Lectionary Calendar
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Roma 1:28

28 Ug kay nanagdumili man sila sa pag-ila kaniya ingon nga Dios, sila gitugyan sa Dios ngadto sa pagpanghunahuna nga dautan ug sa paggawi nga dili angay.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Adultery;   Backbiting;   Gentiles;   Godlessness;   Holy Spirit;   Lasciviousness;   Rome;   Wicked (People);   Scofield Reference Index - Faith;   Gospel;   Thompson Chain Reference - Carnal Mind;   Ignorance;   Impiety;   Knowledge-Ignorance;   Mind;   Mind, Carnal-Spiritual;   Reprobates;   Righteousness-Unrighteousness;   The Topic Concordance - Execution;   Knowledge;   Sexual Activities;   Sin;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Gentiles;   Idolatry;   Ignorance of God;   Jews, the;   Punishment of the Wicked, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Convenient;   Reprobate;   Rome, Romans;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Cain;   Concubine;   Gentile;   Idol, idolatry;   Judgment;   Lie;   Pride;   Sin;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Amos, Theology of;   Condemnation;   Divorce;   Envy;   Hell;   Homosexuality;   Idol, Idolatry;   Immorality, Sexual;   Marriage;   Mercy;   Mind/reason;   Sin;   Time;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Christianity;   Judgment, Last;   Omnipotence of God;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Amaziah;   Balaam;   Micaiah;   Noah;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Gentiles;   Godlessness;   Judgment Day;   Mind;   Regeneration;   Reprobate;   Romans, Book of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Convenient;   Galatians, Epistle to the;   Idolatry;   Love, Lover, Lovely, Beloved;   Paul the Apostle;   Person of Christ;   Reprobate;   Romans, Epistle to the;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Alpha and Omega (2);   Atonement (2);   Commandment;   Hardening;   Heathen;   Ignorance;   Marriage;   Pharisees (2);   Reprobate;   Romans Epistle to the;   Sin;   Sin (2);   Wisdom of Solomon;   Worldliness;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Castaway,;   Reprobate,;   48 To Know, Perceive, Understand;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Reprobate;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Idolatry;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Paul;   Plagues of Egypt;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Cast;   Castaway;   Convenient;   Evil;   Give;   Hosea;   Justification;   Like;   Mind;   Reprobate;   Retain;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Saul of Tarsus;  


- Every Day Light - Devotion for October 25;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

as they did: Romans 1:18, Romans 1:21, Job 21:14, Job 21:15, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 1:22, Proverbs 1:29, Proverbs 5:12, Proverbs 5:13, Proverbs 17:16, Jeremiah 4:22, Jeremiah 9:6, Hosea 4:6, Acts 17:23, Acts 17:32, Romans 8:7, Romans 8:8, 1 Corinthians 15:34, 2 Corinthians 4:4-6, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, 2 Peter 3:5

retain: or, acknowledge

a reprobate mind: or, a mind void of judgment, Jeremiah 6:30, 2 Corinthians 13:5-7, 2 Timothy 3:8, Titus 1:16

