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Friday, March 28th, 2025
the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Daniel 2

Old & New Testament Restoration CommentaryRestoration Commentary

Verse 1

Dan 2:1

Daniel 2:1 And in the secondH8147 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of NebuchadnezzarH5019 NebuchadnezzarH5019 dreamedH2492 dreams,H2472 wherewith his spiritH7307 was troubled,H6470 and his sleepH8142 brakeH1961 fromH5921 him.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel Chapter 2)

The first chapter of Daniel is an introduction to the person of Daniel, his three companions and a brief history of their capture, enslavement and life in Babylon. Daniel himself wrote this book as evidenced by Him using the autographical first person from chapter 7 onward. Interestingly, Daniel wrote the first three chapters as a historical account much like Moses wrote Exodus, keeping in mind that Daniel did not put the chapter divisions in his book. Chapter 4 begins with an accounting of Nebuchadnezzar as seen from his perspective, looking for all the world like it was written by Nebuchadnezzar himself. It is most likely that Daniel wrote what Nebuchadnezzar narrated. Then in chapter 5, Daniel returns to the narrative mode type of writing and continues this style until chapter 7 where he then began using much more apocalyptic language to describe his visions.

We will look much more closely at apocalyptic language at the beginning of chapter 7. Daniel is recognized as the apocalypse of the Old Testament and presents a detailed and comprehensive view of prophetic history. Daniel wrote chapter 1 in Hebrew, then he switched to Aramaic in chapters 2 thru 7 where he prophesied about the future course of the Gentile world powers. Then in chapters 8 thru 12, he returned to his native language of Hebrew to predict the future of the Israelite nation under Gentile domination. How comforting it must have been to the Israelites in bondage in Babylon to know from Daniel’s prophecies that their nation would continue into the future. With the Jerusalem and the temple utterly destroyed, it must have seemed to the captives that there was no hope of them ever returning and being a nation again. But Daniel’s prophecies concerning the Israelite nation in the future let them know that there would indeed be a future for the nation of Israel.

Daniel chapter 2 begins with the account of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about the future and what lay in store for his empire and thereafter. He went to sleep one night pondering the future of Babylon (Daniel 2:29), and he received an answer from God in the form of a troubling dream which he could not remember. From this account we learn that God did indeed make himself known to nations other than Israel and that he had expectations of them in their conduct and behavior. From Daniel, we learn that God was very proactive in the life of Nebuchadnezzar and from this we can infer that He was with the kings and rulers of other nations as well.

Daniel 2:1

And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him.

Nebuchadnezzar was not quite yet king when Daniel was taken from Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar’s father was old and infirmed back in Babylon while Nebuchadnezzar led his father’s (Nabo-polassar), campaigns against Egypt. It was during this campaign that Nabo-polassar died. Upon hearing the news of Nabo-polassar’s death, Nebuchadnezzar hastened to Babylon to secure his ascension to the throne of his father. Nebuchadnezzar probably arrived in Babylon after the Judean captives did so he began his reign a matter of months after Daniel and company arrived in Babylon.

Daniel was almost certainly a young teenager and had only been in Babylon a short time when Nebuchadnezzar had this dream. Nebuchadnezzar was obviously disturbed by this dream enough that it woke him up and he was unable to sleep because of it.

Verses 1-2

Dan 2:1-2

Commentary on Daniel 2:1-2 by Mark Dunagan

Someone has noted that the book of Daniel is divided between six chapters of historical events and six chapters of visions. In addition, much of what is mentioned in the book is rooted in the first chapter. The temple vessels taken from Jerusalem (Daniel 1:2) show up in chapter 5. The “here-I-must-draw-the-line” decision (Daniel 1:8) is repeated in chapters 3 and 6. Daniel’s God-given skill in interpreting visions and dreams (Daniel 1:17) is used in chapters 2 and 5.

Daniel 2:1-2 As in chapter one we have another reference to time, “The second year of Nebuchadnezzar” (Daniel 2:1). Be impressed that God can use such simple things as dreams to get the attention of the world’s mightiest mortal.

Verses 2-3

Dan 2:2-3

Daniel 2:2 Then the kingH4428 commandedH559 to callH7121 the magicians,H2748 and the astrologers,H825 and the sorcerers,H3784 and the Chaldeans,H3778 for to shewH5046 the kingH4428 his dreams.H2472 So they cameH935 and stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the king.H4428

Daniel 2:3 And the kingH4428 saidH559 unto them, I have dreamedH2492 a dream,H2472 and my spiritH7307 was troubledH6470 to knowH3045 (H853) the dream.H2472

Daniel 2:2-3

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king. And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream.

The Chaldaeans are classed with the magicians and astronomers, and evidently form a sort of priest class who have a peculiar "tongue" and "learning" (Daniel 1:4) and are consulted by the king on religious subjects. The Chaldeans were the inhabitants of a particular exclusive society of people within Babylonia. It is the learning and tongue of this society which Daniel and his companions were trained during their three year period precluding the presentation of them before Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 1:5). No doubt Nebuchadnezzar wanted servants near him who could translate their language for him.

Nebuchadnezzar wanted to know what this dream meant so this group of supposedly learned and wise priests were consulted. Nebuchadnezzar obviously held them in regard because he wanted his captive servants to be educated in their ways. So Nebuchadnezzar looked to them to find out what this troubling dream was about.

Verses 3-4

Dan 2:3-4

Commentary on Daniel 2:3-4 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:3-4 “In Aramaic”: Beginning in Daniel 2:4 and going all the way through Daniel 7:28 our copies of Daniel are written in Aramaic, even the Dead Sea scrolls of Daniel contains this switch from Hebrew to Aramaic. In Daniel’s time, Aramaic was the common language of non-Jewish peoples. “O king, live forever”: Yet we know from the interpretation of the dream that his will not be the case (Daniel 2:39). The Babylonian king and his Empire are just one passing pause of human history. “Tell the dream”: They were confident that with their collective wisdom, they could satisfy the king with an interpretation.

Verse 4

Dan 2:4

Daniel 2:4 Then spakeH1696 the ChaldeansH3778 to the kingH4428 in Syriack,H762 O king,H4430 liveH2418 for ever:H5957 tellH560 thy servantsH5649 the dream,H2493 and we will shewH2324 the interpretation.H6591

Daniel 2:4

Then spake the Chaldeans to the king in Syriack, O king, live for ever: tell thy servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation.

