Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 6:32

32 Kay ang mga Gentil nagapangita niining tanang mga butanga; ug ang inyong langitnong Amahan nasayud nga kamo nagakinahanglan niining tanan.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Blessing;   Care;   Commandments;   Covetousness;   Faith;   Gentiles;   God Continued...;   Readings, Select;   Religion;   Trouble;   Worldliness;   Scofield Reference Index - Forgiveness;   Thompson Chain Reference - Care;   Care, Divine;   Divine;   God;   Overshadowing Providence;   Providence, Divine;   Rest-Unrest;   Trouble;   Worldly;   The Topic Concordance - Anxiety;   Seeking;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Adoption;   Gifts of God, the;   Righteousness;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Anxiety;   Faith;   Father;   Gentile;   Poor;   Sermon on the mount;   Work;   World;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Anxiety;   Day;   Jesus Christ;   Know, Knowledge;   Life;   Providence of God;   Vanity;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Adoption;   Gentile;   Hutchinsonians;   Lord's Prayer;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Adoption;   Ecclesiastes, the Book of;   Judas Iscariot;   Pharisees;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Anxiety;   Borrow;   Gentiles;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Providence;   Soul;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Contentment;   Ethics;   Love, Lover, Lovely, Beloved;   Mss;   Wealth;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Angels (2);   Aristeas ;   Care ;   Children;   Children of God;   Covetousness;   Doctrines;   Eating and Drinking;   Good;   Gospel (2);   Guest;   Heathen;   Heaven ;   Humour;   Ideal;   Ideas (Leading);   Law of God;   Logia;   Man (2);   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Messiah;   Metaphors;   Nationality;   Nature and Natural Phenomena;   Omnipresence;   Organization (2);   Palestine;   Perplexity;   Physical ;   Property (2);   Providence;   Renunciation;   Retribution (2);   Sermon on the Mount;   Simple, Simplicity ;   Socialism;   Trinity (2);   Uniqueness;   Wealth (2);   Winter ;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - 36 Ought Must;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Kingdom of christ of heaven;   Kingdom of god;   Kingdom of heaven;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Children of God;   Omniscience;   Providence;   Sermon on the Mount, the;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Lord's Prayer, the;   New Testament;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for December 31;   Every Day Light - Devotion for May 9;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

after: Matthew 5:46, Matthew 5:47, Matthew 20:25, Matthew 20:26, Psalms 17:14, Luke 12:30, Ephesians 4:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:5

for your: Matthew 6:8, Psalms 103:13, Luke 11:11-13, Luke 12:30

Reciprocal: Exodus 16:4 - a certain rate every day Deuteronomy 29:5 - your clothes 1 Kings 19:6 - cake Psalms 34:10 - but Psalms 37:18 - knoweth Psalms 132:15 - I will satisfy Matthew 6:7 - the heathen Matthew 6:26 - your Matthew 10:20 - your Matthew 15:32 - and have Matthew 18:14 - your Matthew 23:9 - for Mark 8:2 - and have Mark 8:33 - savourest Luke 11:13 - heavenly 1 Corinthians 10:28 - for 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God 1 Timothy 6:6 - godliness 1 Timothy 6:17 - who

Gill's Notes on the Bible

For after all these things do the Gentiles seek,.... Or "the nations of the world", as in Luke 12:30. The Syriac reads it so here: the phrase, אומות העולם "the nations of the world", is used of the Gentiles, in distinction from the Israelites, thousands of times in the Jewish writings; it would be endless to give instances. These knew not God, nor acknowledged his providence; the greater part of them thought, that the soul perished with the body; few of them thought, that anything remained after death; and they that did, spoke very doubtfully of it: wherefore it is no wonder, that such persons should greedily seek after, and be anxiously concerned for all these things, food, raiment, and riches, and a great plenty of them; since this is all the happiness they expect; and imagine, that this is to be acquired by their care, thought, diligence, and industry; having no regard to a superior being, and his all wise providence: but for the Jews, and so Christians, who have a divine revelation, the knowledge of God, and his providence, and of a future state after this life, to act the same part the Heathens do, is exceedingly unbecoming, absurd, and wicked: and besides, such greedy desires, immoderate care, and anxious solicitude, are altogether unnecessary;

for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. Every word almost, carries in it an argument, to strengthen the faith of God's children, to encourage them to believe, that he will bestow upon them, whatever is needful, for meat, drink, and clothing: he is a "father", and will take care of his children; "their father"; they have interest in him, being related to him, and need not doubt of his paternal care, and affectionate regard to them: their "heavenly" Father, or their Father in heaven; who has all things at his command, who sits there, and does whatever he pleaseth on earth: "he knoweth that they have need"; he knows all things, all their straits, difficulties, wants and necessities; he knows they need every day, "all these things", food and raiment, and cannot do without them: and therefore they may depend upon it, that as it is in his power to relieve them, and their persons and cases are not unknown to him; he who stands in the relation of a father to them, will supply them with whatever is proper and convenient for them.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

For after all these things do the Gentiles seek - That is, those destitute of the true doctrines of religion, and unacquainted with proper dependence on Divine Providence, make it their chief anxiety thus to seek food and clothing. But you, who have a knowledge of your Father in heaven; who know that He will provide for your needs, should not be anxious. Seek first His kingdom; seek first to be righteous, and to become interested in His favor, and all necessary things will be added to you. He has control over all things, and He can give you what you need. He will give you what he deems best for you.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse 32. For after all these things do the Gentiles seek — The fifth reason against solicitude about the future is-that to concern ourselves about these wants with anxiety, as if there was no such thing as a providence in the world; with great affection towards earthly enjoyments, as if we expected no other; and without praying to God or consulting his will, as if we could do any thing without him: this is to imitate the worst kind of heathens, who live without hope, and without God in the world.

Seek — επιζητει from επι, intensive, and ζητεω, I seek, to seek intensely, earnestly, again and again: the true characteristic of the worldly man; his soul is never satisfied-give! give! is the ceaseless language of his earth-born heart.

Your heavenly Father knoweth, c.] The sixth reason against this anxiety about the future is-because God, our heavenly Father, is infinite in wisdom, and knows all our wants. It is the property of a wise and tender father to provide necessaries, and not superfluities, for his children. Not to expect the former is an offence to his goodness to expect the latter is injurious to his wisdom.

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