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Bible Commentaries
Colossians 2

Luscombe's Commentary on Selected Books of the NTLuscombe's NT Commentary

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Verses 6-7

Call to Continuance - 2:6-7

6As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,

ZA "receive means to take to one's side, to receive to one's self, admit, acknowledge" Vine "to receive from another" Vincent "by transmission from your teachers"

Study this chart to see how each time the kingdom was extended, people received the Word.

Kingdom Expanded Passage

Jews Act_2:41

Samaritans Act_8:14

Gentiles Act_11:1

Bereans Act_17:11

Also notice these:

Apostles Mat_10:40

Children Mar_9:37

People Luk_8:40

Believers Joh_1:12

We must keep walking in Christ. NIV "continue to live in him" Vine says that walking is "signifying the whole round of activities of the individual life."

Christians must maintain a certain walk of life and conduct. Study Rom_8:1 .

6 - As you received from your teachers that Christ Jesus is Lord, maintain your life and conduct in him as Lord.

7rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

We must be rooted. Paul uses a building metaphor meaning to be firm, sure and solid on the foundation. We must be rooted in the love of Christ. ( Eph_3:17 )

We must be built up on that foundation. Sometimes the terms are used as negative and positive. Rooted is used to pull up by the roots, or remove from the foundation. Built up is used to build, and grow.

Here - both terms are in the positive. Upon this foundation we must be built up. See Act_20:32 .

NASB "overflowing with gratitude" This is more than just getting by, more than enough to survive, we ought to be overflowing with thanksgiving.

7 - Now that you are established in your faith, keep building layer after layer of faith. The result will be a heart overflowing with gratitude.

Verses 8-9

Philosophy vs. Truth - 2:8-9

8Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

Beware is a red flag of "Danger." The meaning is: Be careful! Watch out! Caution!

Do not let anyone cheat you (rob you) of the prize you have in Christ. KJV "spoil" does not mean spoil like spoiled rotten food. It refers to the "spoils of war." Don't be taken captive by these false teachers.

Philosophy was a Greek pastime. It was the love and pursuit of wisdom. The gospel of Christ makes all human philosophy weak and inadequate. Phillips "Intellectualism and high-sounding nonsense."

Traditions of men TEV "teachings handed down by men" Vincent points out that tradition involved "receiving doctrines" which were based not on ancient writings, but of human origin.

The basic elements of the world is from a military term meaning lowest in rank or position. To follow the traditions of men, is not to follow Christ. You can not follow both. Paul's plea is that these teachers not carry you away as the spoils of their war against Christ.

8 - Watch out! See that you are not carried away by the philosophies and traditions of men. They are low ranking and of the world. They are not from Christ.

9For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;

To dwell in Christ, means that we take up residence, abiding, not just a short term visit.

Christ is complete. Everything we need is in Him. ( 2Pe_1:3 ) In Christ is the complete expression, the full content of God.

The Godhead includes all that comprises God. Vincent "not the divine attributes, but the divine nature." Vine "Paul is declaring that in the Son there dwells all the fullness of absolute Godhead. He was and is absolute and perfect God." SEB "the totality of Divinity lives embodied in Christ."

9 - In Christ abides the complete personality and nature of God, clothed in a human body.

Verses 10-15

New Men in Christ - 2:10-15

10and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

Those who are in Christ - are complete. What else do we need?

Christ is our head, making our decisions, guiding our lives.

Christ is Lord over all other lords. He is King over all human kings. He is higher in rank and authority than the most powerful ruler on this earth.

10 - Because we are in Christ, we are also complete. Christ is the supreme authority over all.

11In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ,

Circumcision was the sign of being in covenant to God under the Law of Moses. Paul is now introducing a new kind of circumcision. The circumcision that Paul is talking about is special and spiritual. This circumcision is not the cutting off of flesh, but the cutting off of sin.

This comparison is also used in other places in our New Testament. ( Rom_2:28 ; Gal_5:6 ; Eph_2:11 ; Col_3:11 )

There is a list of some of the sins of the flesh in Gal_5:1-26 and a shorter list in Col_3:5-9 .

