Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 7:18

18 Ang maayong kahoy dili makabungag mga bungang walay pulos, ug usab ang kahoyng walay pulos dili makabungag mga maayong bunga.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Botany;   Commandments;   Religion;   Righteous;   Sin;   Scofield Reference Index - Sanctification;   Thompson Chain Reference - Trees;   The Topic Concordance - Bearing Fruit;   Corruption;   Evil;   Goodness;   Hell;   Prophecy and Prophets;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Fruits;   Trees;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Flesh;   Sermon on the mount;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Evil;   Fruit;   Jesus Christ;   Knowledge of God;   Lord's Prayer, the;   Motives;   Romans, Theology of;   Sin;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Joseph;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Antinomianism;   False Prophet;   Fruit;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Prophecy, Prophets;   Sermon on the Mount;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Evil;   Mss;   Parable;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Assurance (2);   Doctrines;   Fig-Tree ;   Husbandman ;   Impossibility;   Judging (by Men);   Law of God;   Nature and Natural Phenomena;   Physical ;   Redemption (2);   Repentance (2);   Sanctify, Sanctification;   Sermon on the Mount;   Wicked;   Wicked (2);   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Fruit;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Crime;   James, Epistle of;   Priesthood;   Sermon on the Mount, the;  


- Every Day Light - Devotion for December 17;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

cannot: Galatians 5:17, 1 John 3:9, 1 John 3:10

Reciprocal: Proverbs 10:16 - the fruit

Gill's Notes on the Bible

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,.... A man that is unprincipled with the grace of God, has an experimental acquaintance with the Gospel of Christ, and is guided by the Spirit of God into all truth, as it is in Jesus, cannot knowingly deliver, maintain, and abide by any doctrine that is contrary to the glory of God's grace, and the person of Christ, the work of the Spirit, the fundamental doctrines of the Bible; or what is repugnant to the experiences of God's people, and prejudicial to their souls.

Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. A corrupt preacher, one destitute of the truth of the Gospel, reprobate concerning the faith, who never had any experience of the doctrines of grace, and denies them in the theory of them, cannot, consistent with himself, and his own principles, deliver, or preach good doctrine; or that which tends to produce any good fruit, either in the experience or lives of men. It is true, a corrupt man, that is, an unregenerate man, may preach sound doctrine, it being what he believes, though he has no experience of it: but then this man is not a corrupt tree, that is, a corrupt preacher, though a corrupt man. As our Lord means by "a good tree", not a good man, barely, or one that is made so by the grace of God; but a good minister, one that is furnished by the Spirit of God, and is well instructed in the kingdom of heaven: so by "a corrupt tree" he does not mean a corrupt man, a man that is in a state of nature, habitually and practically evil; but a corrupt preacher, a false prophet or teacher, that has sucked in corrupt principles, and has nothing else in him, and therefore can bring forth no other.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 7:18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruitLove to God and man is the root of the good tree; and from this principle all its fruit is found. To teach, as some have done, that a state of salvation may be consistent with the greatest crimes, (such as murder and adultery in David,) or that the righteous necessarily sin in all their best works, is really to make the good tree bring forth bad fruit, and to give the lie to the Author of eternal truth.

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