Syriack is a term for the Syrian language which was 6th century Aramaic. The Chaldeans obviously speak to each other in their own peculiar tongue choosing to keep themselves distinct from the general populace. For this occasion when standing before the king of Babylonia, they thought it wise to address him in his own tongue. Especially in view of the fact that Nebuchadnezzar was obviously in a vile mood and they did not know what his dream was so they were at a distinct disadvantage.

Verse 5

Dan 2:5

Daniel 2:5 The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the Chaldeans,H3779 The thingH4406 is goneH230 fromH4481 me: ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dream,H2493 with the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall be cutH5648 in pieces,H1917 and your housesH1005 shall be madeH7761 a dunghill.H5122

Daniel 2:5

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

Nebuchadnezzar either could not remember his dream or he chose to tell the Chaldeans he could not as a test of their ability. It is a common thing to have a disturbing dream one cannot remember. Upon waking, the dream fades into oblivion leaving the emotional reaction to it behind. It is likely Nebuchadnezzar experienced just such a dream and wanted to know what it was. The Chaldeans were recognized as an exclusive society of learned magicians and astronomers and Nebuchadnezzar figured it was time they demonstrated their abilities. He obviously felt that it should have been within their abilities to know and tell him what his dream was. Whether Nebuchadnezzar really forgot his dream or not is inconsequential to the narrative. What is significant is that if the Chaldeans could not perform to Nebuchadnezzar’s expectations, they were going to be put to death. And as we see later, this was not going to be confined just to the ones that stood before him that day on his throne. It was going to mean the execution of their entire society at least in the city of Babylon.

Verses 5-6

Dan 2:5-6

Commentary on Daniel 2:5-6 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:5-6 Nebuchadnezzar is no fool, for he knew that wise men were not beyond making up an “interpretation”, and he also knew that if the magicians could tell him the dream without it being told to them, they would be demonstrating their true ability to interpret it. The King James Version here has the statement, “The thing is gone from me”, which probably is better translated, “The word from me is sure”, i.e., I have made up my mind about this, this is my decision. The punishment of being torn limb from limb pretty much fits what we know about such ancient rulers.

Verse 6

Dan 2:6

Daniel 2:6 But ifH2006 ye shewH2324 the dream,H2493 and the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall receiveH6902 ofH4481 H6925 me giftsH4978 and rewardsH5023 and greatH7690 honour:H3367 thereforeH3861 shewH2324 me the dream,H2493 and the interpretationH6591 thereof.

Daniel 2:6

But if ye shew the dream, and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honour: therefore shew me the dream, and the interpretation thereof.

Nebuchadnezzar started with the negative incentives. Now he gives the positive ones. If the Chaldeans can perform to Nebuchadnezzar’s expectations, they will be showered with gifts and honors. Failure will result in their deaths. The Biblical record restricts itself here to a simple recording of the facts. However, one cannot but help to speculate on the obvious consternation among the Chaldeans upon hearing Nebuchadnezzar’s request and the consequences for failure. It is safe to draw the conclusion that there were some high level discussions going on among the Chaldeans over this predicament they found themselves in.

It is often the case when someone or a group of people set themselves up as mystics and magicians that there are times when they are called upon to perform something clearly outside their ability. Trickery and illusion can only go so far and these people may be able to maintain their sham for some time, but in this case, they were caught and they knew it. One cannot help but consider the foolishness of trying to maintain such activities in any society, let alone one where the disfavor of the wrong individuals can cost one their lives. Charlatans have been around for centuries and through Daniel they can look back and see a grim example of the consequences that can befall them if they find themselves in the unfortunate position of being unable to live up to the things they claim they can do.

Verse 7

Dan 2:7

Daniel 2:7 They answeredH6032 againH8579 and said,H560 Let the kingH4430 tellH560 his servantsH5649 the dream,H2493 and we will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591 of it.

Daniel 2:7

They answered again and said, Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation of it.

They have no idea what Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was. And how could they? Such a thing is not within the scope of mortal man without divine intervention. They knew they were in trouble and their lives were hanging in the balance and they knew it. One can only speculate on their anxiety and consternation as they stood before the king of Babylon.

Verses 8-9

Dan 2:8-9

Daniel 2:8 The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and said,H560 IH576 knowH3046 ofH4481 certaintyH3330 thatH1768 yeH608 would gainH2084 the time,H5732 becauseH3606 H6903 H1768 ye seeH2370 H1768 the thingH4406 is goneH230 fromH4481 me.

Daniel 2:9 ButH1768 ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dream,H2493 there is but oneH2298 decreeH1882 for you: for ye have preparedH2164 lyingH3538 and corruptH7844 wordsH4406 to speakH560 beforeH6925 me, tillH5705 H1768 the timeH5732 be changed:H8133 thereforeH3861 tellH560 me the dream,H2493 and I shall knowH3046 thatH1768 ye can shewH2324 me the interpretationH6591 thereof.

Daniel 2:8-9

The king answered and said, I know of certainty that ye would gain the time, because ye see the thing is gone from me. But if ye will not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you: for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me, till the time be changed: therefore tell me the dream, and I shall know that ye can shew me the interpretation thereof.

Now Nebuchadnezzar is getting upset. If he had any suspicions over the ability of the Chaldeans and the magicians, etc, it is quite evident now and is being displayed in his reaction to their insistence on him telling them what the dream was. What Nebuchadnezzar is saying here is "I know that you are trying to stall for more time. You know that your lives are forfeit and that I will do what I said if you don’t tell me about my dream. You have all conspired to lie to me, hoping for more time so that I will forget what I want you to do. Now tell me the dream and then I will know that you can tell me what it really means."

Nebuchadnezzar’s suspicions are evidently aroused at this point. The king’s last statement now reveal his purpose of requiring the wise men to tell him the dream in order that he might also trust them to reveal the true interpretation of it.

Verses 10-11

Dan 2:10-11

Commentary on Daniel 2:10-11 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:10-11 “There is not a man on earth who could declare the matter... and there is no one else who could declare it to the king except gods”: These two verses stand as a lasting condemnation of all occult practices. These men were not amateurs, rather, they were professionals and they candidly admit that their practices and methods cannot even discover or penetrate a simple thing such as, “Tell me the dream I had last night”. What this reveals is that when unbelievers are allowed to talk long enough they will reveal the actual truth of the matter. This statement reveals the honest truth that without the true God there is no sure word from the outside.

