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Simplified Cowboy Version
2 Timothy 2
1 Listen Timothy, you are like a son to me and you must be strong in the grace that is found in Christ Jesus.
2 Teach others to ride for God the way I've taught you. Find other cowboys who can teach and show them how to truly ride.3 When life knocks the breath out of you, suck it up just like I do. Be a great cowboy for the Boss.
4 Cowboys don't get messed up in city people's thoughts and desires. They only care about what the cow boss says to do. 5 Bronc riders won't take home a buckle if they don't get their mark out. They have to follow the rules to win. 6 Ranchers should enjoy a good steak they worked so hard to give others. 7 Think about these things and let God fill in the gaps.8 Don't forget Jesus, who came from the line of cowboys from David, rode back from the dead. This is the good news I keep telling everyone about.
9 And because I tell others this good news, I have ended up shackled like a dog. But God's word breaks every chain. 10 This is why I never give up. I can endure anything if it helps people saddle up for eternity when they hear God's call to gather. Salvation and eternal life waits on every cowboy who rides for the brand through Christ Jesus.11 Don't forget that old cowboy saying, "Only those who die with him, live with him.
13 If we ride off, he will keep riding. He will not deny who he was made to be."Dealing with Wannabe Cowboys
14 Don't let people forget who they are supposed to be. In God's name, tell them to stop bickering over words. Arguing over petty stuff never made a good cowboy, but it has ruined many who had promise.
15 Hold your head high. Make yourself the best cowboy you can be so you will never have reason to be ashamed. Speak the truth and handle it like a loaded weapon. 16 Stay away from foolish talk that leads a cowboy down the wrong trail. 17 Foolish talk is like a contagious cancer. You just have to look at Hymenaeus and Philetus to see the devastating effects of this disease. 18 They have rode off the narrow trail. They have convinced others to follow them saying there will not be a physical resurrection for the cowboys who ride for the brand.19 But the bedrock of God's truth is inscribed with, "The Lord knows who his cowboys are," as well as, "All who ride for the brand must ride off from evil ways."
20 On a nice ranch that takes care of the cowboys, some horses are good and some horses are special. The special horses are used for special occasions while the other ones are for everyday use.
21 Hone your skills in riding for the Lord and you will be like a special horse used for the honorable duties. Your life will be without blemish and you'll be ready for the Boss to call on you for the best jobs.22 Whip and spur as fast as you can from anything that makes you act like a young stud with only one thing on his mind. A real stud can be ridden and used in any situation without lust grabbing ahold. This is done by living the right way, being faithful, loving others, and exhibiting peace in all you are and do. Ride with other cowboys who ride in a manner worthy of the Lord's service.
23 How many times do I have to say it? Stay away from petty arguments that only bring quarreling and bickering.
24 A real cowboy doesn't engage fools, but is kind to all, able to instruct, and patient—especially with difficult people. 25 Be gentle with those who deny the truth. Only God can convince an unbeliever. Hopefully, they will tie hard and fast to the truth before it's too late. 26 The truth is the only thing that can get them out of the devil's snare. Until then, they are his slaves to do whatever he wishes with them.Simplified Cowboy Version
The Simplified Cowboy Version. Copyright ©2021 by Kevin Weatherby. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. For quotations over 500 verses or questions, please email admin@savethecowboy. com or write to Save the Cowboy, Attn: Bible Rights, PO Box 428 Kiowa, CO 80117.