Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 9:18

18 Samtang nagsulti siya niini ngadto kanila, tan-awa, miabut ang usa ka punoan, ug sa iyang atubangan miluhod siya nga nag-ingon, "Ang akong anak nga babae karon pa gayud mamatay; apan adtoa ug itapion ang imong kamot diha kaniya, ug mabuhi siya."

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Capernaum;   Children;   Faith;   Jairus;   Jesus, the Christ;   Jesus Continued;   Miracles;   Thompson Chain Reference - Awe;   Christ;   Faith;   Faith-Unbelief;   Great;   Jairus;   Miracles;   Reverence;   Reverence-Irreverence;   Reverenced, Christ;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Life, Natural;   Miracles of Christ, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Miracle;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Worship;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Miracle;   Synagogue;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Bashan-Havoth-Jair;   Jairus;   Miracles;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Matthew, the Gospel of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Jairus;   Laying on of Hands;   Mss;   Pity;   Pleroma;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Appreciation (of Christ);   Character;   Children;   Coming to Christ;   Daughter ;   Dominion (2);   Hand ;   Jairus;   Lazarus;   Physician (2);   Prayer (2);   Ruler (2);   Synagogue (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Miracles;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Jairus;   Kingdom of christ of heaven;   Kingdom of god;   Kingdom of heaven;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Ja'irus;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Adoration;   Decease, in New Testament;   Hand;   Hands;   Laying on of;   Jairus (2);   Magistrate;   Matthew;   Ruler;   Sick;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

behold: Mark 5:22-43, Luke 8:41-56

ruler: Luke 8:49, Luke 13:14, Luke 18:18, Acts 13:15

worshipped: Matthew 8:2, Matthew 14:33, Matthew 15:25, Matthew 17:14, Matthew 20:20, Matthew 28:17, Mark 5:22, Luke 17:15, Luke 17:16, Acts 10:25, Acts 10:26

My daughter: Matthew 9:24, Mark 5:23, Luke 7:2, Luke 8:42, Luke 8:49, John 4:47-49

come: Matthew 8:8, Matthew 8:9, 2 Kings 5:11, John 11:21, John 11:22, John 11:25, John 11:32

Reciprocal: Matthew 8:7 - I will Matthew 9:23 - into John 4:46 - whose Acts 28:8 - laid

Gill's Notes on the Bible

While he spake these things unto them,.... To the Scribes and Pharisees, and to John's disciples, concerning, and in vindication of his, and his disciples, eating and drinking with publicans and sinners, and their not fasting as others did; and while he spake these parables, to expose the folly of self-righteous persons, and justify his own conduct, in calling sinners to repentance,

behold, there came a certain ruler and worshipped him. This man, as both Mark and Luke say, was named Jairus; and was a ruler, not of the sanhedrim, or lesser consistory, but of the synagogue that was at Capernaum; and whom the Jews call, ראש הכנסת, "the head of the synagogue". Mark says, he was "one of the rulers": not that there were more rulers than one, in one synagogue q: but as in great cities, so it is likely in Capernaum there were more synagogues than one, of which he was one of the rulers: so we read of ראשי כנסיות r, "heads", or "rulers of synagogues". As this is one mistake, so it is another to say, that Dr. Lightfoot speaks of this ruler, as the same with the "minister" of the congregation; when both here, and in the place referred to, he manifestly distinguishes them; as do the Jews: for, by this ruler, as their commentators s say,

"the necessary affairs of the synagogue were determined, as who should dismiss with a prophet, who should divide the "shema", and who should go before the ark.''

Whereas the business of חזן הכנחת, "the minister of the synagogue", was to bring in and out the ark, or chest, in which was the book of the law; and particularly, when the high priest read, or pronounced the blessings, "he" took the book, and gave it to "the ruler of the synagogue"; and the ruler of the synagogue gave it to the "sagan", and the "sagan" to the high priest t. The doctor makes indeed

שליח הצבור, "the messenger of the congregation", to be the same with "the minister of the synagogue", and which is his mistake; for these were two different officers u: the former was the lecturer, or preacher; and the latter, a sort of a sexton to keep the synagogue clean, open and shut the doors, and do other things before mentioned. This Jairus was a man of great power and significance; who in such a very humble manner prostrated himself at the feet of Jesus, and expressed such strong faith in him:

saying, my daughter is even now dead, but come and lay thine hand upon her, and she shall live. Luke says, she was "his only daughter": and Mark calls her his "little daughter": though both he and Luke say, she was about "twelve" years of age, and that with strict propriety, according to the Jewish canons, which w say; that

"a daughter, from the day of her birth until she is twelve years complete, is called קטנה, "a little one" and when she is twelve years of age, and one day and upwards, she is called נערה, "a young woman".''