Verse 12

Dan 2:12

Daniel 2:12 For this causeH3606 H6903 H1836 the kingH4430 was angryH1149 and veryH7690 furious,H7108 and commandedH560 to destroyH7 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon.H895

Daniel 2:12

For this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar’s disgust and fury with their inability to tell him the dream has now resulted in him ordering the execution of all the wise men of Babylon no matter who or where. He now thoroughly distrusts them and wants them all killed. The cruel injustice of such an unreasonable destruction was absolutely characteristic of the tyrannical monarchies of that era. There were no free societies then. The people lived under the rule of a supreme monarch who could and did order people executed at will.

Verses 12-16

Dan 2:12-16

Commetary on Daniel 2:12-16 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:12-16 The king determined in his anger that he would be well off without such “wise” men. “Why have a watchdog if you must do your own barking?” (McGuiggan, p. 42). Dale Ralph Davis notes that Daniel 2:1-13 is a good look at Babylon behind the glitz and glamour. Life could be very comfortable there – until the king had a bad mood and then it could all end in a moment. We live in a world where people often excuse their disobedience and sin by arguing that no one is being hurt by their choices. It might have seemed very innocent for the magicians to pretend to interpret omens and dreams, tell the king what he wanted to hear and have a comfortable life in the process. Yet Daniel and some innocent people are on the verge of losing their lives because of “such an innocent and harmless thing”. Daniel remains calm even when his life is in danger, instead of panicking, the text says, “Daniel replied with discretion and discernment” (Daniel 2:14). Daniel then boldly approached the king with the request that the executions be stayed for a while so that he might interpret the king’s dream. Seeing that true faith is not presumptuous, it would appear that Daniel already knew that God had given him the supernatural ability to interpret dreams (Daniel 1:17). Daniel is humble, he does not make any extravagant promises. Also note that the Babylonian “experts” had not even asked for an extension of time for they knew that their practices could not solve this problem, no matter how much time they were given.

Verse 13

Dan 2:13

Daniel 2:13 And the decreeH1882 went forthH5312 that the wiseH2445 men should be slain;H6992 and they soughtH1156 DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 to be slain.H6992

Daniel 2:13

And the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain; and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain.

So angry was the king that even Daniel and his companions who had earlier impressed him so much were going to be slain right along with the rest. It should be noted here that Daniel and his companions were still quite young with Daniel himself probably being in his mid to late teens. This fact when taken into account makes this event in their lives all the more extraordinary. That Daniel had the conviction, composure and self-possession to accomplish what he did is a testament to this man’s extraordinary character.

Verses 14-15

Dan 2:14-15

Daniel 2:14 ThenH116 DanielH1841 answeredH8421 with counselH5843 and wisdomH2942 to AriochH746 the captainH7229 ofH1768 the king’sH4430 guard,H2877 whichH1768 was gone forthH5312 to slayH6992 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon:H895

Daniel 2:15 He answeredH6032 and saidH560 to AriochH746 the king’sH1768 H4430 captain,H7990 WhyH5922 H4101 is the decreeH1882 so hastyH2685 fromH4481 H6925 the king?H4430 ThenH116 AriochH746 made the thing knownH3046 H4406 to Daniel.H1841

Daniel 2:14-15

Then Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom to Arioch the captain of the king’s guard, which was gone forth to slay the wise men of Babylon: He answered and said to Arioch the king’s captain, Why is the decree so hasty from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known to Daniel.

There is an obvious relationship evident here between Daniel and Arioch. The king’s guard had been dispatched to find and execute all the wise men of Babylon. Arioch was probably going to have to dispatch Daniel and his companions himself, probably right there in the palace royal. It is quite possible he was standing in front of Daniel with his sword drawn at this point. Daniel did not even know what was going on and asked Arioch why the king’s decree was so urgent. Obviously Nebuchadnezzar lashed out in a rage without thinking about what he was doing. There was enough of relationship between the captain of the king’s guard and Daniel that he explained to Daniel what was going on. This alone could have cost Arioch his life if this had not gone well. This is the second time we have seen someone under the rule of a tyrant like Nebuchadnezzar risk their lives to help Daniel.

Verse 16

Dan 2:16

Daniel 2:16 Then DanielH1841 went in,H5954 and desiredH1156 ofH4481 the kingH4430 thatH1768 he would giveH5415 him time,H2166 and that he would shewH2324 the kingH4430 the interpretation.H6591

Daniel 2:16

Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would shew the king the interpretation.

One does not just stroll into the presence of the king of Babylon or any other king in this era of history for that matter, unless they are well favored. We should recall that Esther put her life on the line in order to come into the presence of the Persian king Ahasuerus and she was his wife. It was a significant accomplishment that Daniel was even able to do this, let alone get a stay of execution for himself and his companions. But he was successful which testifies to the regard Nebuchadnezzar held for Daniel and to the fact that Nebuchadnezzar really wanted to know what his dream meant.

Verses 17-18

Dan 2:17-18

Daniel 2:17 ThenH116 DanielH1841 wentH236 to his house,H1005 and made the thing knownH3046 H4406 to Hananiah,H2608 Mishael,H4333 and Azariah,H5839 his companions:H2269

Daniel 2:18 That they would desireH1156 merciesH7359 ofH4481 H6925 the GodH426 of heavenH8065 concerningH5922 thisH1836 secret;H7328 thatH1768 DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 should notH3809 perishH7 withH5974 the restH7606 of the wiseH2445 men of Babylon.H895

Daniel 2:17-18

Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions: That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

Two things of interest here. First, Daniel had his own house. Doubtless this was a palace residence reserved for palace servants but it was his own nonetheless and the text seems to indicate it was a separate dwelling from the palace itself.

Second, Daniel sought out his companions, who knew nothing about this, and he wanted them all to pray to God for the answer to the mystery of the king’s dream. Daniel had absolute faith in God and knew God could reveal the secret to them.

Verses 17-19

Dan 2:17-19

Commentary on Daniel 2:17-19 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:17-19 Observe that prayer is far more powerful and useful than anything they had been taught out of the Babylonian astrology or wizardly books (James 5:16-17). Equally consider how the answer to this prayer is called “compassion”. I wonder if we really appreciate the answers to our prayers? Do we see such answers as “mercies” and “compassion” from God? How many people are trying to live without such mercies because they simply do not ask?

