the Fourth Week of Lent
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Verse- by-Verse Bible Commentary
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Thompson Chain Reference - Exaltation; Exaltation-Abasement; Exalted; God; The Topic Concordance - Belonging; Earth; Exaltation; Gentiles/heathen; God; Government; Torrey's Topical Textbook - Shields;
Clarke's Commentary
Verse Psalms 47:9. The princes of the people are gathered together — נדיבי עמים nedibey ammim. The voluntary people - the princely, noble, or free-willed people; those who gladly receive the word of life; those who, like the Bereans, were of a noble or liberal disposition; and, when they heard the Gospel, searched the Scriptures to see whether these things were so. It is a similar word which is used Psalms 110:3; and I believe both texts speak of the same people - the Gentiles who gladly come unto his light, and present themselves a free-will offering to the Lord.
The people of the God of Abraham — Who were Abraham's people? Not the Jews; the covenant was made with him while yet in urcircumcision. Properly speaking, the Gentiles are those whom he represented; for the covenant was made with him while yet a Gentile; and in his seed all the nations-the Gentiles, of the earth were to be blessed. The people of the God of Abraham are the Gentiles, who, receiving the Gospel, are made partakers of the faith of Abraham, and are his spiritual children. The God of Abraham has Abraham's spiritual posterity, the believing Gentiles, for his own people.
The shields of the earth belong unto God. — The Septuagint translate this οἱ κραταιοι, the strong ones of the earth. The Vulgate reads, Quoniam dii fortes terrae vehementer elevati sunt; "Because the strong gods of the earth are exceedingly exalted." These are supposed to mean kings and rulers of provinces which were present at the dedication of the temple; (for some suppose the Psalm to have been composed for this solemnity;) and that they are said here to be greatly exalted, because they exercised a very high degree of power over their respective districts. The words refer to something by which the inhabitants of the earth are defended; God's providence, guardian angels, c., c.
He is greatly exalted. — Great as secular rulers are, God is greater, and is above all King of kings and Lord of lords and the hearts of kings and governors are in his hand; and he turns them whithersoever he pleases.
This Psalm, under the figure of the ark being brought into the temple, foretells the ascension of Christ to heaven; who was the true ark of the covenant, and the propitiatory or mercy-seat. It contains a prophecy of Christ's kingdom, and has two especial parts: -
First, An invitation to sing praises to Christ.
Secondly, The reasons why we should do it.
1. The ascension of Christ is typified under the ark's ascension, Psalms 47:1: "God is gone up with a shout; the Lord with the sound of a trumpet."
2. On which he invites the people to do now what was then done, "that we clap our hands, and sing praises." This should be done, 1. Cheerfully: "Clap your hands;" for this is a sign of inward joy, Nahum 3:19. 2. Universally: "O clap your hands, all ye people." 3. Vocally: "Shout unto God with the voice of triumph." 4. Frequently: "Sing praises - sing praises - sing praises - sing praises," Psalms 47:6, and again "sing praises," Psalms 47:7. It cannot be done too frequently. 5. Knowingly and discreetly: "Sing ye praises with understanding;" know the reason why ye are to praise him.
3. Now these reasons are drawn from his greatness and from his goodness.
1. He is GREAT. 1. He is the Lord Most High; 2. He is terrible; 3. He is a great King over all the earth. All power, at his ascension, was given unto him in heaven and earth.
2. He is GOOD. 1. In collecting his Church by subduing the nations, not by the sword, but by his word and Spirit, by which he would subdue their iniquities, the iniquity of the Jew first, and then of the Gentile; for the law was to come out of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. To the discipline of that religion both were to submit; and therefore both might well be said "to be subdued to us, and brought under our feet."
2. In honouring and rewarding his Church: "He shall choose out our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved."
1. His Church was his choice: "It is a chosen generation, a peculiar people."
2. His heritage; for he will dwell among them, and provide an inheritance for them; blessings on earth and glory in heaven.
3. This is "the excellency of Jacob;" of Jacob after the Spirit; the kingdom, priesthood, and all the promises made unto Jacob and the fathers being theirs.
