the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
The Church Pulpit Commentary Church Pulpit Commentary
Ascension of Jesus; Appointment of Matthias.Chapter 2
Pentecost; Peter's Sermon; Birth of the Church.Chapter 3
Healing of the Lame Man; Peter's Sermon.Chapter 4
Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin; Early Church's Unity.Chapter 5
Ananias and Sapphira; Apostles' Miracles and Imprisonment.Chapter 6
Selection of the Seven Deacons; Stephen's Ministry.Chapter 7
Stephen's Speech and Martyrdom.Chapter 8
Persecution; Philip's Ministry in Samaria and with the Eunuch.Chapter 9
Conversion of Saul; Peter's Miracles.Chapter 10
Cornelius' Vision; Peter's Vision and Visit.Chapter 11
Peter's Defense; Antioch's Church and Its Growth.Chapter 12
James' Martyrdom; Peter's Miraculous Escape from Prison.Chapter 13
Paul and Barnabas' First Missionary Journey Begins.Chapter 14
Paul and Barnabas' Ministry; Return to Antioch.Chapter 15
Jerusalem Council's Decision on Gentile Believers.Chapter 16
Paul's Second Journey; Lydia's Conversion; Imprisonment in Philippi.Chapter 17
Paul in Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens.Chapter 18
Paul in Corinth; Return to Antioch.Chapter 19
Paul in Ephesus; Riot at the Temple of Artemis.Chapter 20
Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders; Journey to Jerusalem.Chapter 21
Paul's Arrival in Jerusalem; Arrest.Chapter 22
Paul's Defense Before the Crowd.Chapter 23
Paul Before the Sanhedrin; Conspiracy Against Him.Chapter 24
Paul's Trial Before Felix.Chapter 25
Paul Before Festus; Appeal to Caesar.Chapter 26
Paul's Defense Before King Agrippa.Chapter 27
Paul's Voyage to Rome; Shipwreck.Chapter 28
Paul in Rome; Ministry and Witness.
- Acts
by Editor - James Nisbet
Acts 1:8 (r.v.) Divine Enduement
Acts 1:11 Ascended into Heaven
Acts 1:26 The Election of Matthias
Acts 2:1 Pentecost
Acts 2:4 Filled with the Spirit
Acts 2:17‘A Message of Hope’
Acts 2:38 Repentance
Acts 2:42 The Apostles’ Doctrine
Acts 3:14 (r.v.) The Victory of Goodness
Acts 3:19-20 St. Peter’s Appeal to the Jews
Acts 4:13 Companions of Christ
Acts 4:19 The Decisive Test
Acts 4:36 St. Barnabas
Acts 5:12; Acts 5:14 A Prophecy Fulfilled
Acts 5:29 A Wonderful Change
Acts 5:42 A Model Ministry
Acts 6:4 The Diaconate
Acts 7:55 The First Christian Martyr
Acts 7:56 St. Stephen’s Vision
Acts 7:59 A Last Prayer
Acts 8:8 The Christian City
Acts 8:17 The First Confirmation
Acts 8:35 Preaching Jesus
Acts 8:39 The Joys of Life
Acts 9:3 The Heavenly Vision
Acts 9:4; Acts 9:6 The Conversion of St. Paul
Acts 9:6 The Young Convert’s Inquiry
Acts 9:16 The Discipline of Life
Acts 9:34 The Message to Æneas
Acts 10:4 Almsgiving
Acts 10:38 The Victory of Beneficence
Acts 10:43 Christ and the Holy Scriptures
Acts 11:9 The Catholicity of the Gospel
Acts 11:13-14 The Spiritual History of Cornelius
Acts 11:18 The Nature of Repentance
Acts 11:20 The Subject of all Preaching
Acts 11:22 The Deputation to Antioch
Acts 11:23 Cleaving unto the Lord
Acts 11:24 Characteristics of St. Barnabas
Acts 11:24 The Meaning of Goodness
Acts 11:24‘Good, but Weak’
Acts 11:26 The name ‘Christian’
Acts 11:26 What is it to be a Christian?
