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Hosea 11:3
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Padahal Akulah yang mengajar Efraim berjalan dan mengangkat mereka di tangan-Ku, tetapi mereka tidak mau insaf, bahwa Aku menyembuhkan mereka.
Bahwa Aku sendiri sudah mengajar Efrayim berjalan, Kupegang mereka itu pada lengannya, tetapi tiada diakunya, bahwa Aku yang menyembuhkan mereka itu.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
taught: Exodus 19:4, Numbers 11:11, Numbers 11:12, Deuteronomy 1:31, Deuteronomy 8:2, Deuteronomy 32:10-12, Isaiah 46:3, Isaiah 63:9, Acts 13:18
I healed: Hosea 2:8, Hosea 7:1, Hosea 14:4, Exodus 15:26, Exodus 23:25, Isaiah 1:2, Isaiah 30:26, Jeremiah 8:22, Jeremiah 30:17
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 31:32 - in the
And they sayd: Go to, let vs buylde vs a citie and a towre, whose toppe may reache vnto heauen, and let vs make vs a name, lest peraduenture we be scattered abrode into the vpper face of the whole earth.
And the Lorde sayd: Beholde, the people is one, and they haue all one language, and this they begin to do: neither is there any let to them from all those thinges whiche they haue imagined to do.
Come on, let vs go downe, and there confounde their language, that euerye one perceaue not his neighbours speache.
And Peleg liued thirtie yeres, and begat Reu.
And the vale of Siddim was full of slyme pyttes: and the kynges of Sodome and Gomorrhe fledde, and fell there, and they that remayned, fledde to the mountayne.
And they made their lyues bytter vnto them in that cruell bondage, in claye, and bricke, and all maner of worke in the fielde: for all their bondage wherein they serued them was ful of tirannie.
And when she coulde no longer hyde hym, she toke a basket [made] of bull russhes, and dawbed it with slyme and pitche, and layed the chylde therein, and put it in the flagges by the riuers brinke
And he caryed away the people that was therein, & put them vnder sawes, and vnder iron harrowes, and vnder axes of iron, & thrust them into the tylekyll: thus dyd he with all the cities of the children of Ammon. And so Dauid and al the people returned vnto Hierusalem.
They courage them selues in mischiefe: and comune among them selues how they may lay snares, and say, who shall see them?
If they say, come with vs, let vs lay wayte for blood, and lurke priuily for the innocent without a cause:
Gill's Notes on the Bible
I taught Ephraim also to go,.... All the tribes of Israel and Ephraim, or the ten tribes with the rest; these the Lord instructed in the way of his commandments, and taught them to walk therein; he his angel before them, to conduct them through the wilderness; yea, he himself went before them in the pillar of cloud by day, and in the pillar of fire by night, to which history this seems to refer. So the Targum,
"I, by an angel sent by me, led Israel in the right way.''
The allusion seems to be to a mother or nurse accommodating herself to her child, beginning to go; she stoops down, sets it on its feet, and one foot before another, forms its steps, teaches it how to go, and walks its pace with it. And in like manner the Lord deals with his spiritual Israel, his regenerated ones, who become like little children, and are used as such; as in regeneration they are quickened, and have some degree of spiritual strength given them, they are taught to go; they are taught what a Saviour Christ is, and their need of him; they are instructed to go to him by faith for everything they want, and to walk by faith on him, as they have received him; and having heard and learned of the Father, they go to Christ, John 6:45; and are taught also to go to the throne of grace for all supplies of grace; and to the house of God, to attend the word and ordinances, for the benefit of their souls; and to walk in the ways of the Lord, for his glory, and their good;
taking them by their arms; or "on his own arms" x; bearing and carrying them in his arms, as a father his son; see Deuteronomy 1:31
Numbers 11:12; so the Lord deals with his spiritual Israel, either holding them by their arms while walking, as nurses their children, to help and ease them in walking, and that they may not stumble and fall; so the Lord holds up the goings of his people in his ways, that their footsteps slip not, and upholds them with the right hand of his righteousness: or taking them up in his own arms when weary, he carries them in his bosom; or, when they are failing or fallen, lays hold on them, and takes them up again; and so they are not utterly cast down, whether the fall is into sin, or into some calamity and affliction; when he puts underneath his everlasting arms, and bears them and keeps them from sinking, as well as from a final and total falling away. Abarbinel, and others after him, interpret this of Ephraim taking up and carrying in his arms Baalim, the graven images and golden calves; which is mentioned as an instance of ingratitude; but very wrongly;
but they knew not that I healed them; of the diseases of Egypt, or preserved them from them: this includes the whole of their salvation and deliverance from Egypt, and all the benefits and favours accompanying it, which they imputed to their idols, and not to the Lord; see Exodus 15:26. "Healing", in a spiritual sense, generally signifies the forgiveness of sin, which the Lord's people may have, and not know it; and, through want of better light and knowledge, may also ascribe it to their repentance, humiliation, and tears, when it is alone owing to the grace of God, and blood of Christ.