4. The cause: "His love only - he chose - the excellency of Jacob whom he loved."
3. In the increase and amplification of his Church: "God is now the king of all the earth;" not of the Jews only, for he "reigns over the heathen" also. He "sits upon a throne of holiness;" rules by his holy word and Spirit. 1. Making them holy who were unholy. 2. They are "a willing people" also. For the princes - the volunteers, among the people, are gathered together; even the people of the God of Abraham - the Gentiles, converted and reconciled to God.
4. In protecting his Church; whether by himself, or by the princes he raises up; by his providence, or his angels, or all together. For the "shields of the earth belong unto God." Secular rulers, and ecclesiastical governors, are shields of the Church. But God is the Head of it, and the Chief: "He is greatly exalted."
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Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "The Adam Clarke Commentary".​commentaries/​acc/​psalms-47.html. 1832.
Bridgeway Bible Commentary
Psalm 46-48 When God saved Jerusalem
Confident in tone and bold in expression, these three psalms express praise to God for delivering Jerusalem from an enemy invasion. One example of such a deliverance was on the occasion of Assyria’s invasion of Judah during the reign of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:9-37).
No matter what troubles he meets, whether from earthquakes, floods or wars, the person who trusts in God is not overcome by them (46:1-3). He has an inner calmness, likened to a cool refreshing stream that flows gently from God. The Almighty is still in full control, and he gives strength to his people (4-7). God’s power can smash all opposition. Therefore, opponents should stop fighting against him and realize that he is the supreme God, the supreme ruler of the world (8-11).
The psalmist calls upon people of all nations to worship God with reverence and joy. The king who rules over all has come down from heaven, fought for his people and given them victory (47:1-4). Now he is seen returning to heaven to the sound of his people’s praises (5-7). He takes his seat on his throne again, king of the world. All nations are, like Israel, under the rule of the God of Abraham (8-9).
Now that their beloved city Jerusalem has been saved, the people praise its beauty and strength. More than that, they praise the God who saved it (48:1-3). Enemies thought they could destroy Jerusalem, but God scattered them. They were broken in pieces as ships smashed in a storm (4-7). Israel’s people had heard of God’s marvellous acts in the past; now they have seen them with their own eyes (8). In thanks for the victory, the people flock to the temple to praise God. Throughout the towns of Judah, and even in other countries, there is rejoicing (9-11). The citizens of Jerusalem are proud of their city, but they are prouder still of their God who has preserved it (12-14).
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Fleming, Donald C. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Fleming's Bridgeway Bible Commentary".​commentaries/​bbc/​psalms-47.html. 2005.
Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
"God is gone up with a shout, Jehovah with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises: Sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth: Sing ye praises with understanding. God reigneth over the nations: God sitteth upon his holy throne. The princes of the peoples are gathered together To be the people of the God of Abraham; For the shields of the earth belong unto God: He is greatly exalted."
"God is gone up with a shout" This positively does not mean that, "An earthly king `goes up' to the high place where his palace is located."
Then, there is the view that God had, in a sense, "come down" to rescue his people; and after he had done so, of course, he went up to heaven; but this is the utmost abuse of the anthropomorphism inherent in certain Biblical statements that God "came down," as in Genesis 11:5. Never for one moment did God actually leave heaven and come down to earth either to inspect men's works, or to thwart them. It seems to us that even simple, uneducated people should certainly know a basic truth like that.
Note that the text says nothing of God's "coming down" to destroy Sennacherib; it is only the `interpreters' who come up with statements like that; and we wish to affirm that God did not come down from heaven in order to deliver the Jews from Assyria. He did not need to come down, nor did he do so. Therefore God's "going up" is no reference whatever to his going back to heaven after coming down to help the Jews.
In the history of mankind, God literally came down from heaven to this earth, only once, and that was in the person of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. He, alone, was the Day Spring who visited us from "On High."
"God went up" Our text states that "God went up," and as Delitzsch stated it, "The ascent of God presupposes a previous descent."
Note that in the apostolic usage of this terminology that it was a literal "coming down to earth" and "going up to heaven" that was meant. There was no anthropomorphism whatever. For these reasons, we hold that God's "going up" in this passage is a prophetic reference to the Ascension to heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the reason that Christian scholars for centuries have called this "One of the Ascension Psalms." Moreover, "The traditional use of this Psalm in the historical Church is for `The Festival of the Ascension.'"
