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Hosea 14:2
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(14-3) Bawalah sertamu kata-kata penyesalan, dan bertobatlah kepada TUHAN! katakanlah kepada-Nya: "Ampunilah segala kesalahan, sehingga kami mendapat yang baik, maka kami akan mempersembahkan pengakuan kami.
Bertobatlah, hai Israel, kepada Tuhan, Allahmu, karena oleh salahmu juga sudah engkau jatuh.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
with, Job 34:31, Job 34:32, Joel 2:17, Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4, Luke 18:13
away: 2 Samuel 12:13, 2 Samuel 24:10, Job 7:21, Psalms 51:2-10, Isaiah 6:7, Ezekiel 36:25, Ezekiel 36:26, Micah 7:19, Zechariah 3:4, John 1:29, Romans 11:27, Titus 2:14, Hebrews 10:4, 1 John 1:7, 1 John 3:5
receive: etc. or, give good, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Luke 15:21-24, Ephesians 1:6, Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 2:8, 2 Timothy 1:9
the calves: Psalms 69:30, Psalms 69:31, Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Peter 2:9
Reciprocal: Leviticus 7:12 - a thanksgiving Leviticus 22:29 - General Numbers 23:21 - hath not Deuteronomy 4:30 - if thou Joshua 24:23 - put away 1 Kings 8:48 - And so return 1 Chronicles 21:8 - do away 2 Chronicles 32:25 - rendered Ezra 10:1 - when he had Job 22:23 - return Job 33:24 - Then Psalms 50:14 - Offer Psalms 63:3 - lips Psalms 119:108 - Accept Song of Solomon 4:11 - lips Isaiah 33:2 - be gracious Isaiah 43:22 - thou hast not Isaiah 55:7 - the wicked Isaiah 57:19 - the fruit Jeremiah 29:11 - thoughts Ezekiel 36:29 - save Hosea 14:8 - What Jonah 2:9 - I will sacrifice Malachi 3:3 - an Luke 1:28 - highly favoured Luke 11:4 - forgive us Acts 3:19 - be Acts 9:35 - turned Acts 15:19 - turned Acts 26:20 - turn Romans 12:1 - a living
The border of the Chanaanites was from Sidon as thou commest to Gerar vnto Azah, and as thou goest vnto Sodoma and Gomorra, and Adama, and Seboim, euen vnto Lesa.
And so Lot lyftyng vp his eyes, behelde all the countrey of Iordane, whiche was well watred euery where before the Lorde destroyed Sodome and Gomorrh, euen as the garden of the Lorde, lyke the lande of Egypt as thou commest vnto Soar.
And they ioyned battell with them in the vale of Siddim: that is to saye, with Chodorlaomer the kyng of Elam, and with Thidal kyng of nations, and with Amraphel kyng of Sinar, and with Arioch kyng of Elasar, foure kynges agaynst fyue.
And the vale of Siddim was full of slyme pyttes: and the kynges of Sodome and Gomorrhe fledde, and fell there, and they that remayned, fledde to the mountayne.
And blessed [be] the high God, which hath deliuered thyne enemies vnto thy hande: and Abram gaue him tithes of all.
Howe all the lande is burnt vp with brimstone and salt, and that it is neither sowen, nor beareth, nor any grasse groweth therin, lyke as in the place of ye ouerthrowyng of Sodome, Gomor, Adama, and Zeboim, which the Lorde ouerthrewe in his wrath and anger.
And the south, and the playne of the valley of Iericho, the citie of palme trees [euen] vnto Zoar.
And another companie turned the way to Bethoron: And the thirde companie turned to the way of the coast that is seene aboue ye valley of Zeboim toward the wildernesse.
