the Third Week after Epiphany
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Bible Commentaries
Bijbelverkaring van Matthew Henry Henry's compleet
Oude Testament
The creation, humanity's fall, the flood, and God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants. Exodus
Israel's escape from Egypt, receiving the Law, and covenant formation at Mount Sinai. Leviticus
Laws on sacrifices, purity, and holiness, guiding Israel's worship and community life. Numeri
Israel's wilderness journey, census data, and preparations for entering the Promised Land. Deuteronomium
Moses' final speeches reiterating the Law and renewing Israel's covenant before entering Canaan. Jozua
Israel's conquest, division of Canaan, and Joshua's leadership in settling the Promised Land. Richteren
Israel's cycle of sin, oppression, and deliverance by judges, highlighting moral decline. Ruth
A story of loyalty and redemption, leading to Ruth becoming an ancestor of King David. 1 Samuël
Samuel's leadership, Saul's reign, and David's rise as Israel's future king. 2 Samuël
Focuses on King David's reign, his successes, personal failings, and the establishment of a united Israel. 1 Koningen
Solomon's reign, the temple's construction, and the kingdom's division after his death. 2 Koningen
Chronicles the history of Israel and Judah, detailing the reigns of their kings and the fall of Jerusalem. 1 Kronieken
A retelling of Israel's history, focusing on David's reign and temple preparations. 2 Kronieken
The history of Judah's kings, emphasizing temple worship, leading to Babylonian exile. Ezra
The return from exile, rebuilding the temple, and reestablishing the Law in Jerusalem. Nehemia
Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem's walls and restore the community's faithfulness. Esther
A Jewish queen's courage saves her people from a plot of genocide in Persia. Job
A righteous man's suffering, his dialogues on justice, and God's ultimate sovereignty. Psalmen
A collection of songs and prayers expressing worship, lament, thanksgiving, and praise to God. Spreuken
Wisdom sayings offering guidance on moral living, relationships, and the fear of God. Prediker
Reflects on the meaning of life, exploring the futility of human endeavors and the pursuit of wisdom. Hooglied
A poetic celebration of love, expressing deep romantic and spiritual devotion between lovers. Jesaja
Prophecies of judgment and redemption, foretelling the Messiah's coming and Israel's restoration. Jeremia
Warnings of Jerusalem's destruction, calls for repentance, and promises of a new covenant. Klaagliederen
Poems mourning Jerusalem's destruction and expressing deep sorrow, yet hope in God's mercy. Ezechiël
Visions and prophecies of Jerusalem's fall, Israel's restoration, and a future temple. Daniël
Stories of faithfulness in exile and visions of future kingdoms and God's ultimate victory. Hosea
A prophet's marriage symbolizes God's steadfast love for unfaithful Israel, calling for repentance. Joël
Prophecies of a locust plague, judgment, and the outpouring of God's Spirit. Amos
A call for social justice, condemning Israel's complacency and predicting divine judgment. Obadja
Prophecy against Edom for its betrayal of Israel, foretelling its destruction. Jona
A reluctant prophet's mission to Nineveh, highlighting God's mercy towards repentance. Micha
Warnings of judgment, calls for justice, and prophecies of a future ruler from Bethlehem. Nahum
The impending fall of Nineveh as God's judgment against Assyrian cruelty. Habakuk
A prophet questions God's justice, leading to a vision of divine sovereignty and faith. Zefanja
Prophecies of judgment on Judah and surrounding nations, with promises of restoration. Haggaï
Encouragement to rebuild the temple after the Babylonian exile, emphasizing God's presence. Zacharia
Visions and prophecies encouraging the returned exiles, foretelling the Messiah's coming. Maleachi
A call to covenant faithfulness, addressing Israel's spiritual apathy, and predicting Elijah's return.