"Sing praises" This command occurs no less than five times in these two verses, indicating that something far more important, even, than the deliverance of Jerusalem from Sennacherib, is indicated in the words just spoken, that "God is gone up," implying, as it does, that he had also come down. What could that super-important event be? Only the visitation of Christ in the Incarnation and his exaltation at the right hand of God could be meant.
Kidner tells us that in the Hebrew, there is only a single word which is here repeatedly rendered, "Sing praises."
"God reigneth over the nations; God sitteth upon his holy throne" This verse enables us to know the identity of "God" who went up (Psalms 47:5). He is the God who rules over the Gentiles (the `nations') in his kingdom, and who during that time is `sitting upon his holy throne.' The special application of this terminology to Jesus Christ is well known to every Christian, the same being a strong indication that Psalms 47:5 is indeed a prophecy of Christ's ascension.
We noted that one reason, perhaps, for the Spirit of God's inclusion of this prophecy in proximity to the Jewish boast of trampling the Gentiles under their feet in the first section, was for the purpose of rebuking that selfish and egoistic principle that apparently dominated the Jewish mind.
"The princes of the peoples are gathered together to be the people of the God of Abraham" The `peoples' here are the `nations,' i.e., `the Gentiles,' who are said to be gathered together for the purpose of "becoming" the people of the God of Abraham. In all the Bible there is not a clearer prophecy of God's converting the Gentiles and of bringing them into the kingdom of God, alongside the Jews, than we have here. Paul stated that:
There can be neither Jew nor Greek, there can be no male and female; for ye are all one man in Christ Jesus; and if ye are Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. - Galatians 3:28-29.
Thus, as several writers have pointed out, we have the fulfilment here of what God promised Abraham, that through him "all the families of the earth would be blessed" (Genesis 12:3, and Genesis 17:4).
"The shields of the earth" Dummelow gave the meaning of this as "the princes of the earth."
The very fact of God, in some meaningful sense, ruling over all nations and all men is a truth that identifies the Kingdom of God on earth. Thus there are three tremendous prophecies in these five verses: (1) the Incarnation of Christ, certified by his ascension, (2) the establishment of God's kingdom on earth, and (3) the union of both Gentiles and Jews in the Messianic phase of God's kingdom.
In these last verses, "All peoples and nations are called upon to desist from opposing God, and to accept him as their exalted Sovereign."
When all nations shall submit to Christ, and all the peoples of mankind bow down before him, and when rebellion and resistance to his will have ceased, then shall come to pass what is written:
- Revelation 11:15
Coffman's Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved.
Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible".​commentaries/​bcc/​psalms-47.html. Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999.
Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible
The princes of the people are gathered together - The marginal reading is, “The voluntary of the people are gathered unto the people of the God of Abraham.” The word rendered “princes” - נדיב nâdı̂yb - means properly, voluntary, ready, prompt; then, generous, liberal; then, those of noble birth, princes, nobles. It is evidently used here in this latter sense. The word “people” here may mean either the people of Israel, or the people of other lands; but in this place it seems evidently to denote the latter. The words “are gathered together” may refer either to a voluntary or an involuntary assembling; meaning either that they came in chains as prisoners of war, subdued by the arms of the people of God, and thus rendering an involuntary tribute to their power and their religion; or that they came in a voluntary manner, and submitted themselves, acknowledging the God of Israel to be the true God. It seems to me that the connection requires that we should understand this in the former sense, as referring to the subjugation of the enemies of of the people of God, and to their being led along as captives, assembled thus from distant parts of the world as proof that the God of Israel reigned.
Even the people of the God of Abraham - The word “even” is not in the original. The meaning is, “to” the people of the God of Abraham; that is, they come and mingle with the people of the God of Abraham; or, they come as captives in war “to” that people, and confess in this manner that their God is the true God. The image is that of the assemblage of great numbers of foriegn princes and nobles as furnishing either a voluntary or involuntary acknowledgment of the fact that the God of Abraham was the true God, and that the people of Israel were his people.
