the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
The Church Pulpit Commentary Church Pulpit Commentary
The Word Became Flesh; John the Baptist's Testimony.Chapter 2
Wedding at Cana; Cleansing of the Temple.Chapter 3
Nicodemus; Jesus' Mission; New Birth.Chapter 4
Samaritan Woman; Healing of Official's Son.Chapter 5
Healing at the Pool; Controversy with Jews.Chapter 6
Feeding 5,000; Walking on Water; Bread of Life Discourse.Chapter 7
Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus' Teachings and Division.Chapter 8
Woman Caught in Adultery; Light of the World.Chapter 9
Healing of the Blind Man; Controversy.Chapter 10
Good Shepherd Discourse; Jesus' Works and Rejection.Chapter 11
Raising of Lazarus; Plot to Kill Jesus.Chapter 12
Anointing at Bethany; Triumphal Entry; Teachings.Chapter 13
Washing of Disciples' Feet; Prediction of Betrayal.Chapter 14
Comforting Words; Promise of the Holy Spirit.Chapter 15
The True Vine; Command to Love.Chapter 16
Promises of the Holy Spirit; Overcoming the World.Chapter 17
Jesus' High Priestly Prayer for Unity.Chapter 18
Arrest of Jesus; Trial before Pilate.Chapter 19
Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.Chapter 20
Resurrection; Appearances to Mary and Disciples.Chapter 21
Restoration of Peter; Final Appearances and Instructions.
- John
by Editor - James Nisbet
John 1:6 Characteristics of the Baptist
John 1:6 Witnessing to the Light
John 1:10 Blindness of Heart
John 1:14 Emmanuel!
John 1:14 The Immensity of Divine Love
John 1:14 The Most Stupendous Fact in History
John 1:14 The Attractiveness of Religion
John 1:18 The Only-Begotten Son
John 1:18 The Revelation of God to Man
John 1:23 A Message for To-day
John 1:26; John 1:33 The Unknown Christ
John 1:29 The Lamb of God
John 1:35-37 A Repeated Effort
John 1:45-46 Experience the Test of Truth
John 1:45-46 Prejudice Overcome
John 2:2 The Social Life of the Christian
John 2:5 Knowledge from Obedience
John 2:8 The Transforming Power of Christ
John 2:8 Achievement
John 2:11 Manifestation of Glory
John 2:11 The Unexpected Miracle
John 2:15-17‘My Father’s House’
John 2:23-24 Imperfect Faith
John 2:25 Christ’s Knowledge of Man
John 3:1 Nicodemus
John 3:2-3 A Momentous Interview
John 3:7 New Birth
John 3:9 The Puzzled Inquirer
John 3:14 The Gift of the Cross
John 3:16 The Magna Charta of Christianity
John 3:16 Three Mysteries
John 3:19 Out of Darkness into Light
John 3:29 The Joy of the Bridegroom’s Friend
John 4:7 Christ’s Longing for Human Sympathy
John 4:24 Worship
John 4:24 Spiritual Religion
John 4:35 Look on the Fields
John 4:37 Sowing and Reaping
John 4:42 Reasons for Faith
John 4:48-50 The Nobleman’s Son
John 5:4 The Troubling of the Waters
John 5:14 The Pardon of Sin
John 5:19 Submission and Service
John 5:28-29 The Two Resurrections
John 5:39 The Testimony of the Scriptures
John 5:39 Bible Reading
John 5:39 The Devotional Study of Scripture
John 5:39 The Doctrinal Study of Scripture
John 5:39 Christ’s Fulfilment of the Scriptures
John 5:46 The Testimony of Moses
John 5:46 Christ in the Old Testament
John 6:4-5 Christ and the Great Company
John 6:4-5 Love, Power, Order
John 6:4-5 Superficial, yet Profound
John 6:11 Co-operation with God
John 6:12 All Need Supplied
John 6:12 Let Nothing be Lost
John 6:14 Prophecy Fulfilled
John 6:15 The King and the Kingdom
John 6:21 Christ’s Presence in Trouble
John 6:27 The Labour Question
John 6:28-29 The Work of Faith
John 6:35 Spiritual Food
