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Bible Commentaries
Acts 2

Gann's Commentary on the BibleGann on the Bible

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Verse 1

Acts 2:1

See Topic Sermons_Gann.topx "Great Chapter in the Bible"

Ch 2 - Bridge between Christianity in prospect and Christianity in practice.

Ch. 2 - "The Hub of the Bible" Everything in the Bible before this was looking forward to this, everything afterwards looked back to it. It was called the "beginning" Acts 11:15.

When the day -- A Great Day 1) The day of Pentecost; 2) A Historic Place - Jerusalem; 3) A Divine Occurrence - Acts 2:1-4.

Pentecost -- Fiftieth part of a thing. Fifty days after Passover Day. Lev 23:15-16 ff; Numbers 28:26. Pentecost always came on a Sunday, in March or April. In the Jewish Talmud, Pentecost is recognized as the day the Lord gave the Law at Mt. Sinai.

They -- The proper antecedent of this pronoun is the Apostles, Acts 1:26 the last word (also last word in the Greek) in the previous verse. Some false doctrine have arise believing the entire 120 were speaking in tongues but this does not hold up under a close scrutiny of the scriptures.

One Place -- The place where the apostles were told to wait, Jerusalem Acts 1:4, for the promise of the Holy Spirit Luke 24:49.

The place was probably in the temple (house vs. 2) at the hour of prayer, Acts 2:15.

See "Locating Pentecost - Part 1" - Chris McKinny

See The Bordeaux (SW France) Pilgrim to Jerusalem in AD 333.

Verse 2

Acts 2:2

Suddenly -- a sound -- Notice the direction, from heaven, and the suddenness of this blast.

House -- This could be a part of the temple where they had come to worship at the hour of prayer Acts 2:15, or the house perhaps where they had previously met for the Lord’s last supper with them, and perhaps it was the house belonging to Mary, the sister of Barnabas and mother of Mark, where they assembled in Acts 12:12; see Colossians 4:10; Acts 12:25.

Verse 3

Acts 2:3

Cloven tongues -- With the sound of a rushing wind, and like the appearance of fire dividing itself upon the twelve apostles.

Tongues refers to the shape. Cloven, not because each was forked, but one great sheet of light (like fire) that dispersed into twelve parts.

Like as . .not actual fire.

Sat upon each -- The tense, first aorist, shows this was momentary and not a continuous thing.

Verse 4

Acts 2:4

Began to speak -- The apostles are enabled by the Holy Spirit to speak in the various languages and dialects of the nations assembled. This was the third event here recorded.

"Sin ruined the unity of language at Babel Genesis 11:1 ff; there Babel brought discord, darkness, separation. Pentecost brought light, understanding, and unity."

This event on Pentecost is referred to as the beginning in Acts 11:15. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit was upon Jews. And nothing like it occured again until Acts 10:44-45 when it was upon Gentiles. To find a likeness to what had happened at Cornelius’ house, Peter had to refer back to this day of Pentecost.

Tongues - Languages, see Acts 2:8;

Spirit gave them utterance - Inspiration. Luke 12:12; Acts 6:10;

Verse 5

Acts 2:5

Devout -- Good men who had come to Jerusalem to worship God.

Every nation -- Faithful Jews who had been scattered among all the nations had come to Jerusalem for the Passover and many stayed for Pentecost as well.

II. A Great Audience - v. 5-11

1. Remarkable because of its background, Jews who understood the significance of their message, and ready to hear.

2. Remarkable because of its potential. Fifteen sections of the Roman Empire are represented. These could take the Gospel back to their home communities. They were personally witnesses of the great event of this day and the birthday of Christ’s church (Acts 2:47) and had the opportunity to become charter members themselves (such as Mnason, see various translations of Acts 21:16).

Verse 6

Acts 2:6

Noised abroad -- The sound (v.2) and the miraculous speaking (v.4) prompted the gathering of a multitude.

