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Read the Bible
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Revelation 9:1
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The fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth. The key for the shaft to the abyss was given to him.
And the fift Angel sounded, and I saw a starre fall from heauen vnto the earth: and to him was giuen the key of the bottomlesse pitte.
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key to the shaft of the abyss was given to him.
Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fall from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the deep hole that leads to the bottomless pit.
The fifth Angel trumpeted. I saw a Star plummet from Heaven to earth. The Star was handed a key to the Well of the Abyss. He unlocked the Well of the Abyss—smoke poured out of the Well, billows and billows of smoke, sun and air in blackout from smoke pouring out of the Well.
And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.
Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him.
Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss.
When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, I saw a star fall from the sky to earth. It was given the key to the tunnel that leads down to the deep pit.
The fifth angel sounded his shofar; and I saw a star that had fallen out of heaven onto the earth, and he was given the key to the shaft leading down to the Abyss.
And the fifth angel sounded [his] trumpet: and I saw a star out of the heaven fallen to the earth; and there was given to it the key of the pit of the abyss.
The fifth angel blew his trumpet. Then I saw a star fall from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the deep hole that leads down to the bottomless pit.
And the fifth Angel blew the trumpet, and I saw a starre fall from heauen vnto the earth, and to him was giuen the key of the bottomlesse pit.
AND the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet. I saw a star which had fallen down to the earth, and it was given the key to the abyss.
And the fifth angel blew the trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth, and the key of the shaft of the abyss was given to him.
And the fifth angel trumpeted. And I saw a star out of the heaven falling onto the earth. And the key to the pit of the abyss was given to it.
Then the fifth angel sounded [his trumpet], and I saw a star (angelic being) that had fallen from heaven to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit (abyss) was given to him (the star-angel).
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss.
And at the sounding of the fifth angel I saw a star falling from heaven to the earth: and there was given to him the key of the great deep.
The fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from the sky fallen to the eretz. The key to the pit of the abyss was given to him.
When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky.from heaven">[fn] The starIt">[fn] was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.Luke 8:31; 10:18; Revelation 8:10; 17:8;">[xr]
AND the Fifth angel sounded. And I saw a star which fell from heaven unto the earth and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss.
And the fifth angel sounded; and I saw a star, which fell from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss.
And the fift angell blewe, and I sawe a starre fall from heauen vnto ye earth: and to hym was geuen the key of the bottomlesse pit.
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss.
The fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from the sky fallen to the earth. The key to the pit of the abyss was given to him.
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star falling from heaven upon the earth, and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
The fifth angel blew his trumpet; and I saw a Star which had fallen from Heaven to the earth; and to him was given the key of the depths of the bottomless pit,
And the fyuethe aungel trumpide; and Y say, that a sterre hadde falle doun fro heuene in to erthe; and the keye of the pit of depnesse was youun to it.
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven fallen to the earth: and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss.
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the abyss.
Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit.
Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.
The fifth angel blew his horn. I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to earth. The key to the hole without a bottom was given to the angel.
And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit;
And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet: and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit.
And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit;
And the fyfte angell blewe and I sawe a stare fall from heven vnto the erth. And to him was geven the kaye of the bottomlesse pytt.
And the fifth messenger did sound, and I saw a star out of the heaven having fallen to the earth, and there was given to it the key of the pit of the abyss,
And the fyfte angell blewe, & I sawe a starre fall from heaue vnto ye earth. And to him was geue the kaye of the bottomlesse pytt.
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Then the fifth angel blew his bugle. I saw a star that had crashed to the earth. It had the key to the well of the bottomless sinkhole.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
the fifth: Revelation 9:12, Revelation 9:13, Revelation 8:6-8, Revelation 8:10, Revelation 8:12, Revelation 11:14, Revelation 11:15
a star: Revelation 1:20, Revelation 8:10, Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8, 2 Timothy 3:1-5
to him: Revelation 1:18, Revelation 20:1
the bottomless: Revelation 9:2, Revelation 9:11, Revelation 17:8, Revelation 20:10, Luke 8:31, Romans 10:7,*Gr.
