Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 7:2

2 Kay ang hukom nga inyong ipakanaug, mao usab ang igahukom kaninyo; ug ang takus nga inyong ipanghatag, mao usab ang takus nga inyong pagadawaton.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Charitableness;   Commandments;   Religion;   Retaliation;   Uncharitableness;   Thompson Chain Reference - Judgment;   The Topic Concordance - Judges;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Murmuring;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Prayer;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Judgment;   Sermon on the mount;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Discipline;   Ethics;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Measure;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - James, the General Epistle of;   Joseph;   Oded;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Hypocrisy;   Judge (Office);   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - James, Epistle of;   Mss;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Deceit, Deception, Guile;   Guilt (2);   Judging (by Men);   Judgment;   Letters;   Liberality;   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Neighbour (2);   Paradox;   Proverbs ;   Punishment (2);   Retribution (2);   Righteous, Righteousness;   Sanctify, Sanctification;   Sermon on the Mount;   Simple, Simplicity ;   Winter ;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Parable;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Obsolete or obscure words in the english av bible;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Measure;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Diseases;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Damn;   Games;   Mete;   Sermon on the Mount, the;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Proverbs;  


- Today's Word from Skip Moen - Devotion for June 27;   My Utmost for His Highest - Devotion for June 22;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

Judges 1:7, Psalms 18:25, Psalms 18:26, Psalms 137:7, Psalms 137:8, Jeremiah 51:24, Obadiah 1:15, Mark 4:24, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6, 2 Thessalonians 1:6, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, James 2:13, Revelation 18:6

Reciprocal: Genesis 19:36 - General Genesis 29:25 - wherefore Genesis 42:21 - we saw Genesis 44:16 - God hath Exodus 4:9 - blood Exodus 14:26 - the waters Exodus 21:24 - General Leviticus 19:35 - in meteyard Leviticus 24:19 - General Judges 5:27 - where Judges 9:23 - dealt Judges 9:56 - God rendered 1 Samuel 11:11 - slew 1 Samuel 15:33 - As thy sword 1 Samuel 26:24 - as thy life 2 Samuel 1:10 - slew 2 Samuel 4:12 - slew them 2 Samuel 21:5 - The man 1 Kings 21:19 - In the place 2 Kings 11:16 - there was she slain 2 Chronicles 16:12 - diseased 2 Chronicles 23:15 - they slew her there 2 Chronicles 28:10 - not with 2 Chronicles 28:11 - the fierce Job 19:29 - that ye may Psalms 109:17 - General Proverbs 21:13 - at Isaiah 33:1 - when thou shalt cease Isaiah 47:6 - thou didst Jeremiah 34:17 - behold Jeremiah 48:27 - was not Jeremiah 48:42 - from Jeremiah 50:15 - as she Jeremiah 51:35 - The violence Jeremiah 51:49 - As Babylon Ezekiel 7:27 - according to their deserts Ezekiel 16:59 - I will Ezekiel 24:4 - General Ezekiel 24:8 - I have set Ezekiel 31:11 - he shall surely deal with him Ezekiel 35:6 - I will Ezekiel 35:11 - I will even Ezekiel 39:10 - shall spoil Daniel 11:18 - he shall cause Joel 3:7 - and will Matthew 6:14 - General Matthew 18:35 - do Romans 14:3 - judge 1 Corinthians 4:5 - judge James 3:1 - condemnation James 4:11 - and judgeth James 5:9 - lest Revelation 11:9 - and shall not Revelation 13:10 - that leadeth Revelation 16:6 - they have

Gill's Notes on the Bible

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged,.... Both by God and men; to which agree those proverbial sentences used by the Jews;

"He that judgeth his neighbour according to the balance of righteousness, or innocence, they judge him according to righteousness.''

w And a little after,

"As ye have judged me according to the balance of righteousness, God will judge you according to the balance of righteousness.''

Hence that advice of Joshua ben Perachiah x, who, by the Jewish writers, is said to be the master of Christ;

"Judge every man according to the balance of righteousness.''

Which their commentators explain thus y; when you see a man as it were in "equilibrio", inclining to neither part, it is not clear from what he does, that he is either good or evil, righteous or unrighteous; yet when you see him do a thing which may be interpreted either to a good or a bad sense, it ought always to be interpreted to the best.

And with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. This was an usual proverb among the Jews; it is sometimes delivered out thus, מדה כנגד מדה, "measure against measure" z; but oftener thus, and nearer the form of it here, במדה שאדם מודד בה מודדין לו, "with what measure a man measures, they measure to him": one might fill up almost a page, in referring to places, where it is used in this form: besides those in the a margin, take the following, and the rather, because it gives instances of this retaliation b:

""With what measure a man measures, they measure to him"; so the woman suspected of adultery, she adorned herself to commit sin, and God dishonoured her; she exposed herself to iniquity, God therefore stripped her naked; the same part of her body in which her sin begun, her punishment did. Samson walked after his eyes, and therefore the Philistines plucked out his eyes. Absalom was lifted up in his mind, with his hair, and therefore he was hanged by it; and because he lay with his father's ten concubines, they therefore pierced him with ten lances; and because he stole away three hearts, the heart of his father, the heart of the sanhedrim, and the heart of Israel, therefore he was thrust with three darts: and so it is with respect to good things; Miriam waited for Moses one hour, therefore the Israelites waited for her seven days in the wilderness; Joseph, who was greater than his brethren, buried his father; and Moses, who was the greatest among the Israelites took care of the bones of Joseph, and God himself buried Moses.''

w T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 127. 2. x Pirke Abot, c. 1. sect. 6. y Maimon. & Bartenora in ib. z Bereshit Rabba, sect. 9. fol. 7. 4. a T. Bab. Megilla, fol. 12. 2. Sota, fol. 8. 2. Sanhedrim, fol. 100. 1. Zohar in Gen. fol. 87. 4. & in Lev. fol. 36. 1. & 39. 3. & in Num. fol. 67. 3. Bemidbar Rabba, fol. 194. 1. Misn. Beracot, c. 9. sect. 5. b Misn. Sota, c. 1. sect. 7, 8, 9. Vid. Tzeror Hammor, fol. 99. 1, 2.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

With what judgment ... - This was a proverb among the Jews. It expressed a truth; and Christ did not hesitate to adopt it as conveying his own sentiments. It refers no less to the way in which people will judge of us, than to the rule by which God will judge us. See 2 Samuel 22:27; Mark 4:24; James 2:13.

Mete - Measure. You shall be judged by the same rule which you apply to others.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 7:2. For with what judgment — He who is severe on others will naturally excite their severity against himself. The censures and calumnies which we have suffered are probably the just reward of those which we have dealt out to others.

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