Confounded -- Amazed, perplexed, "thrown into an uproar."

Heard them speak -- The miracle was in the apostles’ ability to speak the various languages, not in the ears of the hearers. The twelve probably spread out among the multitude and national language groups naturally gravitated to those they could best understand.

Verse 7

Acts 2:7

Amazed and marvelled -- The effect of the miracle upon the people. Probably many of these foreigners had not been exposed to the many miracles of Jesus.

Galileans -- And they meant by that, thus unpolished, and uneducated in these various languages!

Verse 8

Acts 2:8

We hear -- The miracles was not in the ears of the hearers, but that the apostles were enabled to speak in these various languages of those present from all the corners of the Roman Empire.

Verse 9

Acts 2:9

Men gathered from sixteen different sections of the Roman Empire are represented as witnessing this great day of Pentecost.

The geographical order for this list of nations is from east to west. Sixteen places are mentioned but not necessarily that many different languages.

Medes -- Persians

Judea -- Even here people from Galilee had a slightly different dialect or recognizable difference in their speech Luke 22:59; Mark 14:70;

Asia -- The Roman province of Asia (not the continent) which was located in the western part of present day Turkey.

Verse 10

Acts 2:10

Visitors from Rome -- Perhaps some of the believers we read about in Paul’s letter to the Romans were present on this day. (See the list in Romans 16:3 ff)

Verse 11

Acts 2:11

Own Tongue -- They not only witnessed the miracle of the apostles speaking in languages they had not studied, but were able to clearly and without difficulty understand their message.

Wonderful works -- mighty works, the miracles of Jesus, and probably their message about Jesus’ resurrection.

Verse 12

Acts 2:12

Doubt -- perplexed. They didn’t understand what was happening!

Verse 13

Acts 2:13

Full of -- wine -- Some men babble a lot when drunk, and of such the apostles are accused. But imagine if you could drink French wine and speak French; or drink Italian wine and speak Italian, etc.

New wine -- "gleukos" See Patton, Bible Wine p. 15 and also the Dictionary or Roman and Greek Antiquities, "The sweet unfermented juice of the grape was termed gleukos." See also Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible "wine." Isaiah 49:26; Amos 9:13

Mocking -- The mockery is the crowd laughing at these Galileans and saying "these men can’t even hold fresh juice without getting drunk!"

Verse 14

Acts 2:14

Peter standing up -- Here we find Peter using the keys (Matthew 16:18-19) given to him by Christ to open up the door to the Kingdom. Peter was also privileged to use the keys to open the door of the Kingdom to the Gentiles in Acts 10 at the house of Cornelius.

Jokes tend to picture Peter at the gates of heaven determining who will get in through the pearly gates, but here is the real occasion when Peter uses the keys on the day of Pentecost to open up God’s Kingdom (the church) to men. Acts 2:47; Matthew 16:18-19; Acts 11:15; Colossians 1:13; Revelation 1:9;

Peter -- Peter is apparently the apostle speaking the language of the Judaeans and the most common language among those gathered there. It is the outline of Peter’s message that is preserved for us in this chapter.

Lifted up -- voice -- Speaking loudly; above the mockery cries.


1. Dynamic; 2. One who represents what God can do with a man;

Verse 15

Acts 2:15

Peter’s Sermon

Introduction - He refutes their accusations of being drunk.

1. Common sense - v. 15 too early in the day

2. Appeal to the scripture - v.16-21 and tells them exactly what it was that was happening.

Third hour -- 9 AM, the morning hour of prayer in the temple when many visitors for the feasts (Passover, Pentecost) would be gathered.

Verse 16

Acts 2:16

This is that -- Nothing in prophecy can be more assured than when one inspired man stands up and explains what another prophet years before was speaking about.

Joel -- Joel 2:28-31 Peter affirms that "the last days" that Joel spoke about was now present.