John 6:35 The Bread of Life
John 6:37 The Golden Promise
John 6:39 Impersonal Resurrection
John 6:48 Mystery and Religion
John 6:51 The Eucharist
John 6:57 The Food of the Saints
John 6:57 Christ’s Gift
John 6:61 A Spiritual Plummet
John 6:63 Words of Life
John 6:67 Falling Away
John 6:67 A Touching Appeal
John 6:68 Abiding with Christ
John 6:70-71 The Downfall of Judas
John 7:13 Ashamed of Jesus
John 7:17 Knowledge and Love
John 7:17 Knowledge and Understanding
John 7:18 The Negation of Self
John 7:37 Thirst Assuaged
John 7:39 The Progressive Work of the Spirit
John 7:46 The Words of Jesus
John 7:46 Christ’s Teaching
John 8:9 Alone with Jesus
John 8:11 Moral Offences
John 8:12 The Light of the World
John 8:12 Christ and Social Progress
John 8:12 The Light Giver
John 8:12 Walking in the Light
John 8:12 The Followers’ Reward
John 8:12‘The Light of Life’
John 8:21 Seeking in Vain
John 8:31 Discipleship
John 8:32 Freedom through the Truth
John 8:36 Christ the Liberator
John 8:36‘Free Indeed’
John 8:46 The Sinlessness of Christ
John 8:46 The Mystery of Evil
John 8:48 A Blasphemous Charge
John 8:51 How to Escape Death
John 9:1-3 The Mystery of Suffering
John 9:4 The Brevity of Life
John 9:4 The Purpose of Life
John 9:25‘One Thing I Know’
John 9:35‘Do We Believe?’
John 9:38 Belief and Worship
John 9:39 For Judgment
John 9:39-41 Responsibility and Sin
John 10:3‘The Porter of the Door’
John 10:3 The First Days of Spiritual Life
John 10:3 The Calling of the Sheep
John 10:4 The Sheep and the Shepherd
John 10:4 The Guiding Shepherd
John 10:4 The Voice of the Shepherd
John 10:9 Christ the Door
John 10:10 Motives of Work for God
John 10:10 The Gift of Life
John 10:11 The Good Shepherd
John 10:11 The Divine Shepherd
John 10:11 The Ideal Shepherd
John 10:14 Individual Knowledge
John 10:14 The Gentleness of Christ
John 10:14‘That I may Know Him’
John 10:14-15 Fourfold Knowledge
John 10:16‘All Souls are Mine’
John 10:16 The Unfolded Flock
John 10:16 The Church’s Mission
John 10:19 Not Peace, but a Sword
John 10:28 A Cluster of Grapes
John 10:37-38 The Evidence of the Miracles
John 11:1 The Discipline of Sickness
John 11:5 A Loved Family
John 11:6 Divine Delay
John 11:9 Life and Work
John 11:11 He Giveth His Beloved Sleep
John 11:16‘That we may Die with Him’
John 11:16 Thomas, the Devoted Disciple
John 11:25 The Mourner’s Hope
John 11:28 Characteristics of the Master
John 11:35 The Tears of Christ
John 11:35 Tears of Sympathy
John 11:43-44 The Raising of Lazarus
John 11:52 The Gathered Ones
John 12:3 An Offering of Love
John 12:7 A Good Work
John 12:12-14 The Triumphal Entry
John 12:21 A Great Aspiration
John 12:24 Death the Fulfilment of Life
John 12:24 Life Through Death
John 12:26 A Life of Service
John 12:27-28 The Sanctification of Sorrow
John 12:29 Voices of God
John 12:29 A Divided Crowd
John 12:32 The Attractive Power of Christ
John 12:32 The Christian Ideal
John 12:32 The Majesty of the Divine Humiliation
John 12:32‘The Power of God’
John 13:1 Perfect Love
John 13:1 Unto the End
John 13:7 The Mystery of Faith
John 13:13 The Call to Service
John 13:17 Missionary Service
John 13:17 Knowledge and Practice
John 13:23 The Beloved Disciple
John 13:23 On Jesus’ Bosom
John 13:25 A Pattern of Intercession
John 13:34 The New Commandment
John 13:34-35 Christian Philanthropy
John 14:1 Trouble and its Remedy
John 14:1 His only Son, Our Lord
John 14:2 The Father’s House
John 14:2 Communion with the Departed