“The night is not always bad! God is sovereign of time too. Sometimes it is in the darkness that we see best. If God is behind it all, whatever time of day it is, we see better than before” (McGuiggan, p. 43).

Verse 19

Dan 2:19

Daniel 2:19 ThenH116 was the secretH7328 revealedH1541 unto DanielH1841 in a nightH1768 H3916 vision.H2376 ThenH116 DanielH1841 blessedH1289 the GodH426 of heaven.H8065

Daniel 2:19

Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.

God was indeed merciful to Daniel and Daniel was properly grateful. The application here for us today is that God has indeed been merciful to us as well. The plan of redemption by which we are saved is nothing short of the most incredible gift man could have ever received from God. We today need to be as grateful as Daniel was that next day following his night vision. Daniel’s prayer of thanksgiving to God is given to us in the following scripture.

Verses 20-23

Dan 2:20-23

Daniel 2:20 DanielH1841 answeredH6032 and said,H560 BlessedH1289 beH1934 the nameH8036 ofH1768 GodH426 for ever and ever:H4481 H5957 H5705 H5957 forH1768 wisdomH2452 and mightH1370 are his:

Daniel 2:21 And heH1932 changethH8133 the timesH5732 and the seasons:H2166 he removethH5709 kings,H4430 and setteth upH6966 kings:H4430 he givethH3052 wisdomH2452 unto the wise,H2445 and knowledgeH4486 to them that knowH3046 understanding:H999

Daniel 2:22 HeH1932 revealethH1541 the deepH5994 and secret things:H5642 he knowethH3046 whatH4101 is in the darkness,H2816 and the lightH5094 dwellethH8271 withH5974 him.

Daniel 2:23 IH576 thankH3029 thee, and praiseH7624 thee, O thou GodH426 of my fathers,H2 whoH1768 hast givenH3052 me wisdomH2452 and might,H1370 and hast made knownH3046 unto me nowH3705 whatH1768 we desiredH1156 ofH4481 thee: forH1768 thou hast now made knownH3046 unto us the king’sH4430 matter.H4406

Daniel 2:20-23

Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king’s matter.

In this prayer of thanksgiving to God, Daniel exhibits a considerable knowledge of old testament scripture. This young man who was probably just barely a teenager when he was deported from Jerusalem, knew the scriptures well.

He changeth the times and the seasons

At this point Daniel knew the dream and what it meant. The dream was all about the changing of times and seasons and rulers over nations. The "times" are the phases and periods of duration of empires (Daniel 7:25; 1 Chronicles 12:32; 1 Chronicles 29:30); the "seasons" are the fitting times for their culmination, decline, and fall (Ecclesiastes 3:1; Acts 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:1). The existence of empires, with their times and seasons, are not regulated by chance or fate, as the pagans thought, but by God alone.

"He removeth kings" (Job 12:18; Psalms 75:6-7; 1 Samuel 2:7-8).

"He giveth wisdom" as He gave it to Solomon when he chose wisdom over riches (1 Kings 3:9-12).

"He revealeth the deep and secret things" (Job 12:22, "He discovereth deep things out of darkness").

"He knoweth what is in the darkness" (Psalms 139:11-12, "If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee"

Daniel gave all the glory to God for this revelation. He shows the proper attitude of a man of God. He was not haughty or self-important. He did not use this as an occasion to further his own standing in the eyes of men. Daniel was a true man of God in every sense. The application for us today is that nothing we have or possess came about by the result of our actions apart from the will of God. The New Testament scripture in support of this is found in James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

Verses 20-24

Dan 2:20-24

Commentary on Daniel 2:20-24 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:20-24 “And it is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings”: If God had not revealed this dream, they would have still blessed His name, Chapters 3 and 6 make this very clear. Daniel claims that it is God who moves the nations and precipitates the critical periods of world history. Notice how Daniel views the upheavals of history, not as time to throw in the towel, but rather, “God works just as well when things are looking terrible” (McGuiggan, p. 44). “Slice it how you will.” God runs this show and no one has authority to exercise it unless it’s been given to him of God (Daniel 2:37). This not only includes godly rulers and acceptable governments, but dictatorships as well as democracies (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17). Therefore, when one studies history, one should be impressed with the fact that they are studying God’s hand in the affairs of men (Jeremiah 18; Acts 17:26).

Verse 24

Dan 2:24

Daniel 2:24 ThereforeH3606 H6903 H1836 DanielH1841 went inH5954 untoH5922 Arioch,H746 whomH1768 the kingH4430 had ordainedH4483 to destroyH7 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon:H895 he wentH236 and saidH560 thusH3652 unto him; DestroyH7 notH409 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon:H895 bring me inH5924 beforeH6925 the king,H4430 and I will shewH2324 unto the kingH4430 the interpretation.H6591

Daniel 2:24

Therefore Daniel went in unto Arioch, whom the king had ordained to destroy the wise men of Babylon: he went and said thus unto him; Destroy not the wise men of Babylon: bring me in before the king, and I will shew unto the king the interpretation.

Daniel went to Arioch first and made a plea for the lives of the wise men of Babylon. We do not know if the executions of the wise men had commenced at this point or not. The text indicated in verse 13 that the king’s guard had already been dispatched to carry out the executions so it is entirely likely that some of the wise men had already been executed. Of interest here is that Daniel sought to have them spared. This speaks to the character of Daniel’s righteousness and compassion for his fellow man.

Verse 25

Dan 2:25

Daniel 2:25 ThenH116 AriochH746 brought inH5954 DanielH1841 beforeH6925 the kingH4430 in haste,H927 and saidH560 thusH3652 unto him, I have foundH7912 a manH1400 ofH4481 the captivesH1123 H1547 ofH1768 Judah,H3061 thatH1768 will make knownH3046 unto the kingH4430 the interpretation.H6591

Daniel 2:25

Then Arioch brought in Daniel before the king in haste and said thus unto him, I have found a man of the captives of Judah, that will make known unto the king the interpretation.

This was an urgent matter. Did Arioch dispatch messengers immediately to stop the executions at the request of Daniel or did he hasten Daniel in front of the king in hopes that he would receive the similar order from Nebuchadnezzar himself. It seems unlikely at this point that Daniel had the authority to put a stop to Nebuchadnezzar’s decree. It seems logical that Arioch brought Daniel immediately before the king with this in mind.

