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Bible Dictionaries
King James Dictionary
FALL, pret. fell pp. fallen. L. fallo, to fail, to deceive, Gr. Heb. to fall. Fail agrees better with Heb., but these words may have had one primitive root, the sense of which was to move, to recede, to pass. See Foul.
1. To drop from a higher place to descend by the power of gravity alone. Rain falls from the clouds a man falls from his horse ripe fruits fall from trees an ox falls into a pit.
I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke 10 .
2. To drop from an erect posture.
I fell at his feet to worship him. Revelation 19 .
3. To disembogue to pass at the outlet to flow out of its channel into a pond, lake or sea, as a river. The Rhone falls into the Mediterranean sea. The Danube falls into the Euxine. The Mississippi falls into the gulf of Mexico.
4. To depart from the faith, or from rectitude to apostatize. Adam fell by eating the forbidden fruit.
Labor to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Hebrews 4 .
5. To die particularly by violence.
Ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. Leviticus 26 .
A thousand shall fall at thy side. Psalms 91 .
6. To come to an end suddenly to vanish to perish.
The greatness of these Irish lords suddenly fell and vanished.
7. To be degraded to sink into disrepute or disgrace to be plunged into misery as, to fall from an elevated station, or from a prosperous state.
8. To decline in power, wealth or glory to sink into weakness to be overthrown or ruined. This is the renowned Tyre but oh, how fallen.
Heaven and earth will witness, if Rome must fall, that we are innocent.
9. To pass into a worse state than the former to come as, to fall into difficulties to fall under censure of imputation to fall into error or absurdity to fall into a snare. In these and similar phrases, the sense of suddenness, accident or ignorance is often implied but not always.
10. To sink to be lowered. The mercury in a thermometer rises and falls with the increase and diminution of heat. The water of a river rises and falls. The tide falls.
11. To decrease to be diminished in weight or value. The price of goods falls with plenty and rises with scarcity. Pliny tells us, the as fell from a pound to two ounces in the first Punic war.
12. To sink not to amount to the full.
The greatness of finances and revenue doth fall under computation.
13. To be rejected to sink into disrepute.
This book must stand or fall with thee.
14. To decline from violence to calmness from intensity to remission. The wind falls and a calm succeeds.
At length her fury fell.
15. To pass into a new state of body or mind to become as, to fall asleep to fall distracted to fall sick to fall into rage or passion to fall in love to fall into temptation.
16. To sink into an air of dejection, discontent, anger, sorrow or shame applied to the countenance or look.
Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. Genesis 4 .
I have observed of late thy looks are fallen.
17. To happen to befall to come.
Since this fortune falls to you.
18. To light on to come by chance.
The Romans fell on this model by chance.
19. To come to rush on to assail.
Fear and dread shall fall on them. Exodus 15 .
And fear fell on them all. Acts 19 .
20. To come to arrive.
The vernal equinox, which at the Nicene council fell on the 21st of March, falls now about ten days sooner.
21. To come unexpectedly.
It happened this evening that we fell into a pleasing walk.
22. To begin with haste, ardor or vehemence to rush or hurry to. They fell to blows.
The mixt multitude fell to lusting. Numbers 11 .
23. To pass or be transferred by chance, lot, distribution, inheritance or otherwise, as possession or property. The estate or the province fell to his brother. The kingdom fell into the hands of his rival. A large estate fell to his heirs.
24. To become the property of to belong or appertain to.
If to her share some female errors fall.
Look in her face and you'll forget them all.
25. To be dropped or uttered carelessly. Some expressions fell from him. An unguarded expression fell from his lips. Not a word fell from him on the subject.
26. To sink to languish to become feeble or faint. Our hopes and fears rise and fall with good or success.
27. To be brought forth. Take care of lambs when they first fall.
28. To issue to terminate.
Sit still, my daughter, till thou knowest how the matter will fall. Ruth 3 .
To fall aboard of, to strike against another ship.
To fall astern, to move or be driven backward or to remain behind. A ship falls astern by the force of a current, or when outsailed by another.
1. To fall away, to lose flesh to become lean or emaciated to pine.
2. To renounce or desert allegiance to revolt or rebel.
3. To renounce or desert the faith to apostatize to sink into wickedness.
These for awhile believe, and in time of temptation fall away. Luke 8 .
4. To perish to be ruined to be lost.
How can the soul - fall away into nothing.
5. To decline gradually to fade to languish, or become faint.
One color falls away by just degrees, and another rises insensibly.
1. To fall back, to recede to give way.
2. To fail of performing a promise or purpose not to fulfill.
To fall calm, to cease to blow to become calm.
1. To fall down, to prostrate one's self in worship.
All nations shall fall down before him. Psalms 72 .
2. To sink to come to the ground.
Down fell the beauteous youth.
3. To bend or bow as a suppliant. Isaiah 14 .
4. To sail or pass towards the mouth of a river, or other outlet.
To fall foul, to attack to make an assault.