John 14:2 Many Mansions
John 14:2 Sufficiency of Revelation
John 14:2 Heaven
John 14:2 The Lord’s Departure
John 14:6 The Living Way
John 14:6 Characteristics of Truth
John 14:6 The Christ Life
John 14:6 Living in Christ
John 14:6 Characteristics of Life
John 14:8 On Knowing God
John 14:9 Power through Christ
John 14:12 Greater Works
John 14:15-17 The Mission of the Spirit of Truth
John 14:15-17 Another Comforter
John 14:15-17 Grounds of Comfort
John 14:15-17 Comforter, Advocate, Guide
John 14:17 The Indwelling Christ
John 14:19 Life through Christ
John 14:21-23 Coming and Abiding
John 14:26 The Divine Teacher
John 14:27 The Peace of Christ
John 15:4 Abiding in Christ
John 15:5 The Union of Christ and the Believer
John 15:5 Apart from the Vine
John 15:11 Christian Joy
John 15:15 Friends of Jesus
John 15:26-27 Witness-Bearing
John 15:26-27 Witnessing for Christ
John 15:27 Qualifications for Witness
John 16:5 Christ’s Sorrowful Surprise
John 16:7 Christ and His People
John 16:7 The Guidance of the Spirit
John 16:7 Before Pentecost
John 16:8 Conviction of Sin
John 16:8 The Holy Spirit and the World
John 16:8 Convictions of the Spirit
John 16:8-9 The Reproof of the Comforter
John 16:12 Many Things to be Revealed
John 16:13 Guidance and Truth
John 16:13 The Spirit and the Church
John 16:14 Spiritual Revelation
John 16:14 The Function of the Paraclete
John 16:16 Absent and Present
John 16:16 The Little While
John 16:20 The Problem of Suffering
John 16:22 Joy which Abides
John 16:23‘In My Name’
John 16:33 Two Contrasted Conceptions
John 17:2 The Authority of Christ
John 17:3 The Only True God
John 17:4 The Work of Life
John 17:11 Christian Unity
John 17:15 Holy Keeping
John 17:17 Christian Sanctity
John 17:19 The Consecration of Personality
John 17:19 Secrets of Sanctity
John 17:21 Our Unhappy Divisions
John 17:21 Visible Unity
John 17:22‘One with Him’
John 17:24 Christ’s Wish for His People
John 18:1 Gethsemane
John 18:1 The Shadowed Garden
John 18:36 Not of this World
John 18:36 The Church and the State
John 18:37 The King Jesus
John 19:5 Lessons from Calvary
John 19:9 Pilate’s Question
John 19:15 The Crucifixion of the King
John 19:26-27 The Most Pathetic Phrase in God’s Word
John 19:26-27 The Word of Tender Care
John 19:26-27 The Identity of Human and Divine Love
John 19:26-27 Bereavement
John 19:28 The Thirst of Christ
John 19:28 The Words of Simple Human Nature
John 19:28 The Crisis Reached
John 19:28 The Appeal from the Cross
John 19:28 The Thirst for Fellowship
John 19:28 Divine Thirst
John 19:30 The Finished Word
John 19:30 The Victory of the Passion
John 19:30‘’Tis Finished, All is Finished’
John 19:38-39 From Cowardice to Confession
John 20:1 The Visit of Mary Magdalene
John 20:1 The Empty Tomb
John 20:6-7 The Testimony of the Grave-clothes
John 20:8 Easter Thoughts
John 20:9 The Power of His Resurrection
John 20:11 What Mary saw through her Tears
John 20:17‘Touch Me Not’
John 20:17 Reverence for the Supernatural
John 20:19 The Lord’s Day
John 20:19 The Message of Peace
John 20:23 The Remission of Sins
John 20:24 The Absence of Thomas
John 20:27 The Appearance to Thomas
John 20:29 The Beatitude of Faith
John 21:1 Christ’s Resurrection Life
John 21:4 (r.v.) A Manifestation of the Risen Lord
John 21:6 The Right Side of the Ship
John 21:12 The Unchanging Christ
John 21:15 The Asking Christ
John 21:18 The Renewal of St. Peter
John 21:18 The Two Girdings
John 21:20 John the Evangelist