Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 7:13

13 "Sumulod kamo agi sa pultahan nga masigpit; kay daku ang pultahan ug sangkad ang dalan nga padulong sa kapildihan, ug daghan ang nagasulod agi niini.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Commandments;   Death;   Gates;   Hell;   Highways;   Religion;   Strait Gate;   Way;   Wicked (People);   Thompson Chain Reference - Error;   Evil;   Pathway of Sin;   Sin;   Sin-Saviour;   Transgression;   Way;   The Topic Concordance - Destruction;   Direction;   Life;   Ways;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Death, Eternal;   Gates;   Highways;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Strait;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Hell;   Way;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Christ, Christology;   Destroy, Destruction;   Jesus Christ;   King, Christ as;   Life;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Jesus Christ;   Parable;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Judge (Office);   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Perdition;   Sermon on the Mount;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Death;   Mss;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Destruction (2);   Doctrines;   Fear ;   Gate (2);   Hindrance;   Ideas (Leading);   Individuality;   Leading;   Numbers (2);   Old Testament (Ii. Christ as Student and Interpreter of).;   Pilgrim (2);   Proverbs ;   Providence;   Salvation;   Sanctify, Sanctification;   Sermon on the Mount;   Way;   Worldliness (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Gate;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Broad;   Ate;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Broad;   Damn;   Go;   Jesus Christ (Part 2 of 2);   Sermon on the Mount, the;   Straight;   Strait;   Way;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Abraham, Testament of;  


- Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life - Devotion for January 15;   Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for November 27;   Every Day Light - Devotion for December 17;   My Utmost for His Highest - Devotion for July 7;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

at: Matthew 3:2, Matthew 3:8, Matthew 18:2, Matthew 18:3, Matthew 23:13, Proverbs 9:6, Isaiah 55:7, Ezekiel 18:27-32, Luke 9:33, Luke 13:24, Luke 13:25, Luke 14:33, John 10:9, John 14:6, Acts 2:38-40, Acts 3:19, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Galatians 5:24

for: Genesis 6:5, Genesis 6:12, Psalms 14:2, Psalms 14:3, Isaiah 1:9, Romans 3:9-19, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2, Ephesians 2:3, 1 John 5:19, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 20:3

that: Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, Proverbs 7:27, Proverbs 16:25, Romans 9:22, Philippians 3:19, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, 1 Peter 4:17, 1 Peter 4:18, Revelation 20:15

Reciprocal: Genesis 18:24 - there 1 Kings 18:22 - Baal's prophets Ezra 10:13 - the people Job 31:3 - destruction Psalms 1:1 - way Psalms 1:6 - way Psalms 88:11 - in destruction Psalms 119:104 - false way Proverbs 2:9 - General Proverbs 14:12 - General Proverbs 15:9 - The way Isaiah 5:14 - hell Jeremiah 44:15 - all the Matthew 7:24 - whosoever Matthew 20:16 - for Matthew 22:14 - General Mark 8:34 - Whosoever Acts 16:17 - the way Hebrews 4:11 - Let

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Enter ye in at the strait gate,.... By the "strait gate" is meant Christ himself; who elsewhere calls himself "the door",

John 10:7 as he is into the church below, and into all the ordinances and privileges of it; as also to the Father, by whom we have access unto him, and are let into communion with him, and a participation of all the blessings of grace; yea, he is the gate of heaven, through which we have boldness to enter into the holiest of all by faith and hope now; as there will be hereafter an abundant entrance into the kingdom and glory of God, through his blood and righteousness. This is called "strait"; because faith in Christ, a profession of it, and a life and conversation agreeable to it, are attended with many afflictions, temptations, reproaches, and persecutions. "Entering" in at it is by faith, and making a profession of it: hence it follows, that faith is not the gate itself, but the grace, by which men enter in at the right door, and walk on in Christ, as they begin with him.

For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction; so that the one may be easily known from the other. There is no difficulty in finding out, or entering in at, or walking in the way of sin, which leads to eternal ruin. The gate of carnal lusts, and worldly pleasures, stands wide open,

and many there be which go in thereat; even all men in a state of nature; the way of the ungodly is "broad", smooth, easy, and every way agreeable to the flesh; it takes in a large compass of vices, and has in it abundance of company; but its end is destruction. Our Lord seems to allude to the private and public roads, whose measures are fixed by the Jewish canons; which say p, that

"a private way was four cubits broad, a way from city to city eight cubits, a public way sixteen cubits, and the way to the cities of refuge thirty two cubits.''

p T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol. 100. 1, 2. Vid. Maimon. & R. Sampson in Misn. Peah, c. 2. sect. 1. & Maimon in Sabbat. c. 1. sect. 1.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Enter ye in at the strait gate - Christ here compares the way to life to an entrance through a gate. The words “straight” and “strait” have very different meanings. The former means “not crooked;” the latter, “pent up, narrow, difficult to be entered.” This is the word used here, and it means that the way to heaven is “pent up, narrow, close,” and not obviously entered. The way to death is open, broad, and thronged. The Saviour here referred probably to ancient cities. They were surrounded with walls and entered through gates. Some of those, connected with the great avenues to the city, were broad and admitted a throng; others, for more private purposes, were narrow, and few would be seen entering them. So, says Christ, is the path to heaven. It is narrow. It is not “the great highway” that people tread. Few go there. Here and there one may be seen - traveling in solitude and singularity. The way to death, on the other hand, is broad. Multitudes are in it. It is the great highway in which people go. They fall into it easily and without effort, and go without thought. If they wish to leave that and go by a narrow gate to the city, it would require effort and thought. So, says Christ, “diligence” is needed to enter life. See Luke 13:24. None go of course. All must strive, to obtain it; and so narrow, unfrequented, and solitary is it, that few find it. This sentiment has been beautifully versified by Watts:

“Broad is the road that leads to death,

And thousands walk together there;

But wisdom shows a narrower path,

With here and there a traveler.”

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 7:13. Enter ye in at the strait gate — Our Saviour seems to allude here to the distinction between the public and private ways mentioned by the Jewish lawyers. The public roads were allowed to be sixteen cubits broad, the private ways only four. The words in the original are very emphatic: Enter in (to the kingdom of heaven) through THIS strait gate, δια της στενης πυλης, i.e. of doing to every one as you would he should do unto you; for this alone seems to be the strait gate which our Lord alludes to.

For wide is the gateAnd very broad, ευρυχωρος, from ευρυς, broad, and χωρος, a place, a spacious roomy place, that leadeth forward, απαγουσα, into THAT destruction, εις την απωλειαν, meaning eternal misery; intimating, that it is much more congenial, to the revengeful, covetous heart of fallen man, to take every advantage of another, and to enrich himself at his expense, rather than to walk according to the rule laid down before, by our blessed Lord, and that acting contrary to it is the way to everlasting misery. With those who say it means repentance, and forsaking sin, I can have no controversy. That is certainly a gate, and a strait one too, through which every sinner must turn to God, in order to find salvation. But the doing to every one as we would they should do unto us, is a gate extremely strait, and very difficult, to every unregenerate mind.

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