Her case seems to be differently represented; Mark says, she was "at the point of death", or "in the last extremity"; and Luke, that she "lay dying": but Matthew here says, that she was "even now dead", which may be easily reconciled: for not to observe, that αρτι signifies "near", and the phrase may be rendered, "she is near dead", or just expiring, the case was this; when Jairus left his house, his daughter was in the agony of death, just ready to give up the ghost; so, that he concluded, by the time he was with Jesus, she had made her exit; as it appears she had, by a messenger, who brought the account of her death, before they could get to the house. The ruler's address to Christ on this occasion, is a very considerable, though not so great an instance of faith as some others; that he, who was a ruler of a synagogue, should apply to Christ, which sort of men were generally most averse to him; that he should fall down and worship him, if not as God, since as yet he might be ignorant of his deity, yet behaved with the profoundest respect to him, as a great man, and a prophet; that he should come to him when his child was past all hope of recovery; yea, when he had reason to believe she was actually dead, as she was; that even then, he should believe in hope against hope; he affirms, that he really believed, that if Christ would but come to his house, and lay his hand upon her, an action often used in grave and serious matters, as in blessing persons, in prayer, and in healing diseases, she would certainly be restored to life again.

q Vid. Rhenfurd. de decem otiosis dissert. 2. c. 7. r T. Bab. Gittin, fol. 60. 1. s Jarchi & Bartenora in Misn. Yoma, c. 7. sect. 1. & Sota, c. 7. sect. 7. t Misn. Sota, c. 7. sect. 7. & Bartenora in ib. u Vid. Rhenfurd, dissert. 1. p. 81, etc. w Maimon. Hilchot lshot, c. 2. sect. 1. & Bartenora in Misn. Nidda, c. 5. sect. 6.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

The account contained in these verses is also recorded, with some additional circumstances, in Mark 5:22-43, and Luke 8:41-56.

Matthew 9:18

There came a certain ruler - Mark and Luke say that his name was Jairus, and that he was a “ruler of the synagogue;” that is, one of the elders to whom was committed the care of the synagogue.

See the notes at Matthew 4:23.

And worshipped him - That is, fell down before him, or expressed his respect for him by a token of profound regard. See the notes at Matthew 2:2.

My daughter is even now dead - Luke says that this was his only daughter, and that she was twelve years of age. Mark and Luke say that she was “at the point of death,” and that information of her actual death was brought to him by one who was sent by the ruler of the synagogue, while Jesus was going. Matthew combined the two facts, and stated the representation which was made to Jesus, without stopping particularly to exhibit the manner in which it was done. In a summary way he says that the ruler communicated the information. Luke and Mark, dwelling more particularly on the circumstances, state at length the way in which it was done; that is, by himself stating, in a hurry, that she was “about to die,” or “was dying,” and then in a few moments sending word that “she was dead.” The Greek word, rendered “is even now dead,” does not of necessity mean, as our translation would express, that she had actually expired, but only that she was “dying” or about to die. Compare Genesis 48:21. It is likely that a father, in these circumstances, would use a word as nearly expressing actual death as would be consistent with the fact that she was alive. The passage may be expressed thus: “My daughter was so sick that she must be by this time dead.”

Come and lay thy hand upon her - It was customary for the Jewish prophets, in conferring favors, to lay their hand on the person benefited. Jesus had probably done so also, and the ruler had probably witnessed the fact.

Matthew 9:20

And, behold, a woman ... - This disease was by the Jews reckoned unclean Leviticus 15:25, and the woman was therefore unwilling to make personal application to Jesus, or even to touch his person. The disease was regarded as incurable. She had expended all her property, and grew worse, Mark 5:26.