For the shields of the earth belong unto God - Are of right his. This would seem to have been suggested by the marching in triumph of subdued and vanquished princes and warriors, their shields or weapons of war being borne along in the procession, demonstrating that Jehovah was King among the nations. It was seen in such a march that all those weapons of war “belonged” to him, or that he had a right to dispose of them, and to use them as he pleased.
He is greatly exalted - That is, one who can thus subdue nations, and lead along captive princes and warriors, “must” be a Being greatly exalted; a Being that has dominion over the nations of the earth. This completes the imagery in the psalm, and gives occasion for the shouts and the joys of triumph. God had shown that he was a great King over the earth. Princes and armies were subdued to his will. They were led along as captives, and were gathered together to the people of God, as if to acknowledge their own inferiority; and in this solemn manner the nations thus subdued owned Yahweh to be the true God. In a higher sense this will be true when all the earth shall be subdued by the power of truth, and when kings, and princes, and people everywhere shall come and acknowledge God, reigning through the Messiah, to be the King of all nations. Compare Isaiah 60:0.
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Barnes, Albert. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible".​commentaries/​bnb/​psalms-47.html. 1870.
Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
9The princes of the peoples are gathered together. The Psalmist enriches and amplifies by various expressions the preceding sentence. He again declares that the way in which God obtained dominion over the Gentiles was, that those who before were aliens united in the adoption of the same faith with the Jews; and thus different nations, from a state of miserable dispersion, were gathered together into one body. When the doctrine of the Gospel was manifested and shone forth, it did not remove the Jews from the covenant which God had long before made with them. On the contrary, it has rather joined us to them. As then the calling of the Gentiles was nothing else than the means by which they were grafted and incorporated into the family of Abraham, the prophet justly states, that strangers or aliens from every direction were gathered together to the chosen people, that by such an increase the kingdom of God might be extended through all quarters of the globe. On this account Paul says, (Ephesians 3:6,) that the Gentiles were made one body with the Jews, that they might be partakers of the everlasting inheritance. By the abolition of the ceremonies of the Mosaic economy, “the middle wall of partitions” which made a separation between the Jews and the Gentiles, is now removed, (Ephesians 2:14;) but it nevertheless remains true, that we are not accounted among the children of God unless we have been grafted into the stock of Abraham. The prophet does not merely speak of the common people: he also tells us that princes themselves will regard it as the height of their felicity to be gathered together with the Jews; as we shall see in another psalm, (Psalms 87:5,)
“And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her.”
Farther, it is said that this gathering together will be to the people of the God of Abraham, to teach us that it is not here meant to attribute to the Jews any superiority which they naturally possess above others, but that all their excellence depends upon this, that the pure worship of God flourishes among them, and that they hold heavenly doctrine in high estimation. This, therefore, is not spoken of the bastard or cast-off Jews, whom their own unbelief has cut off from the Church. But as, according to the statement of the Apostle Paul, (Romans 11:16,) the root being holy, the branches are also holy, it follows that the falling away of the greater part does not prevent this honor from continuing to belong to the rest. Accordingly, the “consumption” which, as is stated in the prophecy of Isaiah, overflowed the whole earth, is called the people of the God of Abraham, (chapter 10:22, 23.) This passage contains two very important and instructive truths. In the first place, we learn from it, that all who would be reckoned among the children of God ought to seek to have a place in the Church, and to join themselves to it, that they may maintain fraternal unity with all the godly; and, secondly, that when the unity of the Church is spoken of, it is to be considered as consisting in nothing else but an unfeigned agreement to yield obedience to the word of God, that there may be one sheepfold and one Shepherd. Moreover, those who are exalted in the world in respect of honors and riches, are here admonished to divest themselves of all pride, and willingly and submissively to bear the yoke in common with others, that they may show themselves the obedient children of the Church.