Verse 17

Acts 2:17

The last days -- The last days of that dispensation ushered in by Moses at Sinai. These last days began with the announcement of the births of John and Jesus and the appearance of John the Baptist preaching the Kingdom was nigh at hand Matthew 3:1-2; Mark 1:1-4; The law is nailed to the cross and the Gospel is ratified by the blood of Christ and new covenant goes into effect on this day of Pentecost (Acts 2:47; Colossians 2:14). All the trapping of the Law of Moses, animal sacrifice, the Aaronic priesthood, the temple, all come to its full end in AD 70 with the destruction of the temple as the Lord Himself prophesied Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.

Sometime people say to me, "Brother Gann, don’t you think we are living in the last days!" No, the last days were those spoken of by Peter. Many misunderstand "the last days". When used in the plural it refers to the last days of Judaism. The singular, "the last day" is used by John to refer to the day of resurrection and judgment when Christ returns John 6:40; John 6:44; John 11:24; John 12:48.

Last days -- Isaiah 2:2; Joel 2:28; Micah 4:1; Daniel 2:44; all fulfilled in Acts 2.

Pour out my Spirit -- This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles (Jews) Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8 that was prophesied by John the Baptist.

Upon all flesh -- Jews, on Pentecost, and Gentiles in Acts 10. God was not a respecter of persons in this regard Acts 10:34.

Sons and daughters -- Acts 21:9; Many various spiritual gifts were imparted to believers through the laying on of the apostles’ hands. (see Acts 8:14-15; Acts 8:18 )

Prophesy -- visions ... dreams -- 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1 Corinthians 14:26-31

Verse 18

Acts 2:18

Prophesy -- To teach, preach, by the inspiration of the Spirit.

Verse 19

Acts 2:19

Vs. 19-20 The overthrow of nations and the upheaval of governing authorities often pictured in the Old Testament in such language. This is a visual-metaphorical way of speaking to the Eastern mind. We in the West tend to be literal and often misunderstand the graphic language of the Jewish prophets. Consider Zephaniah 1:15; Joel 2:10; Joel 3:15; Isaiah 13:9-10; Isaiah 34:4-5; and Amos 9:13; Joel 3:18;

Verse 20

Acts 2:20

Vs. 19-20 The overthrow of nations and the upheaval of governing authorities is often pictured in the Old Testament in such language. This is a visual-metaphorical way of speaking to the Oriental mind. We in the west are too literal and often misunderstand the graphic language of the Jewish prophets. Consider Zephaniah 1:15; Joel 2:10; Joel 3:15; Isaiah 13:9-10; Isaiah 34:4-5; and Amos 9:13; Joel 3:18;

In Matthew 24:29 the same description used in verse is used with regard to the fall of Jerusalem.

When did this overthrow and upheaval take place? Remember that the Lord came to destroy the works of Satan 1 John 3:8; Luke 10:18; John 12:31; Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 12:7; and with His victory over the grave and return to the glory of Heaven Satan is cast down and the doom of such principalities and powers is assured.

Day of the Lord -- A term used by the prophets to indicate a time of judgment from God.

Verse 21

Acts 2:21

Whosoever -- Salvation through the gospel is not limited to Jews, but is open to all who will accept it Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20; Revelation 22:17.

Call on the name -- To commit to the Lord’s Gospel in contrast to all other means of salvation. John 14:6; Hebrews 5:9; Matthew 7:21; It is erroneous and short-sighted to teach salvation by "prayer only" from this passage; that is not what it means to "call on the name of the Lord."

Verse 22

Acts 2:22

Vs. 22 The thesis of Peter’s sermon. To see what conclusion Peter wants his audience to reach, see Acts 2:36. This is where Peter is going, and the material in Acts 2 between vs. 22 and vs. 36 are the five points of his argument (or evidence) to prove his conclusion.