11 - Through Christ you have had the spiritual removal of the sins of your body.

12buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.

Baptism is a burial. Not sprinkling, nor pouring. It is immersion. You do not need to know Greek to understand this. See also Romans 6:4-3 .

We die to sin. We are buried. We are raised to walk in a new life in Christ. Baptism is a symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

We have been raised with Him. When one comes from that watery grave of baptism, they are raised to a new life. It is a spiritual resurrection. ( Rom_8:11 ; Col_3:1 ; Eph_2:1 ; Eph_2:6 )

All of this is the working of God. The Greek word here is "energia" and is the basis of our English word, energy. In every baptism God demonstrates His "energy" by raising us from spiritual death. The energy of God is demonstrated in the power of the resurrection. ( Rom_1:4 ; Eph_1:19-20 )

The only reason our baptism has any value or purpose is found in the resurrection of Christ.

12 - You were buried in baptism and raised from spiritual death by the same energizing power which raised Jesus from the dead.

13And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,

You were dead in your sins before you were received spiritual circumcision. You had a choice to remain dead in your sins, ( Joh_8:24 ) or dying to sin. ( Rom_6:2 ; Rom_6:11 )

Either way - you are dead. God has brought you to life. He has forgiven your sins at the same time.

13 - You were dead in your sins of the flesh. God has brought you to life and forgiven your of all sins.

14having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

God wiped out the requirement we could not keep. ( Act_3:19 ; Rev_3:5 )

God took away that which hindered us. TEV "canceled the unfavorable record of our debts" NIV "canceled the written code"

Some try to make a difference in the moral law (Ten Commandments) and the rest of the Law of Moses (Ceremonial). Such differences do not exist. Study these passages:

Amo_8:5 ; Amo_8:9-10




The Law of Moses died when Jesus died on the cross. Christ fulfilled the law by living it without sin. ( Heb_4:15 ) We were free from its bondage when it died. ( Rom_7:1-4 )

14 - Christ wiped out the written code of regulations. It was a record of debts which we could not pay. Jesus nailed that law to his cross.

15Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

Phillips "completely annulled" God totally disarmed the law. It has no power in our lives.

Like the stockades, Jesus made a public spectacle of the old law. This was done so all the world would know and rejoice.

We are triumphant. The picture painted here is that of a victory procession. Phillips "final glorious triumphant act."

15 - Having disarmed its power, he made a public spectacle of it. Christ led the victory march in celebration.

Verses 16-23

Christian Liberty - 2:16-23

16So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths,

Do not let others judge you, as you should not judge others. ( Mat_7:1 ) NEB "take you to task" SEB "condemn you" Vincent "because the bond was broken" we are not subject to the judgments of others.

Paul is saying that these false teachers can not assume censorial power over you. They can not call you to account or condemn you.

Meat, drink - The daily menu under the Law of Moses was restricting. Not any more.

Holy day - There were many annual holy days which were observed. Not any more.

New moon - Each new moon was a monthly day to be celebrated. Not any more.

Sabbath days - The seventh day of the week was holy, special, sacred to those under the Law of Moses. Not any more.

There are concepts and moral codes which are also part of the new covenant for Christians. They were not "brought over" from the Law of Moses. They were re-written and strengthened. Study the sermon on the mount in Mat_5:1-48 .

16 - Do not let others be critical of you in what you eat or drink. You are not bound to observe the annual, monthly or weekly feasts of the law.

17which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.

Paul pictures a shadowing forth. Vine "image or outline cast by an object"

All of these feasts and ceremonies mentioned in the previous verse are casting a shadow toward Christ.

The reality is Christ. NEB "solid reality" SEB "Christ is real" Standing in apposition to the shadow is the reality of Christ.

Why would you be bound under the shadow when you have access to the real thing?

17 - These are but shadows. Christ is real.

18Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

Some are trying to cheat you out of Christ. SEB "disqualify you from the race" Phillips "cheat you of your joy" Vine "used of umpire's decision against a racer"

Do not allow anyone to judge you unfit to run the race. They do not have the right to rob you of the prize. Let no man decide for you or against you.

