Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Jerome's Latin Vulgate

1 Machabæorum 24:34

Amen dico vobis, quia non præteribit generatio hæc, donec omnia hæc fiant.

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- Nave's Topical Bible - God;   Israel, Prophecies Concerning;   Jesus Continued;   Scofield Reference Index - Day (of Jehovah);   Generation;   The Topic Concordance - Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ;   Discerning;   End of the World;   Knowledge;   Redemption;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Christ, the Prophet;   Parables;   Second Coming of Christ, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Generation;   Parable;   Prophecy;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Amen;   War, Holy War;   Watchfulness;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Jews;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Revelation of Christ;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Generation;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Matthew, the Gospel of;   Olivet Discourse, the;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Generation;   Jesus Christ;   Judgment;   Kingdom of God;   Olives, Mount of;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Abomination of Desolation ;   Authority of Christ;   Coming Again;   Foresight;   Fulfilment;   Generation;   Gospels;   Kingdom Kingdom of God;   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Parousia (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Generation;   Judah, the Kingdom of;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Jerusalem;   Matthew;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Fulfil;   Parousia;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Christianity in Its Relation to Judaism;  

Parallel Translations

Nova Vulgata (1979)
Amen dico vobis: Non praeteribit haec generatio, donec omnia haec fiant.
Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
Amen dico vobis, quia non pr�teribit generatio h�c, donec omnia h�c fiant.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

This: Matthew 12:45, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 23:36, Mark 13:30, Mark 13:31, Luke 11:50, Luke 21:32, Luke 21:33

Reciprocal: Psalms 119:89 - For ever Ezekiel 10:7 - and went Ezekiel 12:23 - The days Matthew 5:18 - verily Matthew 10:15 - verily Matthew 11:16 - this Ephesians 4:10 - fill Hebrews 10:25 - as ye

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass,.... Not the generation of men in general; as if the sense was, that mankind should not cease, until the accomplishment of these things; nor the generation, or people of the Jews, who should continue to be a people, until all were fulfilled; nor the generation of Christians; as if the meaning was, that there should be always a set of Christians, or believers in Christ in the world, until all these events came to pass; but it respects that present age, or generation of men then living in it; and the sense is, that all the men of that age should not die, but some should live

till all these things were fulfilled; see Matthew 16:28 as many did, and as there is reason to believe they might, and must, since all these things had their accomplishment, in and about forty years after this: and certain it is, that John, one of the disciples of Christ, outlived the time by many years; and, as Dr. Lightfoot observes, many of the Jewish doctors now living, when Christ spoke these words, lived until the city was destroyed; as Rabban Simeon, who perished with it, R. Jochanan ben Zaccai, who outlived it, R. Zadoch, R. Ishmael, and others: this is a full and clear proof, that not anything that is said before, relates to the second coming of Christ, the day of judgment, and end of the world; but that all belong to the coming of the son of man, in the destruction of Jerusalem, and to the end of the Jewish state.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

This generation ... - This age; this race of people. A generation is about 30 or 40 years. The destruction of Jerusalem took place about forty years after this was spoken. See the notes at Matthew 16:28.

Till all these things ... - Until these things shall be accomplished. Until events shall take place which shall be a fulfillment of these words, if there were nothing further intended. He does not mean to exclude the reference to the judgment, but to say that the destruction of Jerusalem would be such as to make appropriate the words of the prediction, were there nothing beyond. Compare the notes at Matthew 1:22-23. So when “death” was threatened to Adam, the propriety of the threatening would have been seen, and the threatening would have been fulfilled, had people suffered only temporal death. At the same time the threatening had “a fullness of meaning” that would cover also, and justify, eternal death. Thus the words of Christ describing the destruction of Jerusalem had a fulness of signification that would meet also the events of the judgment, and whose meaning would not be “entirely filled up” until the world was closed.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse 34. This generation shall not pass — Η γενεα αυτη, this race; i.e. the Jews shall not cease from being a distinct people, till all the counsels of God relative to them and the Gentiles be fulfilled. Some translate η γενεα αυτη, this generation, meaning the persons who were then living, that they should not die before these signs, c., took place: but though this was true, as to the calamities that fell upon the Jews, and the destruction of their government, temple, c., yet as our Lord mentions Jerusalem's continuing to be under the power of the Gentiles till the fulness of the Gentiles should come in, i.e. till all the nations of the world should receive the Gospel of Christ, after which the Jews themselves should be converted unto God, Romans 11:25, &c., I think it more proper not to restrain its meaning to the few years which preceded the destruction of Jerusalem but to understand it of the care taken by Divine providence to preserve them as a distinct people, and yet to keep them out of their own land, and from their temple service. See on Mark 13:30. But still it is literally true in reference to the destruction of Jerusalem. John probably lived to see these things come to pass compare Matthew 16:28, with John 21:22; and there were some rabbins alive at the time when Christ spoke these words who lived till the city was destroyed, viz. Rabban Simeon, who perished with the city; R. Jochanan ben Zaccai, who outlived it; R. Zadoch, R. Ismael, and others. See Lightfoot.

The war began, as Josephus says, Ant. b. xx. c. 11. s. 1, in the second year of the government of Gessius Florus, who succeeded Albinus, successor of Porcius Festus, mentioned Acts 24:27, in the month of May, in the twelfth year of Nero, and the seventeenth of Agrippa, mentioned Acts 25:0 and Acts 26:0, that is, in May, A. D. 66.

The temple was burnt August 10, A. D. 70, the same day and month on which it had been burnt by the king of Babylon: Josephus, Ant. b. xx. c. 11. s. 8.

The city was taken September 8, in the second year of the reign of Vespasian, or the year of Christ 70. Ant. b. vi. c. 10.

That was the end of the siege of Jerusalem, which began, as Josephus several times observes, about the fourteenth day of the month Nisan, or our April. See War, b. v. c. 3. s. 1, c. 13. s. 7; b. vi. c. 9. s. 3.

Dr. Lardner farther remarks, There is also an ancient inscription to the honour of Titus, "who, by his father's directions and counsels, had subdued the Jewish nation and destroyed Jerusalem, which had never been destroyed by any generals, kings, or people, before." The inscription may be seen in GRUTER, vol. i. p. 244. It is as follows: -










For this complete conquest of Jerusalem, Titus had a triumphal arch erected to his honour, which still exists. It stands on the Via Sacra, leading from the forum to the amphitheatre. On it are represented the spoils of the temple of God, such as the golden table of the show-bread, the golden candlestick with its seven branches, the ark of the covenant, the two golden trumpets, c., c. for a particular account see the note on Exodus 25:31. On this arch, a correct model of which, taken on the spot, now stands before me, is the following inscription: -





"The Senate and People of Rome, to the Divine Titus, son of the Divine Vespasian and to Vespasian the Emperor."

On this occasion, a medal was struck with the following inscription round a laureated head of the emperor: - IMP.erator J.ulius CAES.ar VESP.asianus AUG.ustus. P.ontifex M.aximus, TR.ibunitia, P.otestate P.ater P.atrice CO.nS.ul VIII. - On the obverse are represented a palm tree, the emblem of the land of Judaea; the emperor with a trophy standing on the left; Judea, under the figure of a distressed woman, sitting at the foot of the tree weeping, with her head bowed down, supported by her left hand, with the legend JUDAEA CAPTA. S.enatus C.onsultus. at the bottom. This is not only an extraordinary fulfilment of our Lord's prediction, but a literal accomplishment of a prophecy delivered about 800 years before, Isaiah 3:26, And she, desolate, shall sit upon the ground.

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