the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Scofield's Reference Notes Scofield's Notes
Israelites Oppressed in Egypt; Population Grows.Chapter 2
Moses' Birth, Adoption, and Flight to Midian.Chapter 3
God Calls Moses from the Burning Bush.Chapter 4
Moses Returns to Egypt with Signs.Chapter 5
Pharaoh Rejects Moses; Israelites' Labor Increases.Chapter 6
God Reaffirms His Covenant with Israel.Chapter 7
Moses and Aaron Confront Pharaoh; First Plague.Chapter 8
Plagues of Frogs, Gnats, and Flies.Chapter 10
Plagues of Locusts and Darkness.Chapter 12
Passover Instituted; Firstborn Egyptians Killed.Chapter 13
Consecration of Firstborn; Israel's Exodus Begins.Chapter 14
Parting of the Red Sea; Israelites Escape.Chapter 15
Moses' Song of Victory; Bitter Water Sweetened.Chapter 16
God Provides Manna and Quail.Chapter 17
Water from the Rock; Amalek Defeated.Chapter 18
Jethro Advises Moses on Leadership Structure.Chapter 19
Israel at Mount Sinai; God's Covenant Prepared.Chapter 20
The Ten Commandments Given by God.Chapter 21
Laws Regarding Servants, Violence, and Restitution.Chapter 23
Laws of Justice, Sabbaths, and Festivals.Chapter 24
Covenant Ratified; Moses Ascends Mount Sinai.Chapter 25
Instructions for the Ark and Tabernacle.Chapter 26
Detailed Plans for the Tabernacle Structure.Chapter 27
Instructions for the Altar and Courtyard.Chapter 28
Priestly Garments Designed for Aaron and Sons.Chapter 29
Consecration Ceremony for Priests Outlined.Chapter 30
Altar of Incense and Atonement Money.Chapter 31
Bezalel and Oholiab Appointed; Sabbath Rest.Chapter 32
The Golden Calf; Moses Intercedes.Chapter 33
Moses Seeks God's Presence; Sees His Glory.Chapter 34
New Tablets; Moses' Radiant Face.Chapter 35
Sabbath Regulations and Tabernacle Contributions.Chapter 36
Construction of the Tabernacle Begins.Chapter 37
Building of the Ark, Table, and Lampstand.Chapter 38
Making of the Altar and Courtyard.Chapter 40
Tabernacle Set Up; God's Glory Fills It.
- Exodus
by C.I. Scofield
Book Introduction - Exodus
Exodus 1:1
EXODUS, "going out," records the redemption out of Egyptian bondage of the descendants of Abraham, and sets forth, in type, all redemption. It is therefore peculiarly the book of redemption. But as all redemption is unto a relationship with God of which worship, fellowship, and service are expressions, so Exodus, in the giving of the law and the provisions of sacrifice and priesthood, becomes not only the book of redemption, but also, in type, of the conditions upon which all relationships with God exist.
Broadly, the book teaches that redemption is essential to any relationship with a holy God; and that even a redeemed people cannot have fellowship with Him unless constantly cleaned of defilement.
In EXODUS, God, hitherto connected with the Israelitish people only through His covenant with Abraham, brings them to himself nationally through redemption, puts them under the Mosaic Covenant, and dwells among them in the cloud of glory. Galatians explains the relation of the law to the Abrahamic Covenant. In the Commandments God taught Israel His just demands. Experience under the Commandments convicted Israel of sin; and the provision of priesthood and sacrifice (filled with precious types of Christ) gave a guilty people a way of forgiveness, cleansing, restoration to fellowship, and worship.
Exodus falls into three chief divisions: Israel in Egypt (1-15.) From the Red Sea to Sinai (16-18.) Israel at Sinai (19:40.)
The events recorded in Exodus cover a period of 216 years (Ussher).