x על זרועותיו "super brachiis suis", Montanus; "super brachia sua", Piscator; "in brachis sua", Cocceius.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
I taught Ephraim also to go - Literally, “and I set Ephraim on his feet;” i. e., while they were rebelling, I was helping and supporting them, as a nurse doth her child, teaching it to go with little steps, step by step, “accustoming it to go by little and little without weariness;” and not only so, but “taking them by their arms;” or it may be equally translated, “He took them in His arms,” i. e., God not only gently “taught” them “to walk,” but when they were wearied, “He took them up in His arms,” as a nurse doth a child when tired with its little attempts to walk. Such was the love and tender care of God, guiding and upholding Israel in His ways which He taught him, guarding him from weariness, or, if wearied, taking him in the arms of His mercy and refreshing him. So Moses says, “In the wilderness thou hast seen, how that the Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye went, until ye came unto this place” Deuteronomy 1:31; and he expostulates with God, “Have I conceived all this people? have I begotten them, that Thou shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom, as a nursing father beareth his sucking child, unto the land which Thou swarest unto their father’s?” Numbers 11:12. : “Briefly yet magnificently doth this place hint at the wondrous patience of God, whereof Paul too speaks, “for forty years suffered He their manner’s in the wilderness” Acts 13:18.
For as a nursing father beareth patiently with a child, who hath not yet come to years of discretion, and, although at times he be moved to strike it in return, yet mostly he sootheth its childish follies with blandishments, and, ungrateful though it be, carries it in his arms, so the Lord God, whose are these words, patiently bore with the unformed people, ignorant of the spiritual mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, and although He killed the bodies of many of them in the wilderness yet the rest He soothed with many and great miracles, “leading them about, and instructing them, (as Moses says) keeping them as the apple of His eye” Deuteronomy 32:10.
But they knew not that I healed them - They laid it not to heart, and therefore what they knew with their understanding was worse than ignorance. : “I who was a Father, became a nurse, and Myself carried My little one in My arms, that he should not be hurt in the wilderness, or scared by heat or darkness. By day I was a cloud; by night, a column of fire, that I might by My light illumine, and heal those whom I had protected. And when they had sinned and had made the calf, I gave them place for repentance, and they knew not that I healed them, so as, for forty years, to close the wound of idolatry, restore them to their former health.”
: “The Son of God carried us in His arms to the Father, when He went forth carrying His Cross, and on the wood of the Cross stretched out His arms for our redemption. Those too doth Christ carry daily in His arms, whom He continually entreateth, comforteth, preserveth, so gently, that with much alacrity and without any grievous hindrance they perform every work of God, and with heart enlarged run, rather than walk, the way of God’s commandments. Yet do these need great caution, that they be clothed with great circumspection and humility, and despise not others. Else Christ would say of them, “They knew not that I healed them.”
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 11:3. I taught Ephraim also to go — An allusion to a mother or nurse teaching a child to walk, directing it how to lift and lay its feet, and supporting it in the meantime by the arms, that it may use its feet with the greater ease. This is a passage truly pathetic.