Touched the hem of his garment - This garment was probably the square garment which was thrown over the shoulders. See notes at Matthew 5:40. This was surrounded by a border or “fringe;” and this “fringe,” or the loose threads hanging down, is what is meant by the “hem.” The Jews were commanded to wear this, in order to distinguish them from other nations. See Numbers 15:38-39; Deuteronomy 22:12.

Mark says that “the woman, fearing and trembling,” came and told him all the truth. Perhaps she feared that, from the impure nature of her disease, he would be offended that she touched him.

Matthew 9:22

But Jesus tutored him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort - Jesus silenced her fears, commended her faith, and sent her away in peace.

He used an endearing appellation, calling her “daughter,” a word of tenderness and affection, and dismissed her who had been twelve long and tedious years labouring under a weakening and offensive disease, now in an instant made whole. Her faith, her strong confidence in Jesus, had been the means of her restoration. It was the “power” of Jesus that cured her; but that power would not have been exerted but in connection with faith. So in the salvation of a sinner. No one is saved who does not believe; but faith is the instrument, and not the power, that saves.

Matthew 9:23

And widen Jesus came into the ruler’s house ... - Jesus permitted only three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and the father and mother of the damsel, to go in with him where the corpse lay, Mark 5:37-40

It was important that there should be “witnesses” of the miracle, and he chose a sufficient number. “Five” witnesses were enough to establish the fact. The witnesses were impartial. The fact that she was dead was established beyond a doubt. Of this the mourners, the parents, the messengers, the people, were satisfied. If she was presented to the people “alive,” the proof of the miracle was complete. The presence of more than the “five” witnesses would have made the scene tumultuous, and have been less satisfactory evidence of the fact of the restoration of the child. Five sober witnesses are always better than the confused voices of a rabble. These were the same disciples that were with him on the Mount of Transfiguration and in the Garden of Gethsemane, Mark 9:2; Mark 14:33; 2 Peter 1:17-18.

And saw the minstrels and the people making a noise - Minstrels” are persons who play on instruments of music. The people of the East used to bewail the dead by cutting the flesh, tearing the hair, and crying bitterly. See Jeremiah 9:17; Jeremiah 16:6-7; Ezekiel 24:17. The expressions of grief at the death of a friend, in Eastern countries, are extreme. As soon as a person dies, all the females in the family set up a loud and doleful cry. They continue it as long as they can without taking breath, and the shriek of wailing dies away in a low sob. Nor do the relatives satisfy themselves with these expressions of violent grief. They hire persons of both sexes, whose employment it is to mourn for the dead in the like frantic manner. See Amos 5:16; Jeremiah 9:20. They sing the virtues of the deceased, recount his acts, dwell on his beauty, strength, or learning; on the comforts of his family and home, and in doleful strains ask him why he left his family and friends.

To all this they add soft and melancholy music. They employ “minstrels” to aid their grief, and to increase the expressions of their sorrow. This violent grief continues, commonly, eight days. In the case of a king, or other very distinguished personage, it is prolonged through an entire month. This grief does not cease at the house; it is exhibited in the procession to the grave, and the air is split with the wailings of real and of hired mourners. Professor Hackett (“Illustrations of Scripture,” pp. 121, 122) says: “During my stay at Jerusalem I frequently heard a singular cry issuing from the houses in the neighborhood of the place where I lodged, or from those on the streets through which I passed. It was to be heard at all hours - in the morning, at noonday, at evening, or in the deep silence of night. For some time I was at a loss to understand the cause of this strange interruption of the stillness which, for the most part, hangs so oppressively over the lonely city. Had it not been so irregular in its occurrence, I might have supposed it to indicate some festive occasion; for the tones of voice (yet hardly tones so much as shrieks) used for the expression of different feelings sound so much alike to the unpracticed ear, that it is not easy always to distinguish the mournful and the joyous from each other.

I ascertained, at length, that this special cry was, no doubt, in most instances, the signal of the death of some person in the house from which it was heard. It is customary, when a member of the family is about to die, for the friends to assemble around him and watch the ebbing away of life, so as to remark the precise moment when he breathes his last, upon which they set up instantly a united outcry, attended with weeping, and often with beating upon the breast, and tearing out the hair of the head. This lamentation they repeat at other times, especially at the funeral, both during the procession to the grave and after the arrival there, as they commit the remains to their last resting-place.”