Verse 26

Dan 2:26

Daniel 2:26 The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to Daniel,H1841 whoseH1768 nameH8036 was Belteshazzar,H1096 ArtH383 thou ableH3546 to make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493 whichH1768 I have seen,H2370 and the interpretationH6591 thereof?

Daniel 2:26

The king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen, and the interpretation thereof?

Nebuchadnezzar asked Daniel to confirm what Arioch had announced to him. Nebuchadnezzar is interested in knowing what Daniel had to say but there is no hint in the text here that he was in any way going to retreat from his decree to have the wise men slain if someone could not tell him what the dream was and what it meant.

Verses 26-30

Dan 2:26-30

Commentary on Daniel 2:26-30 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:26-30 Daniel makes three things abundantly clear:

1) First, astrology and all its relatives are bankrupt.

2) Only God is able to do this.

3) The ability to declare and interpret the dream is not some natural ability or wisdom that resides in Daniel, for he gives all the credit and glory to God.

Compare with Genesis 41:16. “In the latter days” (Daniel 2:28), that is, the days following the reign of Nebuchadnezzar up to the time when Jesus will come and build His church. Both Isaiah (Isaiah 2:2-4) and Peter (Acts 2:16-17), speak of God’s kingdom being established in the last days. “Your thoughts turned to what would take place in the future” (Daniel 2:29). Apparently, the king had gone to bed thinking about what would happen after his reign of power. Observe that even powerful people, people who according to this world, “have done it all”, still worry about the future.

Verses 27-28

Dan 2:27-28

Daniel 2:27 DanielH1841 answeredH6032 in the presence ofH6925 the king,H4430 and said,H560 The secretH7328 whichH1768 the kingH4430 hath demandedH7593 cannotH3202 H3809 the wiseH2445 men, the astrologers,H826 the magicians,H2749 the soothsayers,H1505 shewH2324 unto the king;H4430

Daniel 2:28 ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secrets,H7328 and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 H1768 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 days.H3118 Thy dream,H2493 and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bed,H4903 are these;H1836

Daniel 2:27-28

Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king; But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;

Daniel took advantage of the opportunity here to set forth God as being far superior to the wise men of Babylon and their false gods. Daniel made sure Nebuchadnezzar knew exactly where this knowledge was coming from and to who should be given the glory and praise for it. We see here that God was making things known directly to Nebuchadnezzar. God was dealing with the king in a direct and personal way. God, in his wisdom and in displaying his providential care of the Israelites in captivity, revealed this information to the king through Daniel in such a way that it would benefit Daniel and all the Israelite captives in Babylon.

While Daniel performed an extraordinary feat in revealing and explaining Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, let’s not overlook the importance of the fact that it was Nebuchadnezzar who God gave the dream to. The Israelites often considered themselves to be much better than the Gentiles because they were God’s chosen people. This does not mean that God left the Gentiles to their own devices and abandoned them to their fate. He certainly did not. God dealt with the Gentile nations and He had expectations of them. God sent Jonah to the Assyrian capitol of Nineveh to preach God’s righteousness to them so we know that the Gentiles had direction from God on matters of righteousness. They, like the Israelites on numerous occasions, chose to reject Him and embrace their own forms of righteousness. God desires no men to be lost anywhere, be they Israelites or Gentiles and this is why he strove with them to try and give them all an opportunity to escape the fate of sinners.

Verse 29

Dan 2:29

Daniel 2:29 As for thee,H607 O king,H4430 thy thoughtsH7476 cameH5559 into thy mind uponH5922 thy bed,H4903 whatH4101 H1768 should come to passH1934 hereafter:H311 H1836 and he that revealethH1541 secretsH7328 maketh knownH3046 to thee whatH4101 H1768 shall come to pass.H1934

Daniel 2:29

As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and he that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass.

Daniel is here telling the king what prompted the dream in the first place. Nebuchadnezzar was lying in bed contemplating the future of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar was no different in this regard than anybody who at a quiet time ponders their existence, purpose and the future of their endeavors. Nebuchadnezzar went down in history as a great master builder for the Babylonian Empire. His architectural achievements in both infrastructure and culture were widespread across the empire. It is said that over 90% if the bricks excavated from that time period of history bore the stamp of his name on them. Obviously Nebuchadnezzar was reflecting on what would come to pass in the future of this great empire he was building. Nebuchadnezzar doubtless got more than he was looking for. He received in his dream about 600 years of "what should come to pass hereafter" and he received a prophetic vision of the most powerful and glorious kingdom that will ever exist and its king.

Verse 30

Dan 2:30

Daniel 2:30 But as for me,H576 thisH1836 secretH7328 is notH3809 revealedH1541 to me for any wisdomH2452 thatH1768 I haveH383 more thanH4481 anyH3606 living,H2417 butH3861 for their sakesH5922 H1701 thatH1768 shall make knownH3046 the interpretationH6591 to the king,H4430 and that thou mightest knowH3046 the thoughtsH7476 of thy heart.H3825

Daniel 2:30

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.

Before Daniel reveals Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, he assumes a penitent and subservient attitude. Daniel did not go into the presence of the king of Babylon and try to portray himself as someone with more wisdom and importance than anybody else. This was in stark contrast with Arioch who announced to the king that he was the one who found someone that could reveal the meaning of the dream. Doubtless it was the humble attitude of Daniel which caused him to be so favored by those he served.

Daniel tells the king that the dream was not revealed to him because of any wisdom he had more than anybody else, but it was revealed for the preservation of those who would make known the meaning of it. Furthermore Daniel affirms that the dream is revealed to him so that Nebuchadnezzar could know the thoughts of his heart. This dream was intended for a purpose and it was meant for Nebuchadnezzar to know it from the beginning. God’s use of Daniel in the process assured a measure of protection for the Israelites in captivity by diminishing the influence of the Chaldeans and elevating the influence of the Israelites, especially those who served in the palace courts and could directly influence the king who had already demonstrated a capacity for cruel and bloody reactions towards those who could not provide him exactly what he wanted at the time. God’s providential hand is evident in his dealings with Nebuchadnezzar and with the kings who came after him as well.