#1 Evidence of Miracles - v.22

#2 Evidence of the Resurrection - vs. 23-23

#3 Evidence of Inspired Scripture - vs. 25-31

#4 Evidence of Witnesses - v.32

#5 Evidence of the Holy Spirit’s descent - Vs. 33

Miracles and wonders and signs -- John 3:2; Real miracles, worked publicly.

Miracles -- Supernatural in nature

Wonders -- The effect of supernatural events on the people, amazement.

Signs -- The evidential value of such miracles.


1. Pentecost- Acts 2:22 & Acts 2:36-47

2. Samaria- Acts 8:4-13

3. Ethiopian eunuch- Acts 8:26-39

4. Paul (Saul)- Acts 9:1-20 & Acts 22:6-16

5. Cornelius– Acts 10:1-48 & Acts 11:1-18

6. Lydia- Acts 16:13-15

7. Philippian jailer- Acts 16:23-34

8. Corinthians- Acts 18:8

Verse 23

Acts 2:23

Foreknowledge -- Resolved on before it took place. God knew what such wicked men would do.

Verse 24

Acts 2:24

#2 Evidence of the Resurrection - v. 23-24 Acts 2:23-24

Whom God hath raised up -- Peter uses this fact as evidence that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. The resurrection is a historical fact. The empty tomb was a reality. The resurection was the main point preached in all the sermons recorded in Acts.

Verse 25

Acts 2:25

#3 Evidence of O.T. Inspired Scripture - Vs 25-31

David speaketh -- Psalms 16:8-11 Problem: David used the first person, but he was not speaking of himself. David held a position of exalted dignity and honor. To prove David was not speaking of himself but of the Christ, Peter uses two arguments.

1) Peter uses the sepulchre argument - Acts 2:29

2) Peter uses the "promise" argument - Acts 2:30

Vs. 30 Therefore -- David was speaking of Jesus! (Psalms 49:15; Psalms 86:13;)

Verse 26

Acts 2:26

Vs. 26-28 -- Words ascribed to the Messiah though uttered by inspiration by David. Psalms 16:9;

(Psalms 49:15; Psalms 86:13; )

Verse 27

Acts 2:27

Soul -- "psuche" ψυχή Used in the sense of the disembodied spirit.

Hell -- Hades. ᾅδην

Vs. 27 Upon Jesus’ death His spirit went into Hades, the abode of departed spirits. From Jesus’ teaching in Luke 16:19-31 there were two abiding places for such spirits in Hades, a place called "Abraham’s bosom" Luke 16:22 and "paradise" in Luke 23:43 and separated from this place by a gulf that could not be crossed Luke 16:26 was a place in hades where there was torment Luke 16:23.

But Jesus came to destroy death Hebrews 2:14 and was victorious over Satan 1 Corinthians 15:54; 2 Timothy 1:10; Colossians 2:15 in his resurrection. During the three days between his death and resurrection our Lord had not yet ascended to the Father John 20:17 and when he did Luke 24:49-51; Acts 1:9; Mark 16:19; he took with him the righteous souls of those in "Abraham’s bosom" / "paradise" into heaven, into the presence of the Father Ephesians 4:8-10; Luke 4:18; Psalms 68:18; Colossians 2:15; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Hebrews 2:15; Luke 11:21-22; Isaiah 53:12; Colossians 1:13;

With Jesus’ victory over death and Satan he now had the keys to death and hades Revelation 1:18. The consequence of Jesus’ victory is that for the saint who dies in the Lord now his spirit goes to be with Christ and await the resurrection of his body 2 Corinthians 5:6-8; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23. Apparently these bodyless spirits will be given a white robe to cloth them until the time of the resurrection of their bodies Revelation 6:9-11; Revelation 7:13.

For the Christian today there should be no fear of death, for it is to go and be with the Lord 1 Corinthians 15:55.

The wonderful truth for the Christian today is that because of this victory we will not spend any time in Satan’s dominion of that hadean world, but will die to be in the Lord’s presence awaiting the time of the resurrection and judgment. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23, etc.

