Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Nova Vulgata

1 Machabæorum 26:19

Et fecerunt discipuli, sicut constituit illis Iesus, et paraverunt Pascha.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Eucharist (the Lord's Supp;   Feasts;   Jesus, the Christ;   John;   Passover;   Thompson Chain Reference - Obedience;   Obedience-Disobedience;   The Topic Concordance - Judas Iscariot;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Feast of the Passover, the;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Passover;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Death of Christ;   Feasts and Festivals of Israel;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Universalists;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Prophecy;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Lord's Supper;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Chronology of the Biblical Period;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   The Last Supper;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - John, Gospel of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Betrayal;   Kenosis;   Last Supper;   Lord's Supper. (I.);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Judas Iscariot ;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Passover;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Lord (2);   Smith Bible Dictionary - Lord's Supper;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Passover;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Haggadah (Shel Pesaḥ);  


- Every Day Light - Devotion for November 16;  

Parallel Translations

Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
Et fecerunt discipuli sicut constituit illis Jesus, et paraverunt Pascha.
Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405)
Et fecerunt discipuli sicut constituit illis Jesus, et paraverunt Pascha.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

the disciples: Matthew 21:6, John 2:5, John 15:14

and they: Exodus 12:4-8, 2 Chronicles 35:10, 2 Chronicles 35:11

Reciprocal: Exodus 12:11 - loins Mark 11:4 - and found Mark 14:13 - Go Mark 15:23 - but Luke 22:10 - General

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them,.... They went into the city of Jerusalem; they met the man carrying a pitcher of water home; they followed him into the house he entered; they addressed the master of the house, in the manner Christ directed, who showed them a large upper room, prepared with all proper furniture for such an occasion, as Christ had foretold:

and they made ready the passover; they went and bought a lamb; they carried it to the temple to be slain in the court, where it was presented as a passover lamb for such a number of persons; they had it flayed, cut up, the fat taken out, and burnt on the altar, and its blood sprinkled on the foot of it: they then brought it to the house where they were to eat it; here they roasted it, and provided bread, and wine, and bitter herbs, and a sauce called "Charoseth", into which the herbs were dipped: and, in short, everything that was necessary.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

See also Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13.

Matthew 26:17

The first day ... - The feast continued “eight” days, including the day on which the paschal lamb was killed and eaten, Exodus 12:15. That was the fourteenth day of the month Abib, answering to parts of our March and April.

Of unleavened bread - Called so because during those eight days no bread made with yeast or leaven was allowed to be eaten. Luke says, “in which the passover must be killed” - that is, in which the “paschal lamb,” or the lamb eaten on the occasion, was killed. The word in the original, translated “Passover,” commonly means, not the “feast” itself, but the “lamb” that was killed on the occasion, Exodus 12:43; Numbers 9:11; John 18:28. See also 1 Corinthians 5:7, where Christ, “our Passover,” is said to be slain for us; that is, our paschal lamb, so called on account of his innocence, and his being offered as a victim or “sacrifice” for our sins.

Matthew 26:18

Go into the city to such a man - That is, Jerusalem, called the city by way of eminence.

Luke says that the disciples whom he sent were Peter and John. The man to whom they were to go he did not mention by name, but he told them that when they came into the city, a man would meet them bearing a pitcher of water. See Mark and Luke. Him they were to follow, and in the house which he entered they would find a room prepared. The name of the man was not mentioned. The “house” in which they were to keep the Passover was not mentioned. The reason of this probably was, that Christ was desirous of concealing from “Judas” the place where they would keep the Passover. He was acquainted with the design of Judas to betray him. He knew that if Judas was acquainted with the place “beforehand,” he could easily give information to the chief priests, and it would give them a favorable opportunity to surprise them, and apprehend “him” without making a tumult. Though it was certain that he would not be delivered up before the time appointed by the Father, yet it was proper “to use the means” to prevent it. There can be little doubt that Jesus was acquainted with this man, and that he was a disciple. The direction which he gave his disciples most clearly proves that he was omniscient. Amid so great a multitude going at that time into the city, it was impossible to know that “a particular man would be met” - a man bearing a pitcher of water - unless Jesus had all knowledge, and was therefore divine.

