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Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
Hosea 13:5
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Akulah yang mengenal engkau di padang gurun, di tanah yang gersang.
Bahwa Aku sudah memeliharakan kamu di padang Tiah, di tanah yang panas sangat.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
know: Exodus 2:25, Psalms 1:6, Psalms 31:7, Psalms 142:3, Nahum 1:7, 1 Corinthians 8:3, Galatians 4:9
in the wilderness: Deuteronomy 2:7, Deuteronomy 8:15, Deuteronomy 32:10, Jeremiah 2:2, Jeremiah 2:6
great drought: Heb. droughts, Psalms 63:1
Reciprocal: Numbers 20:11 - the water Deuteronomy 8:12 - Lest when Deuteronomy 31:21 - I know Isaiah 58:11 - and satisfy Hosea 12:13 - General Luke 9:12 - for
And Ada bare Iabel, which was the father of such as dwel in the tentes, and of such as haue cattell.
And the boyes grewe, and Esau became a cunnyng hunter, and a wylde man: but Iacob was a perfect man, and dwelled in tentes.
Their tentes and their flockes shall they take away, yea their hanginges and their vessels, their camels also shall they cary away with them: they shall crye to them, feare is on euery syde.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
I did know thee in the wilderness,.... Where there were no food nor drink, where were scorpions, serpents, and beasts of prey; there the Lord knew them, owned them, and showed a fatherly affection for them, and care of them; and fed them with manna and quails, and guided and directed them in the way, and protected and preserved them from their enemies, and from all hurt and danger. So the Targum explains it,
"I sufficiently supplied their necessities in the wilderness:''
in the land of great drought; or, "of droughts" c; the word is only used in this place; and is by Aben Ezra interpreted a dry and thirsty land; and so he says it signifies in the Arabic language and the same is observed by the father of Kimchi, and by R. Jonah d; but is by some rendered "torrid" e, or "inflamed", as if it had the signification of a Hebrew word which signifies a flame: and the Targum takes it to be akin to another, which signifies to "desire", rendering it,
"in a land in which thou desirest everything;''
that is, wants everything. The first seems best, and is a fit a description of the wilderness, which was a place of drought, wherein was no water, Deuteronomy 8:15.
c בארץ תלאובת "an terra siccitatum", Vatablus, Drusius, Schmidt. d Apud R. Sol. Urbin. Ohel Moed. fol. 35. 1. e "In terra torridonum locorum", Montanus; "torridissima", Junius & Tremellius, Heb. "infammationum", Piscator.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
I did know thee in the wilderness - “God so knew them, as to deserve to be known by them. By “knowing” them, He shewed how He ought to be acknowledged by them.” “As we love God, because He first loved us,” so we come to know and own God, having first been owned and known of Him. God showed His knowledge of them, by knowing and providing for their needs; He knew them “in the wilderness, in the land of great drought,” where the land yielded neither food nor water. He supplied them with the “bread from heaven” and with “water from the flinty rock.” He knew and owned them all by His providence; He knew in approbation and love, and fed in body and soul those who, having been known by Him, knew and owned Him. : “No slight thing is it, that He, who knoweth all things and men, should, by grace, know us with that knowledge according to which He says to that one true Israelite, Moses, “thou hast found grace in My sight, and I know thee by name” Exodus 33:17. This we read to have been said to that one; but what He says to one, He says to all, whom now, before or since that time, He has chosen, being foreknown and predestinate, for He wrote the names of all in the book of life. All these elect are “known in the wilderness,” in the land of loneliness, in the wilderness of this world, where no one ever saw God, in the solitude of the heart and the secret of hidden knowledge, where God alone, beholding the soul tried by temptations, exercises and proves it, and accounting it, when “running lawfully,” worthy of His knowledge, professes that He “knew it.” To those so known, or named, He Himself saith in the Gospel, “rejoice, because your names are written in heaven” Luke 10:20.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 13:5. I did know thee — I approved of thee; I loved thee; and by miraculously providing for thee in that land of drought, I demonstrated my love.