Nieuwe Testament
Jesus' life, teachings, and fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies as the Messiah. Markus
A fast-paced account of Jesus' ministry, focusing on his actions and sacrificial death. Lukas
Jesus' life, emphasizing compassion for the marginalized and the universal scope of salvation. Johannes
Theological reflections on Jesus as the Word of God, focusing on his divine nature and mission. Handelingen
The early church's growth, the apostles' ministry, and the spread of the Gospel. Romeinen
A theological treatise on salvation, grace, faith, and righteousness through Jesus Christ for all. 1 Korinthiërs
Paul addresses divisions, immorality, and spiritual gifts in the Corinthian church. 2 Korinthiërs
Paul's defense of his apostleship, his sufferings, and the power of God's grace. Galaten
Paul's defense of the Gospel of grace against legalism, emphasizing faith in Christ alone. Efeziërs
Paul's teachings on the church's unity, spiritual blessings in Christ, and Christian conduct. Filippenzen
A letter of joy and encouragement, urging humility and faithfulness amid persecution. Kolossenzen
Paul's emphasis on Christ's supremacy and warnings against false teachings. 1 Thessalonicenzen
Encouragement to a young church, with teachings on holiness and Christ's return. 2 Thessalonicenzen
Clarifications about Christ's return and exhortations to stand firm in faith. 1 Timotheüs
Guidance for church leadership, sound teaching, moral conduct, and defending the truth of the gospel. 2 Timotheüs
Paul's final exhortations to Timothy, emphasizing perseverance and faithfulness. Titus
Instructions for establishing order in the church, promoting sound doctrine, and living with integrity. Filémon
A personal appeal for the forgiveness and restoration of a runaway slave, Onesimus. Hebreeën
An insightful look at Christ's supremacy, priesthood, and the fulfillment of prophecies. Jakobus
Practical wisdom on living out one's faith through good works and righteous behavior. 1 Petrus
Encouragement for suffering Christians to remain faithful and hopeful in their trials. 2 Petrus
A reminder to grow in faith, resist false teachings, and remain steadfast awaiting His return. 1 Johannes
Teachings on love, obedience, and assurance of salvation through fellowship with God. 2 Johannes
A letter encouraging love, obedience to God's commands, caution against teachings that deny Christ's truth. 3 Johannes
A personal letter commending hospitality and warning against arrogance in church leadership. Judas
A strong warning against false teachers and a passionate call to defend the faith and uphold the truth. Openbaring
Apocalyptic visions of God's ultimate victory, Christ's return, and the new heaven and earth.
Author's Biography
Matthew Henry (1662-1714) was een vooraanstaande niet-conformistische predikant en auteur, vooral bekend van zijn monumentale werk, "Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible," een hoeksteen van bijbelse wetenschap die wereldwijd lezers blijft verrijken. Geboren in Flintshire, Wales, begon Henry's intellectuele en spirituele erfenis in de zorgzame handen van zijn vader, Philip Henry, ook een gerespecteerde geestelijke. Zijn diepe geloof en passie voor de Schriften brachten hem naar Chester, waar hij werd gewijd en waar hij zijn levenslange toewijding aan pastoraal werk en bijbels onderwijs begon.
Henry's commentaar, postuum voltooid door gelijkgestemde theologen, wordt gevierd om zijn inzichtelijke, praktische en grondige analyse van de Bijbel. Geschreven in een tijdperk van religieuze verkenning en vurig geloof, overstijgt zijn werk zijn tijd en biedt het lezers een tijdloze gids voor het begrijpen van de Schriften. Zijn benadering combineert rigoureuze wetenschap met een onwankelbare toewijding, waardoor complexe theologische concepten toegankelijk en herkenbaar worden voor het dagelijks leven. Henry had het unieke vermogen om diepgaande spirituele lessen uit de bijbeltekst te halen, waardoor zijn commentaar even devoot is als wetenschappelijk.
Buiten zijn commentaar om omvatten Henry's bijdragen een verscheidenheid aan religieuze geschriften en hymnen, die zijn diepe toewijding aan christelijk onderwijs en aanbidding weerspiegelen. Zijn invloed strekt zich uit voorbij het geschreven woord; zijn pastorale zorg en prediking waren even impactvol, waarbij hij het pastorale ideaal belichaamde om zijn kudde te leiden met wijsheid, mededogen en onwankelbaar geloof.
Vandaag de dag blijft het erfgoed van Matthew Henry voortleven doordat zijn commentaar een essentiële bron blijft voor predikanten, theologen en gelovigen die hun begrip van de Bijbel willen verdiepen. Zijn werk is een getuigenis van de blijvende kracht van geloof en wetenschap, die leiding, inspiratie en troost biedt aan generaties lezers. Het leven en werk van Henry belichamen de diepgaande impact die ijverig studeren, toegewijd geloof en een verbintenis met de gemeenschap kunnen hebben op de wereld.