What follows immediately after, The shields of the earth are God’s, is understood by many as spoken of princes. (189) I admit that this metaphor is of frequent occurrence in Scripture, nor does this sense seem to be unsuitable to the scope of the passage. It is as if the prophet had said, It is in the power of God to ingraft into his Church the great ones of the world whenever he pleases; for he reigns over them also. Yet the sense will be more simple if we explain the words thus: That, as it is God alone who defends and preserves the world, the high and supreme majesty, which is sufficient for so exalted and difficult a work as the preservation of the world, is justly looked upon with admiration. The sacred writer expressly uses the word shields in the plural number, for, considering the various and almost innumerable dangers which unceasingly threaten every part of the world, the providence of God must necessarily interpose in many ways, and make use, as it were, of many bucklers.
(189) Magistrates and governors are called shields in Hosea 4:18; Psalms 89:19. In this sense the word is here understood by the Septuagint.
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Calvin, John. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible".​commentaries/​cal/​psalms-47.html. 1840-57.
Smith's Bible Commentary
Psalms 47:1-9 is a psalm for the New Year. This psalm is read seven times before the blowing of the trumpet to announce the holy day, the beginning of the Jewish New Year.
O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. For the LORD most high is awesome; he is a great King over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of the trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto our God, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding. God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness. The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: and he is greatly exalted ( Psalms 47:1-9 ).
This, again, is looking into the glorious New Age. The Jews looked at it as their New Year. But it is a psalm really by which we will usher in the New Age. The age in which Jesus establishes His kingdom and reigns over the earth. It is going to be a whole New Age. And so, it is significant that they would use it for a new year, because always in a new year there is a hope of things better, a new day dawning, and so forth. A new year dawning, new opportunities. But this is a New Age, the Kingdom Age that is dawning. And this is the psalm that will usher in the glorious Kingdom Age, as we clap our hands and shout unto God with a voice of triumph, because He has now established His kingdom over all of the earth and we are there with Him. He is the King over the earth, sing praises. "
Copyright © 2014, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, Ca.
Smith, Charles Ward. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Smith's Bible Commentary".​commentaries/​csc/​psalms-47.html. 2014.
Dr. Constable's Expository Notes
Psalms 47
The psalmist called on all nations to honor Israel’s God who will one day rule over them. This is one of the so-called "enthronement" psalms that deals with Yahweh’s universal reign (cf. Psalms 93; Psalms 95-99). These are prophetic psalms since the worldwide rule of Messiah was future when the psalmist wrote.
"The enthronement festival is a scholarly extrapolation from a Babylonian festival in which the god Marduk was annually reenthroned in pomp and circumstance at a special event in the fall agricultural festival. The comparable occasion in Israel, or so thought Sigmund Mowinckel, was the Feast of Tabernacles in the seventh month. However, the direct biblical evidence for such an Israelite festival is virtually nil. It has essentially grown out of a ’parallelomania’ in biblical studies that shapes Israelite religion in the form of the neighboring cultures’ religions. One can identify parallels, to be sure, but the imposition of whole institutions on Israelite religion merely because echoes of such institutions from other cultures can be heard in the Psalms is questionable." [Note: Bullock, p. 181.]
A better title for this classification of psalms might be "kingship of Yahweh" psalms. [Note: Ibid., p. 188.] They bear the following characteristics: universal concern for all peoples and the whole earth, references to other gods, God’s characteristic acts (e.g., making, establishing, judging), and physical and spiritual protocol of the attitude of praise before the heavenly King. [Note: J. D. W. Watts, "Yahweh Malak Psalms," Theologische Zeitschrift 21 (1965):341-48.]
The Jews use this psalm on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year’s Day, and liturgical Christians use it as part of the celebration of Ascension Day. [Note: Wiersbe, The . . . Wisdom . . ., p. 184.]
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Dr. Constable's Expository Notes".​commentaries/​dcc/​psalms-47.html. 2012.
Dr. Constable's Expository Notes
2. The sovereign King’s reign 47:5-9
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Dr. Constable's Expository Notes".​commentaries/​dcc/​psalms-47.html. 2012.
Dr. Constable's Expository Notes
Again he called for praise because the Lord reigns over all nations. He looked ahead in time to see this enthronement. It has not yet taken place, but the psalmist was sure it would happen. The King of the Universe will inevitably rule one day over all, and every knee will bow before Him (Philippians 2:9-11). [Note: See Allen, Rediscovering Prophecy, pp. 217-30.]
