Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Nova Vulgata

1 Machabæorum 26:8

Videntes autem discipuli, indignati sunt dicentes: "Ut quid perditio haec?

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Anointing;   Bethany;   Jesus, the Christ;   Love;   Mary;   Parsimony (Stinginess);   Presumption;   Thompson Chain Reference - Good;   Liberality-Parsimony;   Parsimony;   Work-Workers, Religious;   Works, Good;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Ointments;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Bethany;   Martha;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Motives;   Priest, Christ as;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Universalists;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Simon;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Martha;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Simon;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - John, Gospel of;   Lazarus;   Mary;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Anointing (2);   Destruction (2);   Judas Iscariot (2);   Liberty (2);   Martha ;   Mary;   Mount of Olives ;   Perplexity;   Popularity ;   Premeditation;   Preparation ;   Sisters;   Surname;   Waste;   Wealth (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Martha ;   Mary, Sister of Lazarus and Martha;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Passover;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Ju'das Iscar'iot;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Bethany;   Damn;   Judas Iscariot;   Martha;   Mary;   Olives, Mount of;   Perdition;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - New Testament;  

Parallel Translations

Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
Videntes autem discipuli, indignati sunt, dicentes : Ut quid perditio h�c ?
Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405)
Videntes autem discipuli, indignati sunt, dicentes: Ut quid perditio h�c?

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

they: 1 Samuel 17:28, 1 Samuel 17:29, Ecclesiastes 4:4, Mark 14:4, John 12:4-6

To: Exodus 5:17, Amos 8:5, Haggai 1:2-4, Malachi 1:7-10, Malachi 1:13

Reciprocal: John 12:5 - was

Gill's Notes on the Bible

But when his disciples saw it,.... What the woman did, what a costly box of ointment it was, and with what profusion she used it,

they had indignation: Mark says, "within themselves", Mark 14:4; either among themselves, or their indignation was secret in their breasts; their resentment was private, though it might be betrayed by their looks, and afterwards showed itself in words. This indignation was either at the woman, for the Evangelist Mark observes, that "they murmured against her", Mark 14:5, that she should act such an imprudent part, and be guilty of such extravagance; or at Christ himself, for suffering such an action to be done unto him; for so the Syriac version reads the above clause in Mark, and "they murmured בו, against him"; so De Dieu observes it should be rendered; though Tremellius, Boderianus, and others, translate it, "against her": or else their indignation was neither at Christ, whom they dearly loved; nor at the woman, they being taught to love their enemies, and much more the friends of Christ; but at the action, which they looked upon as an ill judged thing, that sprung from misguided zeal, and which they thought could never be acceptable to their master, who was not used to encourage such profuseness and extravagance.

Saying, to what purpose is this waste, or "loss?" They call that waste, or loss, which was spent on Christ himself; whereas, whatever is laid out for the honour of Christ, or the good of his interest, ought not to be reckoned loss, for it will be returned with great increase and advantage; but they could not see what end was to be answered by this expense. It is easy to observe the variableness and inconstancy of the disciples: one time, because the inhabitants of a certain village did not receive Christ, they were for calling for fire from heaven to destroy them; and here is a poor woman that exceeds, as they thought, in her respects to him, and they are filled with indignation.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 26:8. His disciples — One of them, viz. Judas. This mode of speaking was common among the Hebrews. So, Matthew 27:44, the thieves also, i.e. one of them. So, Matthew 28:17, some doubted, i.e. one, Thomas. See also Genesis 8:4; Judges 12:7; Nehemiah 6:7, c. By a figure called among rhetoricians enallage, the plural is put for the singular it is, however, possible that Judas, who made the objection, was followed in the sentiment by the rest of the disciples.

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