Acts 11:26 The True-hearted Christian
Acts 12:2 A Great Apostle
Acts 12:2 Slain by the Sword
Acts 12:2 Evil over-ruled
Acts 12:2 Death and its Results
Acts 12:5‘Answered Prayers’
Acts 12:5 A Christian Prisoner
Acts 12:5 The Church at Prayer
Acts 12:7 Man’s Extremity, God’s Opportunity
Acts 12:7 St. Peter’s Deliverance
Acts 13:2-3 Separation and Ordination
Acts 13:2-3 An Early Missionary Incident
Acts 13:2-3 The Missionary Work of the Church
Acts 13:2-3 Reflex Benefit of Missions
Acts 13:30 The Great Truth of Easter
Acts 13:32 Glad Tidings
Acts 13:32-33 St. Paul’s Witness
Acts 13:36 David’s Service and Ours
Acts 13:38 The Forgiveness of Sins
Acts 13:39 Justification
Acts 13:45 The Envy of the Jews
Acts 14:14-15 Expediency or Principle
Acts 14:17 God’s Gifts to Men
Acts 14:22 Trial, a Help Heavenward
Acts 15:36 Consider your Ways
Acts 15:39 Righteous Anger
Acts 16:1-3 The Call of Timothy
Acts 16:9 The Vision at Troas
Acts 16:9 A Cry for Help
Acts 16:14 Lydia
Acts 16:14 Lydia’s Conversion
Acts 16:14 The Religion of the Heart
Acts 16:30 The Philippian Jailer
Acts 16:31 St. Paul’s Advice to the Jailer
Acts 16:31 The Way of Salvation
Acts 16:31 Faith: Its Nature, Object, and Effect
Acts 16:31 Saving Faith
Acts 16:31 Illustrations of Faith
Acts 16:31 A Full Salvation
Acts 16:34 The Jailer’s Conversion
Acts 17:2-3 The Preparation for Christ
Acts 17:2-3 St. Paul at Thessalonica
Acts 17:11-12 The Story of the Bereans
Acts 17:16 The Great University City of the World
Acts 17:18 Historical Certainty of the Resurrection
Acts 17:20‘Strange Things’
Acts 17:23‘The Unknown God’
Acts 17:27 The Nearness of God
Acts 17:28‘In Him’
Acts 17:30 An Universal Command
Acts 17:31 The Resurrection and the Judgment
Acts 17:32; Acts 17:34 Three Classes of Hearers
Acts 18:9-10 Witnesses Wanted
Acts 18:9-10 The Vision
Acts 18:9-10 The Presence of Christ
Acts 18:24 The Character of Apollos
Acts 18:28 Convinced from the Scriptures
Acts 19:2 The Gospel of the Holy Ghost
Acts 19:2 Spiritual Defect
Acts 19:2 The Personality of the Holy Ghost
Acts 19:2 Tokens of the Holy Spirit
Acts 19:2 The Receiving of the Comforter
Acts 19:2 Ignorance Indeed
Acts 19:2 The Spirit of Life
Acts 19:8 In the Synagogue
Acts 19:11 Miracles at Ephesus
Acts 19:16 The Seven Sins of Sceva
Acts 19:19 Home Reading
Acts 19:19 Bad Books Given Up
Acts 19:21 Disappointed Hopes
Acts 19:24 False Zeal
Acts 19:34‘Great is Diana!’
Acts 20:7 Public Worship
Acts 20:9 Eutychus
Acts 20:21 Repentance and Faith
Acts 20:22-24 The Christian Course
Acts 20:22-24 The Future
Acts 20:24‘None of these Things Move Me’
Acts 20:24 The Ministry
Acts 20:28 The Purchased Church
Acts 20:28 Our Unhappy Divisions
Acts 20:35 Receiving and Giving
Acts 20:35 Two Great Principles
Acts 21:6 We at Home and They Abroad
Acts 21:13 The Dawn of the Missionary Call
Acts 21:14 Divine Guidance
Acts 21:14 The Will of the Lord
Acts 21:30 In Jerusalem
Acts 22:1 St. Paul’s Defence
Acts 22:7 The Conversion of St. Paul
Acts 23:8 The Ministry of Angels
Acts 23:11 The Pastor’s Way of Peace
Acts 24:14 The God of our Fathers
Acts 24:15 Resurrection to Life and to Judgment.
Acts 24:25 Trembling at the Judgment
Acts 24:25 Resisting the Spirit
Acts 25:11 St. Paul’s Appeal to Cæsar
Acts 26:8 St. Paul and the Resurrection
Acts 26:14 The Voice from Heaven
Acts 26:19 The Heavenly Vision
Acts 26:22 Steadfastness
Acts 26:28 Almost Persuaded
Acts 26:28 Why not a Christian?
Acts 27:22 Good Cheer in the Storm
Acts 27:23 A Good Companion
Acts 28:3 The Viper
Acts 28:15 The Past and the Future
Acts 28:15 Courage
Acts 28:24 St. Paul in Rome
Acts 28:28 The Mission to the Gentiles