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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries
Jeremiah 6

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

children = sons.

Benjamin. Put by Figure of speech Synecdoche (of the Part), for the whole of Judah, on account of their close connection with the Gibeathites (Judges 19:16 . Hosea 9:9 ; Hosea 10:9 ).

flee out. In Jeremiah 4:6 it was "flee to". Now Jerusalem itself is to be taken.

blow . . . Tekoa. Figure of speech Paronomasia ( App-6 ), for emphasis. Hebrew. bithko'ah . . . tik'u.

Tekoa. Now Khan Teku'a, five miles south of Bethlehem, ten from Jerusalem.

a sign of Are = a fire-signal.

Beth-haccerem = house of the vineyards. Not identified. Conder suggests such a house at 'Ain Karim.

evil. Hebrew. ra'a'. App-44 .

north. Because the armies from Assyria entered the land from the north. See note on Jeremiah 3:12 .

destruction = fracture, or damage, as in Jeremiah 6:14 .

Verse 2

daughter. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), for the helpless inhabitants.

woman. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 28:56 ). App-92 .

Verse 3

shepherds: i.e. the Chaldean armies. See Jeremiah 3:15 ,

Verse 4

Prepare, &c. = Prosecute a holy war.

at noon. In the heat of the day, when most are resting. Compare Jeremiah 15:8 . Song of Solomon 1:7 . Isaiah 32:2 . See 2 Samuel 4:5 .

Woe unto us, &c. See note on Jeremiah 15:8 .

Verse 6

the LORD of hosts = Jehovah Zebbaioth, the first of thirtynine occurrences of this title in Jeremiah (Jeremiah 6:6 , Jeremiah 6:9 ; Jeremiah 8:3 ; Jeremiah 9:7 , Jeremiah 9:17 ; Jeremiah 10:16 ; Jeremiah 11:17 , Jeremiah 11:20 , Jeremiah 11:22 ; Jeremiah 19:11 ; Jeremiah 20:12 ; Jeremiah 23:15 , &c.)

cast a mount = pour out: i.e. the earth from baskets to make a mount.

Verse 7

fountain. Hebrew. bor = a well, bored or hewn out. Compare 2 Samuel 23:15 , 2 Samuel 23:16 . 1 Chronicles 11:17 . See note on Genesis 21:19 .

Verse 8

My soul = I myself. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13 .

Verse 9

as a vine. Here, and in Jeremiah 8:13 , one Codex (Harley, 5720, B. M., Lond.) reads, "on the vine".

Verse 10

give warning = testify.

ear is uncircumcised. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 6:12 , Exodus 6:30 . Leviticus 26:41 ). Figure of speech Catachresis ( App-6 ). An ear not brought into the covenant.

a reproach. Note the fate of Jehovah's word in the down-grade of Jeremiah's days. in Jeremiah 6:10 a reproach; in Jeremiah 8:9 , rejected; in Jeremiah 17:15 , scoffed at; in Jeremiah 23:36 , perverted.

they. So the Mugah Codex quoted in the Massorah. But other codices, with three early printed editions, read "and they".

Verse 11

children = a young child. Hebrew. 'ul.

Verse 12

turned unto others. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 28:30 ).

saith the LORD = [is] Jehovah's oracle.

Verse 13

covetousness. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 18:21 ). App-92 .

Verse 14

hurt. Same word as "destruction" (Jeremiah 6:1 ).

of the daughter. Some codices, with four early printed editions, read these words in the text.

Peace, peace. Figure of speech Epizeuxis ( App-6 ), for emphasis. See note on Isaiah 26:3 .

Verse 15

could they = knew they how to.

Verse 16

Stand ye, &c. A gracious appeal to avoid the threatened calamity, as in Jeremiah 2:2 .

old paths. Compare Jeremiah 18:15 .

good = right.

find rest. Compare Matthew 11:29 , Matthew 11:30 ; where a like invitation and promise is given to those who will "learn". Following likewise on a preceding threatening of judgment. Compare Deuteronomy 28:65 .

your souls = yourselves (emphatic). Hebrew. nephesh.

Verse 17

Hearken = Give ye heed. Some codices, with two early printed editions, read "And (therefore) give ye heed".

Verse 18

congregation = assembly (in its civil aspect). Hebrew. 'edah, a technical Pentateuchal word. First occurrence in Exodus 12:3 , Exodus 12:6 , Exodus 12:19 , Exodus 12:47 . Used technically of Israel, fifteen times in Exodus; twelve in Leviticus; eighty-three times in Numbers. Found in the prophets only here; Jeremiah 30:20 ; and Hosea 7:12 (reference to Pentateuch) App-92 .

Verse 19

evil = calamity. Hebrew. ra'a'.

My law. Reference to Pentateuch. Note that "words" and "law" are put alternatively.

Verse 20

incense = frankincense. Put by Figure of speech Synecdoche (of the Part), App-6 , ror the whole incense of which it was an ingredient.

Sheba. In the south of Arabia.

not acceptable. Compare Isaiah 1:11-15 .

Verse 21

tower = watchtower; or, an assayer.

try = assay (as an assayer of metals).

way. Some codices read "heart".

Verse 22

the sides, &c. Idiom for a great distance.

Verse 23

roareth = will roar. Compare Isaiah 5:29 , Isaiah 5:30 . Compare Isaiah 5:29-30 .

men. Hebrew. 'ish . App-14

Verse 25

fear is on every side = terror is round about. Compare Jeremiah 20:3 , Jeremiah 20:10 ; Jeremiah 46:5 ; Jeremiah 49:29 . Lamentations 2:22 .

Verse 26

and. Some codices, with five early printed editions, omit this "and".

Verse 28

brass and iron. Not silver and gold. Compare Ezekiel 22:18 .

Verse 29

founder melteth = refiner refineth.

Verse 30

Reprobate . . . rejected. Note the Figure of speech Paronomasia ( App-6) . Hebrew. nim'as . . . ma'as: i.e. rejected (silver) . . . rejected (them). Compare Isaiah 1:22 .Ezekiel 22:18 .

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Jeremiah 6". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/jeremiah-6.html. 1909-1922.
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