Reciprocal: Isaiah 27:13 - the great Matthew 16:19 - the keys Revelation 6:13 - the stars Revelation 8:2 - trumpets Revelation 8:13 - Woe Revelation 12:9 - he was Revelation 14:2 - of a
And God blessed them, saying, - Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let, the birds, multiply in the land.
And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it, - because therein, rested he from all his work which God, by creating, had made.
All the living creatures that are with thee of all flesh among birds, and among beasts, and among all the creeping things that creep on the earth, bring forth with thee, - and they shall swarm in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply, on the earth.
As for every moving thing that hath life, yours, shall it be, for food, - Like the green herb, have I given you all things.
Yet flesh with the life thereof, the bleed thereof, shall ye not eat;
Ye, therefore, be fruitful and multiply, swarm in the earth and multiply therein.
These three, were the sons of Noah, - and from these, was all the earth overspread.
These, are the families of the sons of Noah, by their generations in their nations, and from these, were dispersed the nations in the earth after the flood.
And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, Our sister! become thou, thousands of ten thousands, - And let thy seed take possession of the gate of them that hate them!
Praise ye Yah! How happy is the man who revereth Yahweh, In his commandments, delighteth he greatly;
Gill's Notes on the Bible
And the fifth angel sounded,.... His trumpet:
and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: some take this star to be Jesus Christ, the bright and morning star; and understand by falling, no other than his descending from heaven to earth, in which sense the word is used in Genesis 14:10; and that because he is not only said to have the keys of hell and death, Revelation 1:18; but particularly the key of the bottomless pit, Revelation 20:1; but then there is a wide difference in the use of the key by the star here, and the angel there, or between the opening of the pit, and letting out smoke and locusts, and the shutting it up, and Satan in it; the one well suits with Christ, the other not: nor is Satan here designed, as others think, who once was a bright star, and shone among the morning stars, but by sin fell from heaven, his first estate; and the fall of this Lucifer, son of the morning, was as lightning from heaven, Luke 10:18. But then this was a matter over and past, and what was well known to John; nor did he need a vision to represent this unto him: nor is Arius intended, who lived before any of the trumpets were blown; nor the Emperor Valens, who fell from the heavenly doctrine of Christ's divinity into the Arian heresy, which he encouraged and defended; whereby Christ, the sun of righteousness, was obscured, and the air, the church, enlightened by Christ, was darkened; in whose time the locusts, the Goths and Vandals, infected with Arianism, greatly distressed the eastern Christians; but his reign was long before the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, which was after the year 600: wherefore by this star is meant antichrist; but whether the western or eastern antichrist, the pope of Rome, or Mahomet, is a question: some interpreters go one way, and some another: Brightman thinks both are intended, seeing they both are antichrist, and rose to the height of their power much about the same time; and the characters and circumstances in this vision very. Well agree with them both: what is objected to Mahomet is, that he never was a doctor or teacher in the church, or had any dignity in it, which a star in this book most commonly signifies, and therefore could not be said to fall from it; but this may be observed, that the Arabians, among whom he lived, had received the Christian religion before his time; that he himself was conversant with the Scriptures, as appears by his wretched perversion of them in his Alcoran; and certain it is, that his accomplices were such as had professed Christianity, as Sergius, a Nestorian of Constantinople, and John of Antioch, an Arian, and he himself set up for a prophet: others think the pope of Rome is meant by the star, seeing the bishops of that city had shone out in great light and purity of doctrine and practice formerly, but now about this time most sadly apostatized; they had been indeed gradually declining for some time, but now they may be said openly to fall from heaven, when Phocas, who murdered his master, the Emperor Mauritius, and took the imperial crown to himself, gave to Pope Boniface the Third the title and power of universal bishop, about the year 859, which he and his successors exercised in a most haughty and tyrannical manner:
and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit; which shows that this could not be a star in a literal sense, but must design some man, or body of men, and agrees well with the popes of Rome: by "the bottomless pit" is meant hell, out of which the beast arose, and into which Satan will be cast, Revelation 11:7; and by "the key" is designed the power of it, of opening and shutting it, of saving persons from it, or of casting them into it; and which the popes of Rome take to themselves, even all power in heaven, earth, and hell, signified by their triple crown; and which they arrogate to such a degree as to say, that if the pope should send many thousands into hell, no one ought to say, what dost thou? This is a different key from what were given to Peter; he had the keys of the kingdom of heaven, his pretended successors have the key of the bottomless pit; his were keys of knowledge, theirs of ignorance, and of the depths of Satan, let out of this bottomless pit, of which the antichristian religion, both Popish and Mahometan, consist; his were given by Christ, theirs by Phocas a murderer; or they had their power from the dragon, Revelation 13:2; from Satan himself, according to whose working and influence they come forth, though by divine permission.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
And the fifth angel sounded - See the notes on Revelation 8:6-7.