The Jews were forbidden to tear their hair and cut their flesh. See Leviticus 19:28; Deuteronomy 14:1. They showed their grief by howling, by music, by concealing the chin with their garment, by rending the outer garment, by refusing to wash or anoint themselves, or to converse with people, by scattering ashes or dust in the air, or by lying down in them, Job 1:20; Job 2:12; 2 Samuel 1:2-4; 2 Samuel 14:2; 2 Samuel 15:30; Mark 14:63. The expressions of grief, therefore, mentioned on this occasion, though excessive and foolish, were yet strictly in accordance with Eastern customs.

Matthew 9:24

The maid is not dead, but sleepeth - It cannot be supposed that our Lord means “literally” to say that the child was not dead.

Every possible evidence of her death had been given, and he acted on that himself, and conveyed to the people the idea that he raised her “from the dead.” He meant to speak in opposition to their opinions. It is not unlikely that Jairus and the people favored the opinions of the Sadducees, and that “they” understood by her being dead that she had “ceased to be,” and that she would never be raised up again. In opposition to this, the Saviour used the expression “she sleepeth;” affirming mildly both that the “body” was dead, and “implying” that “her spirit” still lived, and that she would be raised up again. A similar mode of speaking occurs in John 11:11 “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth.” The sacred writers often spoke of the pious dead as “sleeping,” 2 Peter 3:4; Acts 7:60; 1 Corinthians 15:6, 1Co 15:18; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15. The meaning of this passage, then, is, the maid has not ceased to “exist;” but, though her body is dead, yet her spirit lives, and she sleeps in the hope of the resurrection.

Laughed him to scorn - Derided him; ridiculed him.

Matthew 9:25

He went in - With the father, and mother, and three disciples, Mark 5:37-40.

The maid arose - She returned to life.

There could be no deception here. “Parents” could not be imposed on in such a case, nor could such a multitude be deceived. The power of Jesus was undoubtedly shown to be sufficient to raise the dead.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 9:18. A certain ruler — There were two officers in the synagogue, חזן הכנסת chazan ha-ceneseth, the bishop or overseer of the congregation; and ראש הכנסת rosh ha-ceneseth, the head or ruler of the congregation. The chazan takes the book of the Law, and gives it to the rosh, or ruler; and he appoints who shall read the different sections, c. Jairus, who is the person intended here, was, in this latter sense, the ruler or governor of one of the synagogues, probably at Capernaum. See Mark 5:22 Luke 8:41.

My daughter is even now dead — Or, my daughter was just now dying; αρτι ετελευτησεν, or, is by this time dead: i.e. as Mr. Wakefield properly observes, She was so ill when I left home that she must be dead by this time. This turn of the expression reconciles the account given here with that in Mark and Luke. Michaelis conjectures that, in the Hebrew original, the words must have stood thus, עתה מתה atah matah, which, without the points, may signify either, She is dead, or She is dying.

To be successful in our applications to God by prayer, four things are requisite; and this ruler teaches us what they are.

First, A man should place himself in the presence of God - he came unto him.

Secondly, He should humble himself sincerely before God - he fell down before him-at his feet. Mark 5:22.

Thirdly, He should lay open his wants with a holy earnestness - he besought him greatly. Mark 5:23.

Fourthly, he should have unbounded confidence in the power and goodness of Christ that his request shall be granted - put thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

He who comes in this way to God, for salvation, is sure to be heard. Imposition of hands was a rite anciently used by the servants of God, through which heavenly influences were conveyed to the bodies and souls of men. This rite is still used in certain Churches; but, as there is no Holy Ghost communicated by it, some suppose it may be as well omitted. But why is this? Is it not because there is an unfaithfulness in the person who lays on hands, or an unfitness in him on whom they are laid? Let the rite be restored to its primitive simplicity, and God will own it as he formerly did. But, however this may be, where is the man or number of men who have authority to abrogate a rite of God's own appointment? In the appointment of men to the sacred ministry it should never be omitted: even in these degenerate days, it may still serve as a sign of the necessity of the gifts and graces of that Holy Spirit without which no man can fulfil the work of the ministry, or be the instrument of saving the souls of them that hear him. When the inventions of men are put in the place of the ordinances of God, the true Church of Christ is in great danger.

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