The Master saith - This was the name by which Jesus was probably known among the disciples, and one which he directed them to give him. See Matthew 23:8, Matthew 23:10. It means, literally, “the teacher,” as opposed to “the disciple,” or learner; not the “master,” as opposed to the “servant or slave.” The fact that they used this name as if the man would know whom they meant, and the fact that the man understood them and made no further inquiries, shows that he was acquainted with Jesus, and was probably himself a disciple.

My time is at hand - That is, “is near.” By “his time,” here, may be meant either his time to eat the Passover, or the time of his death. It has been supposed by many that Jesus, in accordance with a part of the Jews who rejected traditions, anticipated the usual observance of the Passover, or kept it one day sooner. The Pharisees had devised many forms of ascertaining when the month commenced. They placed witnesses around the heights of the temple to observe the first appearance of the new moon; they examined the witnesses with much formality, and endeavored also to obtain the exact time by astronomical calculations. Others held that the month properly commenced when the moon was visible. Thus, it is said a difference arose between them about the time of the Passover, and that Jesus kept it one day sooner than most of the people. The foundation of the opinion that he anticipated the usual time of keeping the Passover is the following:

1. In John 18:28, it is said that on the day on which our Lord was crucified, and of course the day after he had eaten the Passover, the chief priests would not go into the judgment-hall lest they should be defiled, “but that they might eat the passover,” evidently meaning that it was to be eaten that day.

2. In John 19:14, the day on which he was crucified is called “the preparation of the passover” - that is, the day on which it was prepared to be eaten in the evening.

3. In John 19:31, the day in which our Lord lay in the grave was called the great day of the Sabbath - “a high day;” that is, the day after the Passover was killed, the Sabbath occurring on the first day of the feast properly, and therefore a day of special solemnity; yet our Saviour had partaken of it two days before, and therefore the day before the body of the people. If this opinion be true, then the phrase “my time is at hand means my time for keeping the Passover is near. Whether this opinion be true or not, there may be a reference also to his death. The man with whom they were to go was probably a disciple of his, though perhaps a secret one. Jesus might purpose to keep the Passover at his house, that he might inform him more particularly respecting his death, and prepare him for it. He sent, therefore, to him and said, “I will keep the passover ‘at thy house.’”

Mark and Luke add that he would show them “a large upper room, furnished and prepared.” Ancient writers remark that, at the time of the great feasts, the houses in Jerusalem were all open to receive guests - that they were in a manner common to the people of Judea; and there is no doubt, therefore, that the master of a house would have it ready on such occasions for company. It is possible, also, that there might have been an agreement between this man and our Lord that he would prepare his house for him, though this was unknown to the disciples. The word rendered “furnished” means, literally, “spread;” that is, “spread” with carpets, and with “couches” on which to recline at the table, after the manner of the East. See the notes at Matthew 23:6.

Matthew 26:19

They made ready the passover - That is, they procured a lamb, multitudes of which were kept for sale in the temple; they had it killed and flayed by the priests, and the blood poured by the altar; they roasted the lamb, and prepared the bitter herbs, the sauce, and the unleavened bread.

This was done, it seems, while our Lord was absent, by the two disciples.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 26:19. And the disciples did — The disciples that were sent on this errand were Peter and John. See Luke 22:8.

They made ready the passover — That is, they provided the lamb, c., which were appointed by the law for this solemnity. Mr. Wakefield justly observes, "that the Jews considered the passover as a sacrificial rite Josephus calls it θυσιαν, A SACRIFICE; and Trypho, in Justin Martyr, speaks of προβατον του πασχα θυειν, SACRIFICING the paschal lamb. But what comes nearer to the point is this, that Maimonides, one of the most eminent of the Jewish rabbins, has a particular treatise on the paschal sacrifice; and throughout that piece, speaks of the lamb as a victim, and of the solemnity itself as a sacrifice. And R. Bechai, in his commentary on Leviticus 2:11, says that the paschal sacrifice was of a piacular nature, in order to expiate the guilt contracted by the idolatrous practices of the Israelites In Egypt." It was highly necessary that this should be considered as an expiatory sacrifice, as it typified that Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. For much more on this important subject than can, with propriety, be introduced into these notes, see a Discourse on the Eucharist, lately published by the author of this work.

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