the First Sunday of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Genealogy of Jesus; Birth of Christ.Chapter 2
Visit of the Magi; Flight to Egypt.Chapter 3
John the Baptist; Jesus' Baptism.Chapter 4
Temptation of Jesus; Beginning of Ministry.Chapter 5
Sermon on the Mount; Beatitudes.Chapter 6
Teachings on Prayer; Treasures in Heaven.Chapter 7
Judging Others; Narrow Gate; Wise Builders.Chapter 8
Miracles of Healing; Calm Sea.Chapter 9
Healing of Paralytic; Call of Matthew.Chapter 10
Mission of the Twelve Apostles; Instructions.Chapter 11
Jesus' Praise of John; Invitation to Rest.Chapter 12
Jesus' Authority; Sabbath Controversies; Parables.Chapter 13
Parables of the Kingdom; Explanation to Disciples.Chapter 14
Feeding the 5,000; Walking on Water.Chapter 15
Traditions Versus Commandments; Healing of Canaanite Woman's Daughter.Chapter 16
Peter's Confession; Jesus Predicts His Death.Chapter 17
Transfiguration; Healing of a Demon-Possessed Boy.Chapter 18
Teachings on Humility; Forgiveness; Church Discipline.Chapter 19
Teachings on Marriage; Rich Young Ruler.Chapter 20
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard; Jesus' Prediction.Chapter 21
Triumphal Entry; Cleansing of the Temple.Chapter 22
Parables of the Wedding Banquet; Questions from Pharisees.Chapter 23
Woes to the Pharisees; Hypocrisy Denounced.Chapter 24
Olivet Discourse; Signs of the End Times.Chapter 25
Parables of the Ten Virgins; Talents; Judgment.Chapter 26
Plot to Kill Jesus; Last Supper; Gethsemane.Chapter 27
Jesus' Trial; Crucifixion; Death and Burial.Chapter 28
Resurrection; Great Commission; Jesus' Appearance.
- Matthew
by Editor - R.A. Torrey
Matthew, being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was perfectly well qualified to write fully the history of his life. He relates what he saw and heard. “He is eminently distinguished for the distinctness and particularity with which he has related many of our Lord’s discourses and moral instructions. Of these his sermon on the mount, his charge to the apostles, his illustrations of the nature of his kingdom, and his prophecy on mount Olivet, are examples. He has also wonderfully united simplicity and energy in relating the replies of his Master to the cavils of his adversaries.” “There is not,” as Dr. A. Clarke justly remarks, “one truth or doctrine, in the whole oracles of God, which is not taught in this Evangelist. The outlines of the whole spiritual system are here correctly laid down . e ven Paul himself has added nothing. He has amplified and illustrated the truths contained in this Gospel - under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, neither he, nor any of the other apostles, have brought to light one truth, the prototype of which has not been found in the words and acts of our blessed Lord as related by Matthew.”