Verses 31-35

Dan 2:31-35

Daniel 2:31 Thou,H607 O king,H4430 sawest,H2370 H1934 and beholdH431 aH2298 greatH7690 image.H6755 ThisH1797 greatH7229 image,H6755 whose brightnessH2122 was excellent,H3493 stoodH6966 beforeH6903 thee; and the formH7299 thereof was terrible.H1763

Daniel 2:32 ThisH1932 image’sH6755 headH7217 was ofH1768 fineH2869 gold,H1722 his breastH2306 and his armsH1872 ofH1768 silver,H3702 his bellyH4577 and his thighsH3410 ofH1768 brass,H5174

Daniel 2:33 His legsH8243 ofH1768 iron,H6523 his feetH7271 partH4481 ofH1768 ironH6523 and partH4481 ofH1768 clay.H2635

Daniel 2:34 Thou sawestH2370 H1934 tillH5705 thatH1768 a stoneH69 was cut outH1505 withoutH1768 H3809 hands,H3028 which smoteH4223 the imageH6755 uponH5922 his feetH7271 that were ofH1768 ironH6523 and clay,H2635 and brake them to pieces.H1855 H1994

Daniel 2:35 ThenH116 was the iron,H6523 the clay,H2635 the brass,H5174 the silver,H3702 and the gold,H1722 broken to piecesH1751 together,H2298 and becameH1934 like the chaffH5784 ofH4481 the summerH7007 threshingfloors;H147 and the windH7308 carried them away,H5376 H1994 that noH3809 H3606 placeH870 was foundH7912 for them: and the stoneH69 thatH1768 smoteH4223 the imageH6755 becameH1934 a greatH7229 mountain,H2906 and filledH4391 the wholeH3606 earth.H772

Daniel 2:31-35

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Revealed

Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

Daniel said, "Your Majesty, what you saw standing in front of you was a huge and terrifying statue, shining brightly. Its head at the top was made of gold. Moving down, its chest and arms were silver, and from its waist down to its knees, it was bronze. From there to its ankles it was iron, and its feet were a mixture of iron and potter’s clay. As you watched, a stone was cut from a mountain-but not by human hands. The stone struck the feet, completely shattering the iron and clay. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed and blown away without a trace, like husks of wheat at threshing time. But the stone became a tremendous mountain that covered the entire earth."

The stone which was cut without human hands was Jesus Christ who identified Himself as such in: Matthew 21:42-44, "Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. Jesus was quoting prophecy from Psalms 118:22-23 when He said this to the chief priests and scribes.

Peter later identified Jesus Christ as this stone in Acts 4:10-11, "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner".

"and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth."

The stone, Jesus Christ, became a tremendous mountain that covered the whole earth. Daniel explained this in Daniel 2:44 as the kingdom that the God of heaven set up which shall endure and consume all other kingdoms. This is a figure of the church, the body of the saved, which grew to cover the whole earth.

Verses 36-37

Dan 2:36-37

Daniel 2:36 ThisH1836 is the dream;H2493 and we will tellH560 the interpretationH6591 thereof beforeH6925 the king.H4430

Daniel 2:37 Thou,H607 O king,H4430 art a kingH4430 of kings:H4430 forH1768 the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdom,H4437 power,H2632 and strength,H8632 and glory.H3367

Daniel 2:36-37

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Explained

"This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king. Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory."

Daniel starts out by telling Nebuchadnezzar that his kingdom, power, strength and glory came from God. And indeed it did as stated from the word of God by inspiration in Jeremiah 29:23. Nebuchadnezzar was told at the onset of the interpretation that God was behind his success. Not the pagan false gods he served, but the God of Daniel, the one true and living God. Nebuchadnezzar had some trouble with his pride and would have done well to heed this gentile admonition from God through Daniel. Later in life, this pride resulted in his being basically dethroned for 7 years and placed into a position with the wild beasts of the fields (Daniel 4:30-32).

Verses 36-38

Dan 2:36-38

Commentary on Daniel 2:36-38 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:36-38 The statue clearly represents four successive world empires: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian Empire represent the head of gold in the statue. The next part of the statue is not the next Babylonian king, but the next empire, “After you will arise another kingdom” (Daniel 2:39). Once again, the sovereignty of God is stressed, “To whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom” (Daniel 2:37).Given can be written over all areas of human endeavor. The nations may strive and sweat and groan in exertion, but the kingdom is ‘given’” (McGuiggan, p. 52). Do we view the things in our lives as “gifts”? (Psalms 127:3; Proverbs 19:14).

Verse 38

Dan 2:38

Daniel 2:38 And wheresoeverH3606 H1768 the childrenH1123 of menH606 dwell,H1753 the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251 and the fowlsH5776 of the heavenH8065 hath he givenH3052 into thine hand,H3028 and hath made thee rulerH7981 over them all.H3606 ThouH607 art thisH1932 headH7217 ofH1768 gold.H1722

Daniel 2:38

"And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold."

Nebuchadnezzar did not actually rule every part of the globe. However God granted him vast domination in whatever direction his ambition led him, Egypt, Nineveh, Arabia, Syria, Tyre, and its Phoenician colonies. Starting at the head of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, he was represented as the head of gold. The Babylonian Empire did not last long as compared to some of the other empires in history, but it certainly was one of the most glorious and powerful. Nebuchadnezzar was certainly one of the post powerful gentile kings who ever lived.

The designation "Thou art this head of gold", does not refer to his person, but to the world-kingdom founded by him and represented in his person, having all things placed under his control by God. The kingdoms in view here in this vision are not small nations, rather they are world powers which dominated vast regions of the known world at the time. None of these world kingdoms extended over all of the whole earth, but they did encompass the majority of the historical nations of their time. Babylon, being the head of the figure in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream established the pattern by which the following world kingdoms would be recognized. We should bear in mind here that what Daniel’s explanation of the dream meant to Nebuchadnezzar is what it must mean to us as well. In Nebuchadnezzar’s mind, the kingdoms following after him would be similar to the one he reigned over. They would be an empire of many smaller nations in service and under the authority of one mighty one.

Verse 39

Dan 2:39

Commentary on Daniel 2:39 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:39 The second portion of the statue, the chest and arms of silver, represented the rise of the Medes and the Persians, who conquered the Babylonians in 539 B.C. The belly and thighs of bronze represented the third kingdom to arise, this was the Grecian Empire. Alexander the Great conquered the Medo-Persians between 334 and 330 B.C. By his conquests he extended the Greek Empire as far East as the Northwestern portion of India, an extensive empire that seemingly was over the whole earth. “Inferior to you”: Apparently in the sense of inferior unity and cohesiveness. Thus Babylon is represented as one head, the second kingdom by breast and arms, the third by belly and thighs and the fourth by legs and feet. Also note that the statue degenerates from gold to iron. The splendor dissipates but the hardness increases. New Governments and History cannot save us. True optimism comes from serving in the indestructible kingdom (Daniel 2:44-45).

