the First Sunday of Lent
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Read the Bible
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Hosea 5
1 Hear ye this - O priests, and attend, O house of Israel, and ye, House of the King, give ear, for, to you, pertaineth the sentence, - for, a snare, have ye been to Mizpah, and a net spread on Tabor.2 And, a slaughter, have apostates deeply designed, - though, I, was a rebuker to them all.3 I, have known Ephraim, and, Israel, hath not been hidden from me, - for, now, hast thou committed unchastity, O Ephraim, Israel, hath made himself impure.4 Their doings, will not suffer, them to return unto their God, - for, the spirit of unchastity, is within them, and, Yahweh, have they not known.5 Therefore will the Excellency of Israel, answer, to his face, - and, Israel and Ephraim, shall stumble in their iniquity, even Judah with them, hath stumbled.6 With their flocks and with their herds, will they go to seek Yahweh, but shall not find him; he hath withdrawn himself from them.7 With Yahweh, have they dealt treacherously, for, to alien children, have they given birth, - now, a new moon, shall devour them, with their portions.
8 Blow ye a horn in Gibeah, a trumpet in Ramah, - sound an alarm at Beth-aven, behind thee, O Benjamin!9 Ephraim, shall become, a desolation, in the day of rebuke: Throughout the tribes of Israel, have I hide known what is sure.10 The rulers of Judah have become as they who remove a land-mark. Upon them, will I pour out, like water, my wrath.11 Oppressed, is Ephraim, crushed in judgment, - because he hath, wilfully, walked after falsehood.12 But, I, was like a moth, to Ephraim, - and like rotten wood to the house of Judah.13 When Ephraim, saw, his injury, and Judah his wound, then went Ephraim unto Assyria, and Judah sent unto a hostile king, - yet, he, cannot heal you, nor will the wound, remove from you.14 For, I, will be as a lion unto Ephraim, and as a young lion to the house of Judah, - I, I, will tear in pieces, and depart, I will carry off, and none be able to rescue.15 I will depart, will return unto my place! till what time they acknowledge their guilt, and seek my face, - In their trouble, will they make for me diligent search.