Hadid, Zeboim, Neballath,
Wo shall my heart be for Moabs sake, they shall flee vnto the citie of Zoar, which is lyke a faire young bullocke of three yere olde, for they shall all go vp to Luith weepyng: euen so by the way towarde Horonaim they shall make lamentation for their vtter destruction.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
Take with you words, and turn to the Lord,.... Not mere words without the heart, but such as come from it, and express the true sense of it; words of confession, as the Targum; by which sin is acknowledged, and repentance declared, and forgiveness asked. Kimchi's note is a very good one;
"he (that is, God) does not require of you, upon return, neither gold nor silver, nor burnt offerings, but good works; therewith confessing your sins with your whole hearts, and not with your lips only;''
and which best agrees with evangelical repentance and Gospel times, in which ceremonial sacrifices are no more; and not any words neither; not tautologies and multiplicity of words, or words of man's prescribing, but of the Lord's directing to and dictating; the taught words of the Holy Ghost, which he suggests and helps men to, who otherwise know not how to pray, or what to pray for; and these expressed under a sense of sin, and sorrow for it, and in the strength of faith, and are as follow:
say unto him, take away all iniquity; which is to be understood, not of the taking away of the being of sin; which, though very desirable, is not to be expected in this life: nor of the expiation of sin by the sacrifice of Christ, which is done already; he has taken the sins of his people from them to himself, and has bore them, and carried them away, and removed them out of the sight of divine justice, which is satisfied for them: nor of the taking away of the power and dominion of sin; which is done by the Spirit of God, and the efficacy of his grace on the hearts of converted persons: nor of an extinguishing all sense of sin in men; for none have a quicker sense of it than pardoned sinners, or are more humble on the account of it, or more loath it; but of the taking of it away from the conscience of a sensible truly penitent sinner or backslider, by a fresh application of pardoning grace and mercy: sin is a burden, a heavy one, when the guilt of it is charged and lies upon the conscience; pardon of sin applied is a lifting up, as the word here used signifies, a taking off of this burden from it, a causing it to pass away; which is done by the fresh sprinkling of the blood of Jesus, which purges the conscience from sin, and clears it from the guilt of it, and speaks peace and comfort; and which is the blessing here prayed for, and every backslider, sensible of his case, sees he stands in need of, and even to have "all" taken away; for, if but one sin remains, and the guilt of it continues, he can have no peace, nor stand up under it; but, when God forgives sin, he forgives "all" sin;
and receive [us] graciously; receive into grace and favour, that is, openly and manifestly; the free love and favour of God is always the same, but the manifestations of it are different; sometimes more or less, and sometimes scarce any, if any at all, and is the ease here; and therefore a petition is made for the remembrance of it, for a renewed discovery and application of it: or accept us in a gracious manner; acceptance with God is not on account of the merits of men, but his own grace and mercy; not through any works of righteousness done by them, which are impure and imperfect; but through Christ the Beloved, in whom God is well pleased with the persons, and services, and sacrifices of his people, and receives all for his sake, and which is here asked for; as well as that he would take them into his protection, and open affection. It is, in the original text, only, "receive good" a; meaning either their good hearts, made so by the grace of God; their broken hearts and contrite spirits, which are sacrifices not despised by him, but acceptable to him through Christ: or their good words they were bid to take, and did take, nod use; their good prayers offered up through Christ, in his name, and in the exercise of faith, which are the Lord's delight: or their good works, done from a principle of love, in faith, to the glory of God, and with which sacrifices he is well pleased: or rather, as the same word signifies, to give as well as receive; see Psalms 68:18. It may be rendered, "give good" b; take good, and give it to us, even all good things, temporal and spiritual, especially all spiritual blessings in Christ; all which good things come from God, and are his gifts; particularly the good Spirit of God, and his grace, which the Lord gives to them that ask; and all supplies of grace from Christ; and more especially, as some interpreters of note explain it, the righteousness of Christ imputed and applied; which goes along with pardoning grace, or the taking away of sin, Zechariah 3:4; and is the good, the better, the best robe; a gift, the gift of grace; a blessing received from the Lord, and to be asked for of him:
so will we render the calves of our lips; not calves, bullocks, and oxen, for sacrifice, as under the law; but the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving for pardoning grace, for a justifying righteousness, and for all good things: these are the fruit of the lips, as the apostle interprets it, Hebrews 13:15; and which are sacrifices more acceptable to God than calves of a year old, or an ox or bullock that has horns and hoofs, Psalms 69:30. This shows that the text and context refer to Gospel times, to the times of the Messiah; in which the Jews themselves say all sacrifices will cease but the sacrifice of praise. The Targum is,
"turn to the worship of the Lord, and say, let it he with thee to forgive sins, and may we be received as good, and the words of our lips be accepted with thee as bullocks for good pleasure upon the altar.''