Those who hold to the teaching of Luke 16:19-31 as the situation for today are overlooking the accomplishment and significance of Jesus’ victory over the grave which occurred after the time frame of Luke 16. The passage in Luke is describing the situation up until Jesus’ victory and resurrection.

(A mystery is still the understanding of Matthew 27:52-53.)

See note on Ephesians 4:8

See corruption -- A reference to the body of Christ; His body to be re-animated by the spirit before decay sets in, or to be without decay.

Verse 28

Acts 2:28

Ways of life -- With reference to the Messiah it meant "Thou wilt restore me to life." Proverbs 2:19;

Full of joy -- In view of the resurrection. Psalms 21:6; Psalms 42:5

Verse 29

Acts 2:29

#3 Evidence from O.T. Inspired Scripture

1) Peter uses the secpulchre argument - v. 29

David -- David’s tomb stood on the southern end of Mt. Zion, the city of David, 1 Kings 2:10; Acts 13:36, The point being that David’s body saw corruption, so he was not speaking of himself.

Verse 30

Acts 2:30

2) Peter uses the Promise Argument - v.30-31

Being a prophet -- David spoke by inspiration and of the future before him, 2 Samuel 7:13; the Messiah would be one of David’s descentants, Romans 1:3;

Fruit of his loins -- The Messiah, Jesus, was in the fleshly lineage of David Romans 1:3

Christ to sit on his throne -- Christ is raised, resurrected, and in heaven. He is sitting on David’s throne in heaven! The Lord’s throne is established in heaven, Psalms 103:19; Hebrews 1:8.

Verse 31

Acts 2:31

Vs. 31 David prophesied of the Messiah’s resurrection and his body not seing corruption.

Hell -- hades, ᾅδην , John 20:17, for where the spirit of Jesus was see the note on Acts 2:27.

Verse 32

Acts 2:32

#4 Evidence of the Witnesses - v.32

We are all witnesses -- "We" is emphatic. We can see in our mind’s eye Peter sweeping his hand around in reference to all the apostles there speaking with him on that day.

Witnesses -- Eye witness testimony is among the finest evidence in a court of law. God put eye-witness testimony in His record. Acts 3:15; Acts 4:33; Acts 5:32; Acts 10:39-41; Luke 24:48; John 15:27; Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16.

Verse 33

Acts 2:33

#5 Evidence of the Promised Holy Spirit

Right hand of God -- Christ was resurrected and raised up to heaven to the right hand of God to sit on David’s throne. The apostles were witnesses of both Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into heaven Mark 16:19; Ephesians 1:20-22; Philippians 2:9-11; Hebrews 1:3;

Promise of the Holy Spirit -- Christ received the promise made to David by the Holy Spirit and now the apostles have received the promise of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:4;

Shed forth this -- The promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit, had now come upon the apostles as promised John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:7; and in fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy quoted in Acts 2:17; Many present listening to Peter had themselves witnessed the flames like as of fire, and heard the sound like a rushing wind, and now they all were hearing the apostles speaking the foreign languages.

Verse 34

Acts 2:34

David is not ascended -- David’s prophecy was not about himself, but the Messiah, and Jesus fulfills David’s words Psalms 110:1; Matthew 22:43-44; David is not on his throne in heaven, Christ is!

Right hand -- An oriental expression for sharing power. Hebrews 1:8; Hebrews 1:13.

Verse 35

Acts 2:35

Footstool -- See a picture of King Tut’s footstool. It pictures the traditional enemies of Egypt under his feet. Psalms 110:1; Ephesians 1:22; 1 Corinthians 15:27;

Foe -- Christ’s last enemy to be conquored was death, 1 Corinthians 15:25-26, and he demonstrated his victory by his resurrection.

Verse 36

Acts 2:36

Vs. 36 The Conclusion to Peter’s Sermon

This is the summary, and the point Peter is proving by all the evidence he has presented in his sermon.