As the saints experience discouragement, they can find hope and joy in the fact that, one day, Jesus Christ will subdue all His enemies and rule over all the nations.
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Dr. Constable's Expository Notes".​commentaries/​dcc/​psalms-47.html. 2012.
Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
The princes of the people are gathered together,.... Not against Christ, as at his first coming, but to him, and to his church and people; even the great men of the earth, the kings and princes of it, as they will in the latter day; see Isaiah 49:23; or this may mean the saints in general, who are all of them the princes of people, and are set among princes, yea, are kings priests unto God; some render it, "the willing" or "voluntary ones of his people" g; the same word is here used as in Psalms 110:3; where it is rendered "willing", and designs such who are made willing to be saved by Christ, submit to his righteousness, and be subject to his word and ordinances;
[even] the people of the God of Abraham; whom the God of Abraham has chosen for his people, taken into covenant, given to his Son, and who are redeemed by his blood, and effectually called by his grace; and who, though Gentiles, belong to the same covenant and the same covenant God as Abraham did, and have the blessing of Abraham upon them; and are indeed his spiritual seed, being Christ's. The Targum is, "the people that believe in the God of Abraham". The words may be rendered in connection with the former clause, "gathered together unto the people of the God of Abraham" h; and so denote the association of the Gentiles converted with the believing Jews, as was at the first times of the Gospel, and will be at the latter day, 1 Corinthians 12:13;
for the shields of the earth [belong] unto God; that is, the rulers of the earth, as the word is rendered in Hosea 4:18; who are as a shield and a protection to their subjects; these are set up and put down by the Lord at his pleasure; and their hearts are in his hands, and he can convert them when he pleases, and gather them to his Son, and into his churches; or, as Jarchi interprets it,
"he has power in his hands to protect as with a shield all that trust in him;''
safety is of the Lord; the protection of the world and of the church is from him who is King over all the earth;
he is greatly exalted; that is, Christ, who has all power in heaven and in earth; he is highly exalted at the right hand of God, angels, authorities, and powers, being subject to him.
g נדיבי עמים "voluntarii populorum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Cocceius. h So Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus, Gejerus.
The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rights Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.
A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855
Gill, John. "Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible".​commentaries/​geb/​psalms-47.html. 1999.
Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible
Exhortation to Praise God. | |
5 God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet. 6 Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. 7 For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding. 8 God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness. 9 The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted.
We are here most earnestly pressed to praise God, and to sing his praises; so backward are we to this duty that we have need to be urged to it by precept upon precept, and line upon line; so we are here (Psalms 47:6; Psalms 47:6): Sing praises to God, and again, Sing praises, Sing praises to our King, and again, Sing praises. This intimates that it is a very necessary and excellent duty, that it is a duty we ought to be frequent and abundant in; we may sing praises again and again in the same words, and it is no vain repetition if it be done with new affections. Should not a people praise their God? Daniel 5:4. Should not subjects praise their king? God is our God, our King, and therefore we must praise him; we must sing his praises, as those that are pleased with them and that are not ashamed of them. But here is a needful rule subjoined (Psalms 47:7; Psalms 47:7): Sing you praises with understanding, with Maschil. 1. "Intelligently; as those that do yourselves understand why and for what reasons you praise God and what is the meaning of the service." This is the gospel-rule (1 Corinthians 14:15), to sing with the spirit and with the understanding also; it is only with the heart that we make melody to the Lord, Ephesians 5:19. It is not an acceptable service if it be not a reasonable service. 2. "Instructively, as those that desire to make others understand God's glorious perfections, and to teach them to praise him." Three things are mentioned in these verses as just matter for our praises, and each of them will admit of a double sense:--
I. We must praise God going up (Psalms 47:5; Psalms 47:5): God has gone up with a shout, which may refer, 1. To the carrying up of the ark to the hill of Zion, which was done with great solemnity, David himself dancing before it, the priests, it is likely, blowing the trumpets, and the people following with their loud huzzas. The ark being the instituted token of God's special presence with them, when that was brought up by warrant from him he might be said to go up. The emerging of God's ordinances out of obscurity, in order to the more public and solemn administration of them, is a great favour to any people, which they have reason to rejoice in and give thanks for. 2. To the ascension of our Lord Jesus into heaven, when he had finished his work on earth, Acts 1:9. Then God went up with a shout, the shout of a King, of a conqueror, as one who, having spoiled principalities and powers, then led captivity captive,Psalms 68:18. He went up as a Mediator, typified by the ark and the mercy-seat over it, and was brought as the ark was into the most holy place, into heaven itself; see Hebrews 9:24. We read not of a shout, or of the sound of a trumpet, at the ascension of Christ, but they were the inhabitants of the upper world, those sons of God, that then shouted for joy, Job 38:7. He shall come again in the same manner as he went (Acts 1:11) and we are sure that he shall come again with a shout and the sound of a trumpet.