a קח טוב "accipe bonum", Pagninus, Montanus: Munster, Cocceius, Schmidt, Burkius. b "Acceptum confer bonum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Drusius.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Take with you words - He bills them not bring costly offerings, that they might regain His favor; not whole burnt-offerings of bullocks, goats or rams; with which, and with which alone, they had before gone to seek Him (see the note above at Hosea 5:6); not the silver and gold which they had lavished on their idols; but what seems the cheapest of all, which any may have, without cost to their substance; “words;” worthless, as mere words; precious when from the heart; words of confession and prayer, blending humility, repentance, confession, entreaty and praise of God. God seems to assign to them a form, with which they should approach Him. But with these words, they were also to turn inwardly “and turn unto the Lord,” with your whole heart, and not your lips alone. “After ye shall be converted, confess before Him.”
Take away all iniquity - (Literally and pleadingly, “Thou will take away all iniquity”.) They had “fallen by their iniquities;” before they can rise again, the stumbling-blocks must be taken out of their way. They then, unable themselves to do it, must turn to God, with whom alone is power and mercy to do it, and say to Him, “Take away all iniquity,” acknowledging that they had manifold iniquities, and praying Him to forgive all, “take away all. All iniquities!” “not only then the past, but what we tear for the future. Cleanse us from the past, keep us from the future. Give us righteousness, and preserve it to the end.”
And receive us graciously - (Literally, “and receive good” ). When God has forgiven and taken away iniquity, He has removed all hindrance to the influx of His grace. There is no vacuum in His spiritual, anymore than in His natural, creation. When God’s good Spirit is chased away, the evil spirits enter the house, which is “empty, swept, and garnished” Matthew 12:44, for them. When God has forgiven and taken away man’s evil, He pours into him grace and all good. When then Israel and, in him, the penitent soul, is taught to say, “receive good,” it can mean only, the good which Thou Thyself hast given; as David says, “of Thine own we have given Thee” 1 Chronicles 29:14. As God is said to “crown in us His own gifts;” (“His own gifts,” but “in us” ;) so these pray to God to receive from them His own good, which they had from Him. For even the good, which God giveth to be in us, He accepteth in condescension and forgiving mercy, “Who crowneth thee in mercy and lovingkindness” Psalms 103:4.
They pray God to accept their service, forgiving their imperfection, and mercifully considering their frailty. For since “our righteousnesses are filthy rags,” we ought ever humbly to entreat God, not to despise our dutifulness, for the imperfections, wanderings, and negligences mingled therewith. For exceedingly imperfect is it, especially if we consider the majesty of the Divine Nature, which should be served, were it possible, with infinite reverence.” They plead to God, then, to accept what, although from Him they have it, yet through their imperfection, were, but for His goodness, unworthy of His acceptance. Still, since the glory of God is the end of all creation, by asking Him to accept it, they plead to Him, that this is the end for which He made and remade them, and placed the good in them, that it might redound to His glory. As, on the other hand, the Psalmist says, “What profit is there in my blood, if I go down into the pit” Psalms 30:9, as though his own perishing were a loss to God, his Creator, since thus there were one creature the less to praise Him. : “‘Take from us all iniquity,’ leave in us no weakness, none of our former decay, lest the evil root should send forth a new growth of evil; ‘and receive good;’ for unless Thou take away our evil, we can have no good to offer Thee, according to that, ‘depart from evil, and do good.’ Psalms 37:27.”