Verse 40

Dan 2:40

Daniel 2:40 And the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 strongH8624 as iron:H6523 forasmuch asH3606 H6903 H1768 ironH6523 breaketh in piecesH1855 and subduethH2827 allH3606 things: and as ironH6523 thatH1768 breakethH7490 allH3606 these,H459 shall it break in piecesH1855 and bruise.H7490

Daniel 2:40

And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.

The Roman Empire was well known for its use of iron in weaponry. A huge iron mining and refining operation has been discovered near Brayford on the southern edge of Exmoor in what is today the United Kingdom. Thousands of tons of metal was smelted at the site - far more than would have been needed locally. There is also the iron mining trench or openwork known as "Roman Lode," at Burcombe near Simonsbath. The Roman military was one of the strongest military powers in the ancient world because of their superior weapons made of iron. Helmets, Body Armour, Shields, Swords and other weapons made of iron served to identify the Roman Empire’s military as the most fearsome yet.

Interestingly history classifies the period of time known as the bronze age up to about 500 BC and from there to what is called the early iron age. The Persians used iron in the armor of their troops before the Romans did. The Romans got the idea from their iron clad enemies, refined it and expanded on it. The Roman Iron Age is shown to be from 0 to 400 AD. 0 to 200 AD is known as the early Roman Iron Age with the period of time from 200 to 400 AD being the late Roman Iron Age. During this period of time in history, iron rose to be the metal of choice for weaponry and fortification. The iron weaponry of the Roman soldiers helped to secure their dominance in warfare and they used it to subdue their enemies and to become the great Roman world empire that was represented by legs of iron in the figure in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

Verses 40-43

Dan 2:40-43

Commentary on Daniel 2:40-43 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:40-43 The Roman Empire was as strong as iron, for it swallowed up lands and peoples who had been part of the previous three empires, but the empire was also fragile and divided, just like iron and clay cannot be mixed. The idea is a kingdom of massive strength, with disturbing weakness, crushing power and failing cohesion. So beware of worshipping or being overly impressed by human power no matter now “ironish” it appears.

Verses 41-43

Dan 2:41-43

Daniel 2:41 And whereasH1768 thou sawestH2370 the feetH7271 and toes,H677 partH4481 ofH1768 potters’

H6353 clay,H2635 and partH4481 of iron,H6523 the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 divided;H6386 but there shall beH1934 in it ofH4481 the strengthH5326 ofH1768 the iron,H6523 forasmuch asH3606 H6903 H1768 thou sawestH2370 the ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clay.H2635

Daniel 2:42 And as the toesH677 of the feetH7271 were partH4481 of iron,H6523 and partH4481 of clay,H2635 so the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 partlyH4481 H7118 strong,H8624 and partlyH4481 broken.H8406

Daniel 2:43 And whereasH1768 thou sawestH2370 ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clay,H2635 they shallH1934 mingle themselvesH6151 with the seedH2234 of men:H606 but they shallH1934 notH3809 cleaveH1693 oneH1836 toH5974 another,H1836 even asH1888 H1768 ironH6523 is notH3809 mixedH6151 withH5974 clay.H2635

Daniel 2:41-43

And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

The Roman Empire, even though she ruled and dominated much of the the known world during the Roman Iron Age, had divisions within herself. The Roman Empire conquered nations to add to the empire and taxed them. As long as these nations paid their taxes, they were allowed to retain their cultures to a degree. This was unlike the Greek Empire which diligently sought to assimilate their vassal nations to their culture, which was labeled as Hellenism. Later on the imperial cults set up idols and temples and imposed emperor worship on the populace throughout the empire. These smaller nations within the Roman Empire never completely united under the Roman banner. As a result they were always a divided kingdom. The ten toes represented the smaller kingdoms or nations within the empire.

Another great adversary of the Empire within was the Christians. They were a people who refused to join with the Empire in her dealings. They refused to serve in the Roman Army because the troops were required to worship the emperor. They refused to partake in worship of any kind with the pagan people of Rome. While law abiding where possible, in areas where the will of God conflicted with Roman law, they stubbornly and steadfastly opposed them and refused to have any dealings with them. The Christians however were not represented by the clay in the figure. In the vision, the clay along with the rest of the materials making up the statue in the dream "became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away" (Daniel 2:35). The Christians were not carried away, they grew to be the mountain the covered the entire earth. Yet, it is significant to note that the Roman Empire was indeed a divided kingdom on many different levels. Truly the Roman Empire was a divided realm and in the end when she was overthrown the provinces under her authority turned on her and helped to bring her down from within.

Verse 44

Dan 2:44

Commentary on Daniel 2:44 by Mark Dunagan

Daniel 2:44 In the days of the kings of the fourth empire, God would set up a kingdom. The New Testament reveals that the kingdom of God, the church, was established in the first century, during the days of the Roman emperors (Matthew 3:1; Luke 3:1-3; Mark 9:1; Acts 2:47; Colossians 1:12-14).

1)The church has long outlasted the Roman Empire. “Stone cut without hands”: Speaks of a kingdom without human origin, compared to the other kingdoms in this chapter had been shaped and built by humans. Such an expression might hint at having a beginning in obscurity and seeming weakness. “It crushed the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold”: Until the church is established, the whole image is viewed as continuing to exist. This stresses the fact that all these empires had built upon each other and all of them were of the same worldly spirit.

2) The message reveals to the Jewish people of Daniel’s time that deliverance would not come after Babylon collapsed. So avoid believing, “We could serve God better if only we were not under Babylonian rule”. “To have a God who reveals mysteries, however does not mean we have a God who unveils everything. He doesn’t show us which stocks will profit or whether you can avoid cancer... He only reveals what we need to have” (The Message of Daniel, Dale Ralph Davis, p. 45).