1. To fall from, to recede from to depart not to adhere as, to fall from an agreement or engagement.
2. To depart from allegiance or duty to revolt.
1. To fall in, to concur to agree with. The measure falls in with popular opinion.
2. To comply to yield to.
You will find it difficult to persuade learned men to fall in with your projects.
3. To come in to join to enter. Fall into the ranks fall in on the right.
To fall in with, to meet, as a ship also, to discover or come near, as land.
1. To fall off, to withdraw to separate to be broken or detached. friends fall off in adversity.
Love cools, friendship falls off, brothers divide.
2. To perish to die away. Words fall off by disuse.
3. To apostatize to forsake to withdraw from the faith, or from allegiance or duty.
Those captive tribes fell off from God to worship calves.
4. To forsake to abandon. His subscribers fell off.
5. To drop. Fruits fall off when ripe.
6. To depreciate to depart from former excellence to become less valuable or interesting. The magazine or the review falls off it has fallen off.
7. To deviate or depart from the course directed, or to which the head of the ship was before directed to fall to leeward.
1. To fall on, to begin suddenly and eagerly.
Fall on, and try thy appetite to eat.
2. To begin an attack to assault to assail.
Fall on, fall on and hear him not.
3. To drop on to descend on.
1. To fall out, to quarrel to begin to contend.
A soul exasperated in ills, falls out with every thing, its friend, itself -
2. To happen to befall to chance.
There fell out a bloody quarrel betwixt the frogs and the mice.
1. To fall over, to revolt to desert from one side to another.
2. To fall beyond.
To fall short, to be deficient. The corn falls short. We all fall short in duty.
1. To fall to, to begin hastily and eagerly.
Fall to, with eager joy, on homely food.
2. To apply one's self to. He will never after fall to labor.
They fell to raising money, under pretense of the relief of Ireland.
1. To fall under, to come under, or within the limits of to be subjected to. They fell under the jurisdiction of the emperor.
2. To come under to become the subject of. This point did not fall under the cognizance or deliberations of the court. These things do not fall under human sight or observation.
3. To come within to be ranged or reckoned with. These substances fall under a different class or order.
1. To upon, to attack. See to fall on.
2. To rush against.
Fall primarily denotes descending motion, either in a perpendicular or inclined direction, and in most of its applications, implies literally or figuratively velocity, haste, suddenness or violence. Its use is so various and so much diversified by modifying words, that it is not easy to enumerate its senses in all its applications.
1. To let fall to drop. And fall thy edgeless sword. I am willing to fall this argument.
This application is obsolete.
2. To sink to depress as, to raise or fall the voice.
3. To diminish to lessen or lower as, to fall the price of commodities. Little used.
4. To bring forth as, to fall lambs. Little used.
5. To fell to cut down as, to fall a tree. This use is now common in America, and fell and fall are probably from a common root.
FALL, n.
1. The act of dropping or descending from a higher to a lower place by gravity descent as a fall from a horse or from the yard of a ship.
2. The act of dropping or tumbling from an erect posture. he was walking on ice and had a fall.
3. Death destruction overthrow.
Our fathers had a great fall before our enemies.
4. Ruin destruction.
They conspire thy fall.
5. Downfall degradation loss of greatness or office as the fall of Cardinal Wolsey.
Behold thee glorious only in thy fall.
6. Declension of greatness, power or dominion ruin as the fall of the Roman empire.
7. Diminution decrease of price or value depreciation as the fall of prices the fall of rents the fall of interest.
8. Declination of sound a sinking of tone cadence as the fall of the voice at the close of a sentence.
9. Declivity the descent of land or a hill a slope.
10. Descent of water a cascade a cataract a rush of water down a steep place usually in the plural sometimes in the singular as the falls of Niagara, or the Mohawk the fall of the Hoosatonuc at Canaan. Fall is applied to a perpendicular descent, or to one that is very steep. When the descent is moderate, we name it rapids. Custom, however, sometimes deviates from this rule, and the rapids of rivers are called falls.
11. The outlet or discharge of a river or current of water into the ocean, or into a lake or pond as the fall of the Po into the gulf of Venice.
12. Extent of descent the distance which any thing falls as, the water of a pond has a fall of five feet.
13. The fall of the leaf the season when leaves fall from trees autumn.
14. That which falls a falling as a fall of rain or snow.
15. The act of felling or cutting down as the fall of timber.
16. Fall, or the fall, by way of distinction, the apostasy the act of our first parents in eating the forbidden fruit also, the apostasy of the rebellious angels.
17. Formerly, a kind of vail.
18. In seamen's language, the loose end of a tackle.
19. In Great Britain, a term applied to several measures, linear, superficial and solid.
Dictionary of Words from the King James Bible. Public Domain. Copy freely.
Material presented was supplied by Brandon Staggs and was derived from the KJV Dictionary found on his website located at
The unabridged 1828 version of this dictionary in the SwordSearcher Bible Software.
Entry for 'Fall'. King James Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​kjd/​f/fall.html.