Therefore -- When you see "therefore" it means a conclusion. You should stop and see what it is "there for"!

Know -- Present, active, imperative, 3rd person, singular, for a command to his audience to believe. Just as in vs. 38 repent, and be baptized are in the imperative.

Made ... "appointed" or "constituted"

Whom ye crucified -- the very person!

Jesus -- both Lord and Christ -- Lord = sovereign master; Christ = the Messiah, the anointed one of God.

Verse 37

Acts 2:37

5. A Great Response - vs. 37-41

Vs. 37 - The effect of Peter’s sermon

Was Peter interrupted? Some say Peter’s sermon was interrupted by this cry of those listening. But it seems from the "therefore" and Peter’s statement or summary in v. 36 that Peter had drawn his message to a conclusion.

Pricked -- to pierce, to sting, to smite - - sudden acute grief!

What shall we do? -- A pointed question. Acts 9:6; Acts 11:14; Acts 16:30;

Verse 38

Acts 2:38

See James 2:24 note "Being Saved" Justified by Grace.

repent -- Christian repentance means to change one’s mind with a result that changes one’s way of living and acting. This is in the imperative mood, thus a command. Peter preached this in accordance to Jesus’ instruction Luke 24:47.

be baptized -- Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; an immersion; an overwhelming. Peter preached this in accordance to Jesus’ instruction.

for -- "εἰς denotes the object of repentance and baptism, which is the remission of the sins. John’s baptism in Mark 1:4 was for the same purpose. Christ’s death and the shedding of his blood was for the same purpose. The passage in Matthew 26:28 is a parallel grammatical construction.

in the name -- ἐπὶ epi, or upon the name; upon their confession of Jesus Christ. Romans 10:10

The practice of baptism under John the Baptist looked forward to the cross whereas Christian baptism looks back to it. Christian baptism is done "in the name" of Christ, by His authority and not John’s.

gift of the Holy Spirit -- Is the gift the Holy Spirit himself Acts 10:45 and Acts 11:17, or a "gift" from the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:1 Romans 12:6; etc.

you shall receive -- Is the "gift" for everyone receiving the "remission of sins" or is it directed to Peter’s audience that day for as many as the apostles laid their hands on? Acts 8:14-17; Acts 8:18; Romans 1:11; 2 Timothy 1:6.

Verse 39

Acts 2:39

Promise -- Is the reference to the promise of the Holy Spirit, Joel 2:28 which Peter has already alluded to, or to the promise of forgiveness?

Your and your children -- Isaiah 44:3; Jews

Afar off -- Gentiles, Isaiah 57:19;

Children . Acts 2:17 "sons and daughters"

As many -- shall call -- The Lord calls everyone, "whosoever will" Romans 10:13; John 6:45; and he calls all men today through the gospel 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

Peter spoke by inspiration but even he himself at this point did not understand God’s plan to include the Gentiles.

Verse 40

Acts 2:40

Many other words -- What we have in this chapter is but something of an outline or summary of Peter’s message that day. He may have followed the Lord’s example of using much more scriptural evidence Luke 24:27.

Testify -- giving argument or evidence.

Exhort -- encourage; Peter encouraged them to accept the gospel truth and obey the Lord’s commands, Hebrews 5:9; Acts 10:48.

Save yourselves -- Passive, "Be saved" 1Aorist, passive, indicative. The way one "saves himself" is by obeying the Lord. It is the Lord himself who does the "saving."

Untoward generation -- A crooked, perverse, corrupt generation. Every generation that turns away from the Lord is crooked. That generation particularly since the Lord Jesus himself had been revealed to the Jews who had the Prophets and the Law Luke 24:44; Luke 16:29.

