the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments Benson's Commentary
Moses Reviews Israel's Journey from Sinai.Chapter 2
Wanderings Through Edom, Moab, and Ammon.Chapter 3
Victory Over Og; Land Allocation East of Jordan.Chapter 4
Call to Obedience; Warning Against Idolatry.Chapter 5
Reiteration of the Ten Commandments.Chapter 6
The Shema: Love the Lord Your God.Chapter 7
Instructions for Conquering and Destroying Canaanite Nations.Chapter 8
Remember the Lord; Don't Forget His Provision.Chapter 9
Israel's Rebellion Recounted; God's Mercy Highlighted.Chapter 10
New Tablets; Fear the Lord Commandments.Chapter 11
Rewards for Obedience; Blessings and Curses.Chapter 12
Centralized Worship; Abolish Idolatrous Practices.Chapter 13
Avoid False Prophets and Idolatry Temptations.Chapter 14
Clean and Unclean Foods; Tithing Instructions.Chapter 15
Sabbatical Year Laws and Servant Release.Chapter 16
Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles Festivals Reiterated.Chapter 17
Justice and Kingship Laws Established.Chapter 18
Laws on Priests, Levites, and Prophets.Chapter 19
Cities of Refuge and Witness Regulations.Chapter 20
Laws of Warfare and Conduct in Battle.Chapter 21
Family Laws and Miscellaneous Instructions.Chapter 22
Various Laws on Social Responsibility.Chapter 23
Laws on Assembly and Camp Cleanliness.Chapter 24
Divorce, Loans, and Justice for the Poor.Chapter 25
Miscellaneous Laws on Justice and Fairness.Chapter 26
Firstfruits and Tithes; Covenant Reaffirmation.Chapter 27
Mount Ebal Altar; Curses for Disobedience.Chapter 28
Blessings for Obedience; Curses for Disobedience.Chapter 29
Renewal of the Covenant in Moab.Chapter 30
Repentance and Restoration; Life and Death Choices.Chapter 31
Joshua Commissioned; Law Read Every Seven Years.Chapter 32
Moses' Song Recounts Israel's History.Chapter 33
Moses Blesses the Tribes of Israel.Chapter 34
Moses' Death on Mount Nebo; Joshua Succeeds.
- Deuteronomy
by Joseph Benson
THIS last book of Moses, consisting, in a great measure, of a recapitulation of former laws, is therefore called by the Greek interpreters δευτερονομιον , DEUTERONOMY, (from δευτερος νομος ,) a second law, or a second edition of the law, because it is a repetition of many of the laws, as well as of much of the history contained in the three foregoing books. They to whom the first law was given were all dead, and a new generation was sprung up, to whom God would have his laws repeated by Moses himself, that they might make a deeper impression upon them. However, the laws contained here are not to be considered as bare repetitions. They are attended with several additions, explications, and enlargements; and especially are enforced by the strongest and most pathetic motives to obedience. Moses here, with more than human energy, opens to the Israelites the true spirit and design of all these laws; shows that true peace and happiness would most certainly arise from observing them; and, on the contrary, that disquiet and misery would as certainly be the consequence of departing from them to follow their own imaginations. In the strongest and most magnificent terms he sets forth the glorious privilege and happiness of being under such a divine conduct as Israel was under; he seems to rise above himself in speaking of it; and to manifest that he wants words sufficiently expressive to declare what he feels on this subject. He is particularly concerned to make the people conceive of GOD as a pure, invisible Spirit, of whom there neither is nor can be any manner of likeness. He labours to raise their thoughts of the great JEHOVAH far above all that human error had conceived among the nations, above all the objects of sense and sight, whether on the earth, in the waters, or in the heavens, those glorious bodies, the sun, the moon, the stars, even all the host of heaven, then the great objects of worship among mankind, being only his creatures and servants to execute his commands, and do his pleasure.
The book begins with a brief rehearsal of the most remarkable events that had befallen them since they came from mount Sinai. In the fourth chapter begins a pathetic exhortation to obedience: from the twelfth to the twenty- seventh are repeated many particular laws, enforced in the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth, with promises and threatenings, which are formed into a covenant in the twenty-ninth and thirtieth chapters. Care is taken, chap. 31., to perpetuate the remembrance of these things among them, particularly by a song, chap. 32., concluded with a blessing, chap. 33.
Through the whole of this book we may discern Moses to speak as a person under the immediate influence of a divine inspiration, and toward the conclusion of it as evidently guided by a prophetic spirit, and having his mind enlightened to discern the state and condition of the Israelites in ages to come. What he utters on this occasion is with all the majesty and confidence of one who had a divine commission, and knew with certainty that what he foretold, however remote the time, would surely come to pass: and, accordingly, the greater part of these predictions we see accomplished in the world at this present time. Upon the whole, such is this book of Deuteronomy, so different from the writings of every other lawgiver, so evidently treating the subjects of it with more than human understanding, and delivering them with more than human majesty, that whoever comes to the reading of it with an unprejudiced mind will feel, while he is reading, that it is indeed divine.