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Bible Commentaries
F.B. Meyer's 'Through the Bible' Commentary Meyer's Commentary
Paul's Encouragement; Call to Faithfulness.Chapter 2
Endurance in Ministry; Qualifications for Leaders.Chapter 3
Perilous Times; Scripture's Usefulness.Chapter 4
Paul's Final Charge; Personal Reflections; Greetings.
- 2 Timothy
by Frederick Brotherton Meyer
Outline of the Second Epistle to Timothy
The Apostle’s Farewell Message
Salutation, 2 Timothy 1:1-2
1. Thanksgiving for Timothy’s Faith , 2 Timothy 1:3-6
2. The Glory of the Gospel , 2 Timothy 1:7-14
( False Friends and True , 2 Timothy 1:15-18 )
3. “ A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus ,” 2 Timothy 2:1-13
4. “ A Good Workman That Needeth Not To Be Ashamed ,” 2 Timothy 2:14-26
5. Grievous Times in the Last Days , 2 Timothy 3:1-17
6. The Triumphant Close of a Great Career , 2 Timothy 4:1-8
7. Personal Instructions , 2 Timothy 4:9-13
8. Final Experiences , 2 Timothy 4:14-18
9. Greetings to Friends , 2 Timothy 4:19-21
Conclusion, 2 Timothy 4:22
This is the last Epistle of the great Apostle, who was apparently awaiting sentence. He had already had audience with Caesar, and escaped, 2 Timothy 4:16-17 ; but there could be no doubt as to the ultimate issue. When Paul indited these words he was imprisoned in the Mamertine dungeon, exposed to the chill ague of its damp walls, reeking with pestilence and recalling the miseries of generations of condemned criminals. There was one desire for the fulfillment of which he yearned. He longed to see once more the dear friend of earlier years, whom he had led into this life of stern suffering, and whose spirit seems to have been somewhat overwhelmed by its severity. It was this that led Paul to dispatch this second letter, filled with advice and exhortation in case Timothy could not come, but specially full of desire that he should come before winter set in and traveling became difficult, 2 Timothy 4:9 ; 2 Timothy 4:21 . There is no trace of despondency in this noble swan song. Though Paul had lost all things, he had gained Christ. “Glorious Apostle! Would that every leader’s voice could burst, as he falls, into such a trumpet-sound, thrilling the young hearts that pant in the good fight and must never despair of final victory!”
e-Sword Note: The following material was presented at the end of 2 Timothy in the printed edition
Review Questions on the Second Epistle to Timothy
( a ) What is the Apostle’s charge to Timothy?
( b ) What is his testimony regarding his own career?
( c ) What does he say about their Master and ours?
( d ) What place does this Epistle occupy among the Pauline writings?
( e ) Where was it written? Under what conditions?
( f ) What was the Apostle’s one desire at this time? (g) What characteristics distinguish the Epistle?
II Timothy 1-4
Each question applies to the paragraph of corresponding number in the Comments .
1. Why was Paul so desirous of seeing Timothy once more?
2. Why had Paul been forsaken by many of his former friends? Whom does he mention in particular as standing loyally by him?
3. In what ways is a Christian like a soldier? An athlete?
4. How may one attain the position of “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed”?
5. What is the seal of “the Arm foundation of God”?
6. What will characterize the last days?
7. What is still the lot of those who “would live godly in Christ Jesus”?
8. In what terms does Paul sum up his career as an Apostle?
9. What are some of the personal allusions with which the Epistle closes?