Verse 41

Acts 2:41

Received the word -- Those that were persuaded and who believed.

were baptized --

Were added -- It was the Lord who did the "adding" Acts 2:47; no where do we see "men" voting on who to accept into the church! Ephesians 5:23;

baptized -- Excavations around (various) and beneath (C. Warren in the 1860s) the temple mount revealed numerous ritual baths and cisterns that would have been available to second temple Jewish worshipers. (“Locating Pentecost - Part 1" Chris McKinny)

Verse 42

Acts 2:42

6. A Great Life to Live - vs. 42-47

Continued steadfastly . .The passage of time may refer to weeks and days.

Apostles’ doctrine -- The teaching did not originate with them but with the Lord and they were His spokesmen.

Fellowship -- May refer to the "sharing" and "giving" of their means. cf. Philippians 1:5; 2 Corinthians 8:4;

Breaking of bread -- A reference to their regular observance of the Lord’s supper on the first day of each week, Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25

Characteristics of the Jerusalem Church

1. A Learning Church - Acts 2:42

2. A church of Fellowship - Acts 2:42

3. A Praying Church - Acts 2:42

4. A Reverent Church - Acts 2:43

5. A Sharing Church - Acts 2:44-45

6. A Worshipping Church - Acts 2:42; Acts 2:46-47

7. A Happy Church - Acts 2:46

8. A United Church - Acts 2:46

9. A Respected Church - Acts 2:47

10. A Growing Church - Acts 2:47

Verse 43

Acts 2:43

fear -- A holy and godly respect. That is, there was great reverence or awe.

wonders and signs -- Miracles done for the purpose of confirming their message, Mark 16:20; Hebrews 2:3-4.

Such were promised by the Lord, Mark 16:17.

the apostles -- We see only the apostles and those on whom they laid hands performing these supernatural wonders and signs.

Verse 44

Acts 2:44

Together -- united.

Had all things common -- From Acts 2 through ch. 5 we see that many of the new disciples from the many various parts of the Roman Empire (Acts 2:9-11) remained in Jerusalem to learn more from the apostles Acts 2:42; Many apparently stayed there longer than they expected and did not have the provisions, so they shared together.

This is not teaching a "communism" for Christians for it was a special circumstance. But it does teach that we should have such a regard for one another that we don’t let our brothers and sisters go hungry or in need. Acts 2:45; 1 John 3:17;

Verse 45

Acts 2:45

Sold their possessions -- Acts 4:32; One such example is given us in Acts 4:36-37.

From Acts 2 through ch. 5 we see that many of the new disciples from the many various parts of the Roman Empire (Acts 2:9-11) remained in Jerusalem to learn more from the apostles Acts 2:42; Many apparently stayed in Jerusalem following Pentecost longer than they expected and had not brought provisions for such an extended stay, so they shared together.

This is not teaching a "communism" for Christians for it was a special circumstance. But it does teach that we should have such a regard for one another that we don’t let our brothers and sisters go hungry or in need. Acts 2:45; Acts 4:32

Verse 46

Acts 2:46

In the temple -- Their place of public meeting and teaching Acts 5:20-21; Acts 5:25

From house to house -- Publicly and privately.

Eat their meat -- . Having their meals in various homes.

Gladness and singleness -- These believers were a happy, joyful people united in their faith.

Verse 47

Acts 2:47

Praising God -- We think this was done in song, prayer, and speech.

Church -- The term for church, εκκλησια, is present in the majority of the Greek texts, thought some texts that modern translations rely on do not have have the term here.

εκκλησια = "the called out assembly." In the Christian sense, those called out from the world to be a different kind of people from the world, a people devoted to the Lord and following His Word 2 Corinthians 6:17.

CHURCH -- Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 5:23-27, Acts 20:28.

The Church is the "Body of Christ," Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18; Colossians 1:24,

There is one body- Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Colossians 3:15,

Saved "Added by the Lord"- not "Voted In," Acts 2:47, 2 John 1:9-10,

Bibliographical Information
Gann, Windell. "Commentary on Acts 2". Gann's Commentary on the Bible. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/gbc/acts-2.html. 2021.
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