and obey not His Gospel.
Isaiah 61:3 (a) In this beautiful way the Lord describes the radiance, the happiness and the sweetness that fills the heart and the life of the child of GOD who loves the things of GOD, and lives for the glory of GOD.
Isaiah 61:10 (a) That eternal life which GOD gives to us whereby He makes us His child is a complete covering for the Christian. All of his own natural person is covered by the Lord JESUS CHRIST so that we are found "in Him," not having our own righteousness, but the righteousness of GOD which is by faith of JESUS CHRIST. We read that this righteousness "is for all, and upon all them that believe." In this way it is compared to a garment.
Ezekiel 16:18 (a) This word undoubtedly refers to the grandeur, the glory, and the beauty that GOD gave to the nation of Israel when they flourished so wonderfully under previous leaders. They took these riches and gave them to their enemies as they joined up with their neighbors in their wicked practices.
Zechariah 3:3 (a) We think that Joshua in this verse is a type of the nation of Israel and that the garments are a type of the wicked ways, actions and deeds of these people. He stood before the Lord of Heaven who took pity upon him, removed the filthy garments and gave him heavenly robes. This is probably a picture of the redemption of Israel when GOD again works on and in this great people to make them a holy and righteous people when they accept the Messiah.
Matthew 9:16 (b) This represents the old nature of the unsaved man. The Lord does not patch the old nature and try to make it better. He gives a new nature that needs no patching.
Matthew 22:11 (b) The type in this Scripture represents the covering of imputed righteousness which the King of Heaven, GOD the Father, gives to everyone who trusts His Son, the Lord JESUS. This man would not have GOD's robe. He came into the presence of the King wearing his own robe, which is a figure of human, self-made righteousness. The King rejected him because of his refusal to lay aside his own self-made righteousness and receive the righteousness which is GOD's gift. (See Romans 5:17; Romans 10:2-3).
James 5:2 (b) The type in this Scripture refers to the evanescent and transient character of the position and power which riches give in this life. These rapidly disintegrate as the trials of this earth and the disappointments of life eat them away.
Judges 1:23 (b) This garment refers to the righteousness which must be worn in the presence of GOD. It must be entirely from Heaven, and not be tainted in any way by human works, merits, or activities.
Revelation 3:4 (a) This is a type of the profession, confession and public life of certain Christians in Sardis. They kept themselves clean, upright, honest and undefiled in their daily lives. (See Revelation 16:15).
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Watson, Walter. Entry for 'Arment'. Wilson's Dictoinary of Bible Types.​dictionaries/​eng/​wdt/​a/arment.html. 1957.