the First Week of Lent
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Mace New Testament
Hebrews 6
1 Therefore omitting for the present the principles of the christian doctrine, we shall proceed to something more sublime, without mentioning those fundamental articles of repentance from destructive vices, and of divine faith: 2 the doctrine of baptisms, and laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment: 3 of which we shall treat another time, if God permit. 4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightned, and have received the heavenly gifts, communicated by the holy spirit, 5 and have known by experience the truth of the divine promises, and the miracles of the age that was to come; it is impossible, 6 if they shall fall away, to re-instate themselves by repentance: seeing, as far in them lies, they crucify the son of God afresh, and expose him to open shame. 7 for the earth which drinks up the frequent show'rs that fall upon it, and produces plants fit for the use of him that cultivates it, is stiled heavenly land: 8 but that which bears thorns and briars, is look'd upon as lying under a curse; whose end will be to be burnt.
9 But though we speak in this manner, my dear brethren, we expect better things of you, and such as are more suitable to your salvation. 10 for God is too just to his promise not to regard your piety, and the love which you have shewn to the christian religion by the assistance ye have given to the saints, and still continue to give. 11 but we desire that every one of you may shew the same concern, continuing to discharge the condition upon which your hopes are founded: that ye be not unactive, 12 but imitate the example of those who by faith and patience have obtain'd the inheritance that was promis'd to them. 13 For when God gave his promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, 14 "surely I will heap blessings upon thee, and will give thee a numerous posterity." 15 and after he had patiently waited, he obtained what was promised. 16 for when men swear by a superior, the ratifying what they say with an oath, puts an end to all further debate. 17 wherefore God was willing to give the heirs of promise a stronger proof of the immutability of his counsel, by the intervention of an oath: 18 that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to deceive us, we, who have no other refuge to fly to, but to maintain our present hopes, 19 might have strong consolation to serve as a sure and stedfast anchor to the soul: till it arrives within the veil, 20 where Jesus is gone to usher us in, having been made an high priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec.