the First Sunday of Lent
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Read the Bible
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Hosea 11
1 When Israel was, a child, then I loved him, - and, out of Egypt, called I my son.2 They invited them, - at once, they departed from before me, they, to the Baals, sacrificed, and, to the images, offered incense.3 Yet, I, had taught Ephraim to walk, I used to take them upon mine arms, - But they acknowledged not that I had healed them.4 With human cords, used I to draw them, with the bands of love, so became I unto them like those who remove the yoke that was on their jaws, - and, holding out food to him, I let him eat.5 He was not to turn back into the land of Egypt, Howbeit, the Assyrian - he, became his king, for they refused to turn.6 Therefore shall the sword, rage, in his cities, and make an end of his multitudes, and consume them, - because of their counsels.7 But, my people, are bent towards turning from me, though upwards they call them, none of them can lift them.
8 How can I give thee up, Ephraim? abandon thee Israel? How can I make thee as Admah? set thee as Zeboim? Mine own heart, turneth against me, at once, are kindled my compassions.9 I cannot execute the glow of mine anger, I cannot turn to destroy Ephraim, - for, GOD, am, I, and not man, When thou drawest near, I am a Holy One, though I do not enter a city.10 After Yahweh, let them go, Like a lion, will he roar, - When, he, shall roar, then let sons, come trembling, out of the West.11 Let them come trembling like a small bird out of Egypt, and like a dove out of the land of Assyria, - so will I cause them to dwell by their own houses, Declareth Yahweh.12 They have compassed me about - with denial, Ephraim, with deceit, the house of Israel, - but, Judah, hath, again and again, run riot with GOD, though, with the holy places, entrusted.