Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Read the Bible

La Bible Ostervald

Exode 16:29

Considérez que l'Éternel vous a donné le sabbat, c'est pourquoi il vous donne au sixième jour du pain pour deux jours; que chacun demeure à sa place, et que personne ne sorte de son lieu le septième jour.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Israel;   Manna;   Miracles;   Sabbath;   Sin;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Desert, Journey of Israel through the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Manna;   Miracle;   Sabbath;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Manna;   Measurement;   Sabbath;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Exodus;   Journey;   Manna;   Sabbath Day's Journey;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Law;   Manna;   Sabbath;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Exodus, Book of;   Festivals;   Gift, Giving;   Manna;   Omer;   Sabbath Day's Journey;   Weights and Measures;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Sabbath ;   Travel (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Manna;   Miracles;   Sabbath;   Sabbath-Day's Journey;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Manna;   Quails;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Journeyings of israel from egypt to canaan;   Manna;   Measures;   Ouches;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Manna;   Sabbath;   Sabbath-Day's Journey;   Weights and Measures;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - On to Sinai;   Sabbath and Feasts;   Moses, the Man of God;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Anthropology;   Sabbath;   Sabbath Day's Journey;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Accommodation of the Law;   Eleazar B. Abina;   Manna;   Pharisees;   Sabbath;  

Parallel Translations

Louis Segond (1910)
Consid�rez que l'Eternel vous a donn� le sabbat; c'est pourquoi il vous donne au sixi�me jour de la nourriture pour deux jours. Que chacun reste � sa place, et que personne ne sorte du lieu o� il est au septi�me jour.
La Bible David Martin (1744)
Consid�rez que l'Eternel vous a ordonn� le Sabbat, c'est pourquoi il vous donne au sixi�me jour du pain pour deux jours; que chacun demeure au lieu o� il sera, et qu'aucun ne sorte du lieu o� il sera le septi�me jour.
Darby's French Translation
Voyez que l'�ternel vous a donn� le sabbat; c'est pourquoi il vous donne au sixi�me jour du pain pour deux jours. Que chacun reste chez lui; que personne ne sorte du lieu o� il est, le septi�me jour.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

hath given: Exodus 31:13, Nehemiah 9:14, Isaiah 58:13, Isaiah 58:14, Ezekiel 20:12

abide ye: Luke 23:56

Reciprocal: Exodus 7:1 - See Exodus 12:16 - no manner Exodus 16:25 - General Exodus 18:23 - and all this Leviticus 19:3 - keep Leviticus 23:3 - General Leviticus 25:21 - I will Deuteronomy 5:14 - the sabbath Proverbs 30:8 - feed Matthew 24:20 - neither Hebrews 12:25 - See

Gill's Notes on the Bible

See, for that the Lord hath given you the sabbath,.... These are either the words of Jehovah, the Angel of the Lord, out of the cloud continued; or the words of Moses to the children of Israel, upon what the Lord had said to him, and would have them observe and take notice, that whereas the Lord had given them a sabbath, or enjoined them a day of rest:

therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; wherefore they had no occasion to go out in search of manna, as well as it was a vain thing to do it; and especially as it was against a command of God, and being ungrateful in them, as there was such a provision made for them:

abide ye every man in his place; in his tent for that day, giving himself up to religious exercises, to pray and praise, instruct his family, and in all things serve the Lord he was directed to:

let no man go out of his place on the seventh day; not beyond two thousand cubits, as the Targum of Jonathan, which is the space the Jews generally fix upon for a man to walk on a sabbath day, so far he might go and no further; and which perhaps is the same space as is called a sabbath day's journey, :-.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Abide ye every man in his place - The expression in Hebrew is unique and seems almost to enjoin a position of complete repose: “in his place” is literally under himself, as the Oriental sits with his legs drawn up under him. The prohibition must however be understood with reference to its immediate object; they were not to go forth from their place in order to gather manna, which was on other days without the camp. The spirit of the law is sacred rest. The Lord gave them this Sabbath, as a blessing and privilege. It was “made for man.” Mark 2:27.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Exodus 16:29. Abide ye every man in his place — Neither go out to seek manna nor for any other purpose; rest at home and devote your time to religious exercises. Several of the Jews understood by place in the text, the camp, and have generally supposed that no man should go out of the place, i.e., the city, town, or village in which he resides, any farther than one thousand cubits, about an English mile, which also is called a Sabbath day's journey, Acts 1:12; and so many cubits they consider the space round the city that constitutes its suburbs, which they draw from Numbers 35:3-4. Some of the Jews have carried the rigorous observance of the letter of this law to such a length, that in whatever posture they find themselves on the Sabbath morning when they awake, they continue in the same during the day; or should they be up and happen to fall, they refuse even to rise till the Sabbath be ended! Mr. Stapleton tells a story of one Rabbi Solomon, who fell into a slough on the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday, and refused to be pulled out, giving his reason in the following Leonine couplet: -

Sabbatha sancta colo De stereore surgere nolo.

"Out of this slough I will not rise

For holy Sabbath day I prize."

The Christians, finding him thus disposed determined he should honour their Sabbath in the same place, and actually kept the poor man in the slough all Sunday, giving their reasons in nearly the same way: -

Sabbatha nostra quidem, Solomon, celebrabis ibidem.

"In the same slough, thou stubborn Jew,

Our Sabbath day thou shalt spend too."

This might have served to convince him of his folly, but certainly was not the likeliest way to convert him to Christianity.

FABYAN, in his Chronicles, tells the following story of a case of this kind. "In this yere also (1259) fell that happe of the Iewe of Tewkysbury, which fell into a gonge upon the Satyrday, and wolde not for reverence of his sabbot day be pluckyd out; whereof heryng the Erle of Gloucetyr, that the Iewe dyd so great reverence to his sabbot daye, thought he wolde doo as moche unto his holy day, which was Sonday, and so kepte hym there tyll Monday, at whiche season he was foundyn dede." Then the earl of Gloucester murdered the poor man.

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