So will we render the calves of our lips - Literally, “and we would fain repay, calves, our lips;” i. e., when God shall have “forgiven us all our iniquity,” and “received” at our hands what, through His gift, we have to offer, the “good” which through His good Spirit we can do, then would we “offer” a perpetual thankoffering, “our lips.” This should be the substitute for the thank-offerings of the law. As the Psalmist says, “I will praise the Name of God with a song, and magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord, better than a bullock that hath horns and hoofs” Psalms 69:30-31. They are to bind themselves to perpetual thanksgiving. As the morning and evening sacrifice were continual so was their new offering to be continual. But more. The material sacrifice, “the bullock,” was offered, consumed, and passed away. Their “lips” were offered, and remained; a perpetual thank-offering, even a “living sacrifice,” living on like the mercies for which they thanked; giving forth their “endless song” for never-ending mercies.
This too looks on to the Gospel, in which, here on earth, our unending thanksgiving is beginning, in which also it was the purpose of God to restore those of Ephraim who would return to Him. : “Here we see law extinguished, the Gospel established. For we see other rites, other gifts. So then the priesthood is also changed. For three sorts of sacrifices Were of old ordained by the law, with great state. Some signified the expiation of sin; some expressed the ardor of piety; some, thanksgiving. To those ancient signs and images, the truth of the Gospel, without figure corresponds. Prayer to God, ‘to take away all iniquity,’ contains a confession of sin, and expresses our faith, that we place our whole hope of recovering our lost purity and of obtaining salvation in the mercy of Christ. ‘Receive good.’ What other good can we offer, than detestation of our past sin, with burning desire of holiness? This is the burnt-offering. Lastly, ‘we will repay the calves of our lips,’ is the promise of that solemn vow, most acceptable to God, whereby we bind ourselves to keep in continual remembrance all the benefits of God, and to render ceaseless praise to the Lord who has bestowed on us such priceless gifts. For ‘the calves of’ the ‘lips’ are orisons well-pleasing unto God. Of which David says, ‘Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt-offerings and whole burnt-offerings; then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar.’ (Psalms 51:0 ult.).”
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 14:2. Take with you words — And you may be assured that you pray aright, when you use the words which God himself has put in your mouths. On this very ground there is a potency in the LORD'S PRAYER, when offered up believingly, beyond what can be found in any human composition. And it may be presumed that it was this consideration that induced our reformers to introduce it so frequently in the public liturgy.
See the order of God's directions here: -
1. Hearing these merciful invitations, believe them to be true.
2. Cast aside your idols; and return to God as your Maker, King, and Saviour.
3. Take with you the words by which you have been encouraged, and plead them before God.
4. Remember your iniquity, deeply deplore it, and beg of God to take it all away.
5. Let faith be in exercise to receive what God waits to impart. "Receive us graciously;" וקח טוב vekach tob, receive, or let us receive good; when thou has emptied us of evil, fill us with goodness.
6. Be then determined, through grace, to live to his glory, "so shall we render thee the calves" (פרים parim, for which the versions in general read פרי peri, fruits, omitting the ם mem) "of our lips;" the sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, and the hearty obedience which our lips have often promised.
7. Having thus determined, specify your resolutions to depend on God alone for all that can make you wise, useful, holy, and happy. The resolutions are: -
1. Asshur shall not save us - We will neither trust in, nor fear, this rich and powerful king. We will not look either to riches or power for true rest and peace of mind.
2. We will not ride upon horses - We shall no more fix our hopes on the proud Egyptian cavalry, to deliver us out of the hands of enemies to whom thy Divine justice has delivered us. We will expect no rest nor happiness in the elegances of life, and gratification of our senses.
3. Neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods - We will not trust in any thing without us; nor even in any good thing we are able to do through thy grace; knowing we have nothing but what we have received. We will trust in thy infinite mercy for our final salvation.
4. And we will do all this from the conviction, that in thee the fatherless findeth mercy; for we are all alike helpless, desolate, perishing orphans, till translated into thy family.