Paul mentions false humility. This is the pretense and show of humility which deny its genuine strength.

The worship of angels is mentioned. Angels are an important part of the work of God. They are created, spirit beings serving God. We are not to worship them. We should worship the Lord who created them.

These are puffed up. The word here is a picture of a bellows. When men set themselves up as judge, when their display of humility is the standard, they become a bellows filled with pride.

They are so proud of their humility.

They are claiming to know much about that which they have not seen, heard, learned or have any personal knowledge.

18 - Do not let anyone rod you of your reward. Men will try to cheat you by displaying false humility, worship of angels, and visions they have not seen. They are balloon filled with pride.

19and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.

Those who judge you and rob you of your reward are refusing to submit to Christ as head.

When men are filled with pride, they think that they are the head. They are not willing to submit to Christ as the head over all things.

In turn, their attitude destroys the unity and harmony of the body. They are not in union with Christ, the head. They are not in unity with the rest of the body. The church suffers by a lack of nourishment, lack of unity and thus a failure to grow.

19 - They are not subject to Christ as head of the body. Christ, as our head, provides food, strength and growth.

20Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations-

The logic is clear. Since you died to the sins of the world (2:13) and were buried in baptism (2:12) and raised to a new life (3:1), why do you let the world write your rules?

They have no power to make us follow their rules - unless we allow them that power.

20 - Since you died with Christ in baptism, why do you let the world dictate the rules of your life?

21 " Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle, "

Vincent notices Paul building to a climax with these three rules.

Touch not - Do not grab so as to injure. Do not handle in a rough manner as an enemy would do to you.

Taste not - Do not wallow in your mouth. Do not savor it on your tongue.

Handle not - Do not even feel of it.

Once men start writing rules they get stricter. What started out as a rule not to handle roughly becomes a command not to enjoy and finally an order not to get near.

This is a fill in the blank command. Do not touch _____. Any command you put in the blank will take away the freedom and liberty we have in Christ.

21 - (Rules like: Do not grab. Do not enjoy. Do not go near.

22which all concern things which perish with the using-according to the commandments and doctrines of men?

All material things will perish, wear out, break down, fall apart and decay. ( 2Pe_3:10-11 ) The temporary nature of things forbidden should demonstrate the foolishness of such rules.

These are all doctrines of men. These commands are from men, not from Christ. If Christ is our head, should we not obey him? The real issue is: Is Christ the authority in your life?

Study Mat_15:8-9 ; Mar_7:6-9 .

While Paul would include the religious doctrines of the creeds and teachings of human origin, we must not limit our study to religious doctrines. Paul was dealing with how we conduct our lives. We must not let the world write our rules for our moral code. The speech, the dress, the values, the moral principles by which we live are to have their origin in our head, Christ.

We must not be conformed to the world. ( Rom_12:1-2 )

22 - Material things do not last.) All such rules are teachings of human origin.

23These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.

Our worship to God must not be "will worship" KJV. Phillips "self- inspired efforts at worship" This is a form of worship which man arranges for his enjoyment and pleasure.

There appears to be some wisdom and logic in it. There may be good and logical reasons to control the physical desires. But, if it is not from Christ, it is wrong to impose on others.

All the rules of men will not control the physical desires. TEV "they have no real value in controlling physical passions" Your passions will not be restrained by another regulation.

The power to overcome these desires is in remembering that we are the body of Christ. Joseph was able to overcome by remembering his relationship to God. ( Gen_39:9 )

Here is a powerful truth in our battle against temptation in our lives. May God give us the courage to say, "I can not sin against my Lord." There is no other way to conquer sin.

23 - The worship of human origin might appear to be wise. All these rules will not control the fleshy desires.

Bibliographical Information
Luscombe, Manly. "Commentary on Colossians 2". Luscombe's Commentary on Selected Books of the NT. https://studylight.org/commentaries/eng/mlc/colossians-2.html. 2021.
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