Lectionary Calendar
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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La Bible Ostervald

Exode 18:7

Et Moïse sortit au-devant de son beau-père; et il se prosterna, et le baisa; et ils s'informèrent mutuellement de leur bien-être; puis ils entrèrent dans la tente.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Children;   Kiss;   Moses;   Tent;   Thompson Chain Reference - Bowing;   Obeisance;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Kenites, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Jethro;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Wife;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Kiss;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Salutation;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Exodus, Book of;   Kiss;   Obeisance, Do;   Tabernacle;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Judges;   Moses;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Blessing (2);   Gestures;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Jethro ;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Adoration;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Rephidim;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - On to Sinai;   On to Canaan;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Gesture;   Greeting;   Jethro;   Kiss;   Moses;  

Parallel Translations

Louis Segond (1910)
Mo�se sortit au-devant de son beau-p�re, il se prosterna, et il le baisa. Ils s'inform�rent r�ciproquement de leur sant�, et ils entr�rent dans la tente de Mo�se.
La Bible David Martin (1744)
Et Mo�se sortit au-devant de son beau-p�re, et s'�tant prostern� le baisa; et ils s'enquirent l'un de l'autre touchant leur prosp�rit�; puis ils entr�rent dans la tente.
Darby's French Translation
Et Mo�se sortit � la rencontre de son beau-p�re, et se prosterna et le baisa; et ils s'enquirent l'un de l'autre touchant leur bien-�tre, et entr�rent dans la tente.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

went: Genesis 14:17, Genesis 46:29, Numbers 22:36, Judges 11:34, 1 Kings 2:19, Acts 28:15

did obeisance: Genesis 18:2, Genesis 19:1, Genesis 33:3-7

kissed: Genesis 29:13, Genesis 31:28, Genesis 33:4, Genesis 45:15, Psalms 2:12, Luke 7:45, Acts 20:37

welfare: Heb. peace, Genesis 43:27, 2 Samuel 11:7

Reciprocal: Genesis 29:6 - Is he well Genesis 29:11 - kissed Genesis 43:28 - made obeisance Judges 1:16 - Moses' Jeremiah 15:5 - how thou doest

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And Moses went out to meet his father in law,.... Out of the camp, at least out of his tent: the Targum of Jonathan says, from under the cloud of glory; how far he went is not certain, nor material to know: this was an instance of his great humility and modesty, and was doing Jethro a great deal of honour; that one who was in such great dignity, at the head of such a vast body of people, and superior to him both in natural and spiritual abilities, yet condescended to go forth in person to meet him, when he might have sent a guard of his men to escort him to his camp, which would have been honour sufficient; and it is not said he went out to meet his wife and children; for Aben Ezra says it was not usual for honourable men so to do:

and did obeisance: to Jethro, bowed unto him and worshipped him in a civil way, after the manner of the eastern nations, who used to make very low bows to whom they paid civil respect:

and kissed him; not to make him a proselyte, as the above Targum, nor in token of subjection, but of affection and friendship; it being usual for relations and friends to kiss each other at meeting or parting:

and they asked each other of their welfare; or "peace" n; of their prosperity and happiness, temporal and spiritual, of their peace, inward and outward, and of the bodily health of them and their families:

and they came into the tent; the Targum of Jonathan says,

"into the tabernacle of the house of doctrine,''

or school room; which is not likely, since Jethro was a man well instructed in divine things, and needed not to be put to school; and if he did, it can hardly be thought that as soon as Moses met him he should set about the instruction of him; but into his tent where he dwelt; that, as Aben Ezra says, which was the known tent of Moses, though it is not expressly said his tent.

n לשלום "ad pacem", Montanus; "de pace", Munster, Fagius, Drusius, Piscator; so Ainsworth.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Asked each other of their welfare - Addressed each other with the customary salutation, “Peace be unto you.”

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Exodus 18:7. And did obeisance — וישתחו vaiyishtachu, he bowed himself down, (Genesis 17:3; and "Exodus 4:31";) this was the general token of respect. And kissed him; the token of friendship. And they asked each other of their welfare; literally, and they inquired, each man of his neighbour, concerning peace or prosperity; the proof of affectionate intercourse. These three things constitute good breeding and politeness, accompanied with sincerity.

And they came into the tent. — Some think that the tabernacle is meant, which it is likely had been erected before this time; Exodus 18:5. Moses might have thought proper to take his relative first to the house of God, before he brought him to his own tent.

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