Wednesday after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Simplified Cowboy Version
Romans 2
God Don't Play Favorites
1 Do you look down your nose at the way other cowboys ride? There's no excuse for judgin' another cowboy. When you do, it ain't nothing but the pot calling the kettle black. When you condemn others, you are really condemning yourself.
2 Don't think you can hide your sins by pointing out someone else's. God cannot be fooled by such feebleness. 3 So when you, a human cowpuncher, judge another fella, but do the same things he does, what makes you think God sees his sin, but not yours? 4 These kinds of cowboys throw their nose up at God's kindness, tolerance, and patience. They don't realize it's these things that God uses to turn your life around.5 But because you're stubborn as a mule and won't quit doin' things you ought not be doing, you're just piling up judgment on yourself. If you keep it up, God's gonna have to call you to the carpet for 'em.
6 God's going to give you what you've been striving for. 7 If you've been strivin' to bring glory and honor to God, he will give you glory and honor. 8 But to those who have been strivin' for sin that destroys the body, he will let sin destroy their body forever in hell. 9 Those who bring pain and suffering will end up with pain and suffering for eternity. It won't matter if you're a Jew or not a Jew. 10 But God takes his hat off to all those who do what's right. Those cowboys will be rewarded with glory and honor, first for the Jews who do right, and then for everyone else who does. 11 God don't play favorites.12 Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Sin is sin and will be judged accordingly.
13 You don't get credit for knowing what the Code says. You only get credit for doing what the Code said to do. 14 Some cowpunchers have never heard the Code, but God has spoken to their hearts and they know the right things to do. 15 This proves they're being guided by something deep down inside 'em that is good. There's also something deep down that urges them to do wrong. Whichever one the cowboy decides to follow will show whether they are forgiven or condemned. 16 My message on this has always been plain as a sorrel horse. God will look at who someone really is and judge them accordingly through Christ Jesus.Don't Be Counterfeit
17 Some of you claim to be some of God's original cowboys, the Jews. You claim to follow the Code and boast about your ride with God.
18 You say you know what God wants and that the Code guides your every loop. 19 You think you're a trail guide for the blind and a campfire for those ridin' in the dark. 20 You say you're a clinician who can teach fools and a top hand the young'uns can follow. You are absolutely certain the Code contains the full measure of knowledge and truth that there is. 21 But how can you teach others when you refuse to learn? You claim it is wrong to steal, but you steal anyway. 22 You say to remain faithful in marriage, but your thoughts betray your preachin'. You say to stay away from idols, but your saddlebags are piled full of them. 23 You take pride in the Code, but then you turn your back on it every time it suits you. You don't bring honor to God, but shame. 24 That's why the Good Book says, "Y'all Jews didn't gather the lost, you've run 'em off by giving God a bad name."25 Havin' your pickle clipped is great if you're following the Code, but if you ain't, you're missing more than just a piece of yourself.
26 If an outsider (someone who's not a Jew) follows the Code, but doesn't have his pickle clipped, don't you realize God will regard him as if he were circumcised? 27 You Jews are being put to shame by the outsiders. You have the Code written down and your pickle clipped, but they are the ones doing what the Code says even though they are not circumcised. You've got to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.28 Birth and circumcision doesn't make you a real Jew.
29 To be one of God's original cowboys, you must obey the Code. Real circumcision happens in your heart, not your pants. What motivates you? What God thinks? Or what man thinks?Simplified Cowboy Version
The Simplified Cowboy Version. Copyright ©2021 by Kevin Weatherby. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. For quotations over 500 verses or questions, please email admin@savethecowboy. com or write to Save the Cowboy, Attn: Bible Rights, PO Box 428 Kiowa, CO 80117.