II. We must praise God reigning, Psalms 47:7; Psalms 47:8. God is not only our King, and therefore we owe our homage to him, but he is King of all the earth (Psalms 47:7; Psalms 47:7), over all the kings of the earth, and therefore in every place the incense of praise is to be offered up to him. Now this may be understood, 1. Of the kingdom of providence. God, as Creator, and the God of nature, reigns over the heathen, disposes of them and all their affairs, as he pleases, though they know him not, nor have any regard to him: He sits upon the throne of his holiness, which he has prepared in the heavens, and there he rules over all, even over the heathen, serving his own purposes by them and upon them. See here the extent of God's government; all are born within his allegiance; even the heathen that serve other gods are ruled by the true God, our God, whether they will or no. See the equity of his government; it is a throne of holiness, on which he sits, whence he gives warrants, orders, and judgment, in which we are sure there is no iniquity. 2. Of the kingdom of the Messiah. Jesus Christ, who is God, and whose throne is for ever and ever reigns over the heathen; not only he is entrusted with the administration of the providential kingdom, but he shall set up the kingdom of his grace in the Gentile world, and rule in the hearts of multitudes that were bred up in heathenism, Ephesians 2:12; Ephesians 2:13. This the apostle speaks of as a great mystery that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs,Ephesians 3:6. Christ sits upon the throne of his holiness, his throne in the heavens, where all the administrations of his government are intended to show forth God's holiness and to advance holiness among the children of men.
III. We must praise God as attended and honoured by the princes of the people,Psalms 47:9; Psalms 47:9. This may be understood, 1. Of the congress or convention of the states of Israel, the heads and rulers of the several tribes, at the solemn feasts, or to despatch the public business of the nation. It was the honour of Israel that they were the people of the God of Abraham, as they were Abraham's seed and taken into his covenant; and, thanks be to God, this blessing of Abraham has come upon the isles of the Gentiles, Galatians 3:14. It was their happiness that they had a settled government, princes of their people, who were the shields of their land. Magistracy is the shield of a nation, and it is a great mercy to any people to have this shield, especially when their princes, their shields, belong unto the Lord, are devoted to his honour, and their power is employed in his service, for then he is greatly exalted. It is likewise the honour of God that, in another sense, the shields of the earth do belong to him; magistracy is his institution, and he serves his own purposes by it in the government of the world, turning the hearts of kings as the rivers of water, which way soever he pleases. It was well with Israel when the princes of their people were gathered together to consult for the public welfare. The unanimous agreement of the great ones of a nation in the things that belong to its peace is a very happy omen, which promises abundance of blessings. 2. It may be applied to the calling of the Gentiles into the church of Christ, and taken as a prophecy that in the days of the Messiah the kings of the earth and their people should join themselves to the church, and bring their glory and power into the New Jerusalem, that they should all become the people of the God of Abraham, to whom it was promised that he should be the father of many nations. The volunteers of the people (so it may be read); it is the same word that is used in Psalms 110:3, Thy people shall be willing; for those that are gathered to Christ are not forced, but made freely willing, to be his. When the shields of the earth, the ensigns of royal dignity (1 Kings 14:27; 1 Kings 14:28), are surrendered to the Lord Jesus, as the keys of a city are presented to the conqueror or sovereign, when princes use their power for the advancement of the interests of religion, then Christ is greatly exalted.
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Henry, Matthew. "Complete Commentary on Psalms 47:9". "Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible".​commentaries/​mhm/​psalms-47.html. 1706.