not convenient: Ephesians 5:4, Philemon 1:8

Reciprocal: Genesis 6:5 - God Exodus 4:21 - I will harden Exodus 5:2 - I know not Exodus 7:13 - General Leviticus 11:13 - the eagle Deuteronomy 23:17 - sodomite 1 Samuel 2:12 - knew 2 Samuel 18:22 - ready 1 Chronicles 28:9 - know thou Job 15:16 - abominable Job 18:21 - knoweth Job 22:17 - Depart Job 31:27 - my heart Psalms 10:4 - thoughts Psalms 14:1 - no Psalms 14:4 - Have Psalms 28:5 - Because Psalms 50:17 - hatest Psalms 53:1 - said Psalms 69:27 - Add Psalms 79:6 - not known Psalms 82:5 - know not Psalms 95:10 - and they Psalms 107:11 - contemned Psalms 111:2 - that have Proverbs 10:21 - fools Ecclesiastes 3:11 - also Isaiah 1:3 - but Israel Isaiah 5:13 - because Isaiah 27:11 - for it is Isaiah 29:14 - for the wisdom Isaiah 30:11 - cause Isaiah 40:21 - General Isaiah 44:18 - for he hath Isaiah 44:20 - a deceived Jeremiah 4:10 - surely Jeremiah 9:3 - they know Ezekiel 14:5 - estranged Ezekiel 18:24 - and doeth Ezekiel 20:25 - I gave Ezekiel 23:35 - Because Hosea 2:8 - she Hosea 4:1 - nor knowledge Amos 4:5 - for Matthew 13:19 - and understandeth Matthew 21:27 - We cannot tell Matthew 24:39 - General Mark 11:33 - We John 1:5 - General John 7:28 - whom John 15:21 - because John 17:25 - the world Acts 14:16 - suffered Acts 17:30 - the times Romans 3:9 - proved Romans 3:11 - none that understandeth Romans 3:23 - all have 1 Corinthians 1:21 - the world Galatians 4:8 - when Ephesians 1:17 - in the knowledge Ephesians 2:12 - without Ephesians 4:18 - the understanding 1 Thessalonians 4:5 - know 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - for 1 Timothy 4:2 - their Hebrews 3:10 - err 1 John 5:19 - and the

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And even as they did not like,.... This accounts for the justness of the divine procedure in leaving them to commit such scandalous iniquities; that since they had some knowledge of God by the light of nature, and yet did not care

to retain God in [their] knowledge; or to own and acknowledge him as God, to worship and glorify him as such; but took every method to erase this knowledge out of their minds, and keep it from others:

God gave them over to a reprobate mind; a vain empty mind, worthless, good for nothing devoid of all true knowledge and judgment; incapable of approving what is truly good, or of disapproving that which is evil; a mind that has lost all conscience of things, and is disapproved of by God, and all good men:

to do those things which are not convenient; which are neither agreeably to the light of nature, nor convenient to, or becoming the honour of human nature; things which the brutes themselves, who are destitute of reason, do not do.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

And even as they did not like ... - This was the true source of their crimes. They did not choose to acknowledge God. It was not because they could not, but because they were displeased with God, and chose to forsake him, and follow their own passions and lusts.

To retain God ... - To think of him, or to serve and adore him. This was the first step in their sin. It was not that God compelled them; or that he did not give them knowledge; nor even is it said that he arbitrarily abandoned them as the first step; but they forsook him, and as a consequence he gave them up to a reprobate mind.

To a reprobate mind - A mind destitute of judgment. In the Greek the same word is used here, which, in another form, occurs in the previous part of the verse, and which is translated “like.” The apostle meant doubtless to retain a reference to that in this place. “As they did not approve, ἐδοκιμασαν edokimasan, or choose to retain God, etc. he gave them up to a mind disapproved, rejected, reprobate,” ἀδοκιμον adokimon, and he means that the state of their minds was such that God could not approve it. It does not mean that they were reprobate by any arbitrary decree; but that as a consequence of their headstrong passions, their determination to forget him, he left them to a state of mind which was evil, and which he could not approve.

Which are not convenient - Which are not fit or proper; which are disgraceful and shameful; to wit, those things which he proceeds to state in the remainder of the chapter.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse 28. They did not like to retain God — It would, perhaps, be more literal to translate ουκ εδοκιμασαν, THEY DID NOT SEARCH to retain God in their knowledge. They did not examine the evidences before them (Romans 1:19; Romans 1:20) of his being and attributes; therefore God gave them over to a REPROBATE mind, εις αδοκιμον νουν, to an UNSEARCHING or undiscerning mind; for it is the same word in both places. They did not reflect on the proofs they had of the Divine nature, and God abandoned them to the operations of a mind incapable of reflection. How men of such powers and learning, as many of the Greek and Roman philosophers and poets really were, could reason so inconsecutively concerning things moral and Divine is truly astonishing. But here we see the hand of a just and avenging God; they abused their powers, and God deprived them of the right use of these powers.

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