And I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth - This denotes, as was shown in the notes on Revelation 8:10, a leader, a military chieftain, a warrior. In the fulfillment of this, as in the former case, we look for the appearance of some mighty prince and warrior, to whom is given power, as it were, to open the bottomless pit, and to summon forth its legions. That some such agent is denoted by the star is further apparent from the fact that it is immediately added, that “to him (the star) was given the key of the bottomless pit.” It could not be meant that a key would be given to a literal star, and we naturally suppose, therefore, that some intelligent being of exalted rank, and of baleful influence, is here referred to Angels, good and bad, are often called stars; but the reference here, as in Revelation 8:10, seems to me not to be to angels, but to some mighty leader of armies, who was to collect his hosts, and to go through the world in the work of destruction.
And to him was given the key of the bottomless pit - Of the under-world, considered particularly of the abode of the wicked. This is represented often as a dark prison-house, enclosed with walls, and accessible by gates or doors. These gates or doors are fastened, so that none of the inmates can come out, and the key is in the hand of the keeper or guardian. In Revelation 1:18 it is said that the keys of that world are in the hand of the Saviour (compare the notes on that passage); here it is said that for a time, and for a temporary purpose, they are committed to another. The word “pit” - φρέαρ phrear - denotes properly a well, or a pit for water dug in the earth; and then any pit, cave, abyss. The reference here is doubtless to the nether world, considered as the abode of the wicked dead, the prison-house of the guilty. The word “bottomless,” ἀβύσσος abussos - whence our word “abyss” means properly “without any bottom” (from Α a, the alpha privative (not), and βύθος buthos, depth, bottom). It would be applied properly to the ocean, or to any deep and dark dell, or to any obscure place whose depth was unknown. Here it refers to Hades - the region of the dead the abode of wicked spirits - as a deep, dark place, whose bottom was unknown. Having the key to this, is to have the power to confine those who are there, or to permit them to go at large. The meaning here is, that this master-spirit would have power to evoke the dead from these dark regions; and it would be fulfilled if some mighty genius, that could be compared with a fallen star, or a lurid meteor, should summon forth followers which would appear like the dwellers in the nether world called forth to spread desolation over the earth.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
The fifth angel sounds, and a star falls from heaven to
earth, 1.
The bottomless pit is opened, and locusts come out upon
the earth, 2, 3.
Their commission, 4-6.
Their form, 7-10.
Their government, 11, 12.
The sixth angel sounds, and the four angels bound in the
Euphrates are loosed, 13-15.
The army of horsemen, and their description, 16-19.
Though much evil is inflicted upon men for their idolatry,
&c., they do not repent, 20, 21.
Verse Revelation 9:1. A star fall from heaven — An angel encompassed with light suddenly descended, and seemed like a star falling from heaven.
The key of the bottomless pit. — Power to inundate the earth with a flood of temporal calamities and moral evils.