Wednesday after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Simplified Cowboy Version
Romans 12
Offer up Your Life for His Outfit
1 I'm saying this as if the God of mercy himself were standing right here. I urge each of you to offer up your lives into his outfit—this is how you really worship God.
2 Quit tryin' to fit into the sorry ways of the world, but be made new by changing the way you think. Only then will you find the trail that the Boss wants you to ride.3 Because of my position in this gathering, the Boss has given me the authority to pass along this warning. Don't look down your nose at anyone. You worry about you and the faith you have.
4 Just like a saddle has many parts, each serves its own function. Some parts can be seen and some can't. 5 It's the same way with the body of Christ. We are many parts with many functions, but we all belong together and for each other.6 Because of his grace, God gave us different specialties for doing things well. If God gave you the specialty of speaking his truth, do it with as much faith as God has given you.
7 If your gift is helping others, ride for them just like you do for Him. If you're a clinician, teach it God's way. 8 If your gift is to lift others up, lift them up high. If it is donating, do it to the max. If it is being a ramrod, take your responsibility with all the seriousness of the job. And finally, if you have the specialty of kindness, do it without complaint.9 But above all, don't just pretend like you love others. Really love 'em. Shun all wrongdoing and tie hard and fast to what is good and holy.
10 Let there be no deception in your love for others. Be authentic like cowboys should. 11 Don't be a recliner cowboy. Work hard at what the Lord calls you to do. 12 Keep your eye on our hope that God sent. Be patient during the pitching, and keep on praying. 13 Be ready to snub for those in need. Don't turn anyone away from your table.14 Bless those who talk crap about you. Don't cuss 'em, but pray God will bless 'em.
15 Give a smile to those with a smile and shed a tear with those shedding tears. 16 Get along with each other like a cowboy with his best mount. Don't be too proud to sit at the fire with greenhorns. And whatever you do, don't ever think you know it all.17 Never pay someone back for something evil they did. Be the bigger man so others will see the honor with which you live.
18 Get along with everyone better than you think you can.19 Never seek revenge or retaliation. Leave paybacks to God. Even the Good Book says, "Revenge is mine. I've reserved the paybacks for myself," says the Lord.
20 "Instead, if your enemy is hungry, give them your freshest biscuit. If they're thirsty, give them the rest of your water. In doing so, you will shame them with God's love and pour coals over their heads."
21 Don't give in to evil. If you want to come out on top, conquer evil with all things good.
Simplified Cowboy Version
The Simplified Cowboy Version. Copyright ©2021 by Kevin Weatherby. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. For quotations over 500 verses or questions, please email admin@savethecowboy. com or write to Save the Cowboy, Attn: Bible Rights, PO Box 428 Kiowa, CO 80117.