Verse 45

Dan 2:45

Daniel 2:45 Forasmuch asH3606 H6903 H1768 thou sawestH2370 thatH1768 the stoneH69 was cut outH1505 of the mountainH4481 H2906 withoutH1768 H3809 hands,H3028 and that it brake in piecesH1855 the iron,H6523 the brass,H5174 the clay,H2635 the silver,H3702 and the gold;H1722 the greatH7229 GodH426 hath made knownH3046 to the kingH4430 whatH4101 H1768 shall come to passH1934 hereafter:H311 H1836 and the dreamH2493 is certain,H3330 and the interpretationH6591 thereof sure.H540

Daniel 2:45

Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

The "stone" that was "cut out of the mountain without hands" is none other than Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah. Scripture describes Christ as a stone or as rock in numerous places. The imagery being that Christ is enduring, unmovable and strong. Jesus portrayed Himself as the stone which was rejected by the builders and then became the cornerstone, the stone around and upon which all other stones were placed. Paul portrayed Christ as the chief cornerstone of the foundation of the household of God. Peter’s words as written by inspiration show Christ as the "chief corner stone, elect, precious" (1 Peter 2:6). Peter then went on to say that to those who were disobedient, Jesus became a "stone of stumbling, a rock of offence".

The stone which was cut from the mountain without hands utterly destroyed all the kingdoms represented by the figure in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. It would emerge victorious over all the rest of the glorious kingdoms that would rise after Babylon. This is the answer Nebuchadnezzar received by revelation in response to his thoughts as to what would "come to pass hereafter".

Verse 46

Dan 2:46

Daniel 2:46 ThenH116 the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 fellH5308 uponH5922 his face,H600 and worshippedH5457 Daniel,H1841 and commandedH560 that they should offerH5260 an oblationH4061 and sweet odoursH5208 unto him.

Daniel 2:46

Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him.

The revealing and the interpretation of the remarkable dream made a powerful impression on Nebuchadnezzar. So much so that he fell down in supplication before Daniel and ordered sacrifice to be offered to him. Falling prostrate to the earth is found as a mark of honour to men. To the Chaldean king, Daniel appeared as a man in whom the gods manifested themselves; therefore he shows to him divine honour, such as was shown by Cornelius to the Apostle Peter (Acts 10:25), and at Lystra was shown to Paul and Barnabas, Acts 14:13. What an image it portrays to visualize one of the greatest kings on earth to ever live prostrating himself before Daniel, a servant in his palace.

Verse 47

Dan 2:47

Daniel 2:47 The kingH4430 answeredH6032 unto Daniel,H1841 and said,H560 OfH4481 a truthH7187 it is, thatH1768 your GodH426 is a GodH426 of gods,H426 and a LordH4756 of kings,H4430 and a revealerH1541 of secrets,H7328 seeingH1768 thou couldestH3202 revealH1541 thisH1836 secret.H7328

Daniel 2:47

The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.

At this point in Nebuchadnezzar’s life he praises the God of the Jews as the God of gods. Nebuchadnezzar did not abandon his belief in his own pagan gods. He did not recognize the God of the Jews as the one true and living God, but only as the God of gods, as the highest or the most exalted of the gods, who excelled the other gods in might and in wisdom, and was a Lord of kings. As such Nebuchandnezzar believed Daniel’s God worthy to be honored along with the pagan gods of his own country. Later in Nebuchadnezzar’s life, he would find good reason to think more highly of Daniel’s God and less highly of his own. This was not the only dream Nebuchandnezzar had and this is certainly not the only dream Daniel interpreted for him during his reign in Babylon. God dealt extensively with Nebuchadnezzar throughout his life and it is entirely within the scope of possibility that Daniel’s influence on Nebuchadnezzar might have brought him to God’s righteousness. Unfortunately, as is the case so often, after the passing of Nebuchadnezzar, it was short lived and Babylon continued in her evil ways and paid the price for it.

Verse 48

Dan 2:48

Daniel 2:48 ThenH116 the kingH4430 made Daniel a great man,H7236 H1841 and gaveH3052 him manyH7690 greatH7260 gifts,H4978 and made him rulerH7981 overH5922 the wholeH3606 provinceH4083 of Babylon,H895 and chiefH7229 of the governorsH5460 overH5922 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon.H895

Daniel 2:48

Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon.

Obviously all the wise men of Babylon had not been slain when Daniel intervened on behalf of them, or there would have not been any of them left for Daniel to rule over. Nebuchadnezzar was so disgusted with the inability of the Chaldean wise men to show him the dream that he appointed the one man in all the empire who did show him the dream as their ruler. The Chaldeans stood before the king and declared that what he desired of them could not be done by mortal man. Daniel, by the will of God, was able to prove to the king of Babylon that his own wise men were not so inspired by God. The Chaldeans spoke the truth when they told Nebuchadnezzar that "there is none other that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh". What they didn’t know was that there was a man on earth to whom the one true and living God would reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s secret through. And for that error and their failure, they were placed under the rule of the man who with great humility and penitence before God and before the king made them eat their words. These wise men literally owed Daniel their lives. It is quite probable that these wise men received extensive instruction under the rule of Daniel about the ways of righteousness and about the one true and living God. Daniel found himself in quite a unique position where he could influence a great many people and given the evidence from scripture there can hardly be any doubt that he did so.

Verse 49

Dan 2:49

Daniel 2:49 Then DanielH1841 requestedH1156 ofH4481 the king,H4430 and he setH4483 Shadrach,H7715 Meshach,H4336 and Abednego,H5665 overH5922 the affairsH5673 ofH1768 the provinceH4083 of Babylon:H895 but DanielH1841 sat in the gateH8651 of the king.H4430

Daniel 2:49

Then Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, over the affairs of the province of Babylon: but Daniel sat in the gate of the king.

Here we see Daniel asking to have his companions set in positions where they could influence others as well. Nebuchadnezzar granted this request and the people of Babylon found themselves under the authority of those who were brought to Babylon as captives from a deposed nation. What an inspiration these young men must have been to their fellow Israelites in captivity. They could look at what happened with Daniel and his companions and they could see the fruits of their righteousness manifest before all Babylon. There is every reason to believe they knew why they were there. They had been warned by Ezekiel for years before their overthrow. There can be no doubt that many of the Israelite captives knew they were getting what they deserved and in seeing Daniel and his three righteous companions being elevated to positions of authority over the province of Babylon, they had to know that God was behind it and His blessings would have been on them in Judah if they would have but listened and heeded the words of the prophets.

To the captives who were righteous in Judah and got carried off like Daniel and his companions, these four young men were examples for them to live by. They represented the hope that God was indeed active and watching over his righteous children, even in Babylon.

Bibliographical Information
"Commentary on Daniel 2". "Old & New Testament Restoration Commentary". https://studylight.org/commentaries/eng/onr/daniel-2.html.
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