the First Sunday of Lent
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Read the Bible
Mace New Testament
Acts 27
1 When it was resolv'd, that we should sail for Italy, Paul and other prisoners were delivered to the custody of one Julius, a centurion of 2 a cohort in Augustus's legion. we embark'd in a vessel of Adramyttium, designing to coast it along Asia, and set sail with Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica. 3 the next day we touch'd at Sidon, where the centurion, who was very civil to Paul, gave him leave to go, and refresh himself at his friends. 4 from thence we put off, and made our coast north of Cyprus, the wind being contrary. 5 after having travers'd the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we arriv'd at Myra, a city of Lycia. 6 there the centurion met with a ship of Alexandria, bound for Italy, and put us on board. 7 For several days we made very little sail, and having scarce got sight of Cnidus, the wind being against us, we bore away between Salmone and Crete: 8 with much ado we weathered the cape and got to Belhaven near Lasea. 9 having lost a good deal of time, and sailing being now dangerous, for the fast was now over, Paul gave them this warning, 10 "my friends, said he, I foresee our voyage will be attended with great difficulties, and no small risk of losing not only the ship and cargo, but our lives too." 11 however, the centurion minded the pilot and the ship's owner more than he did Paul's prediction.
12 for as that haven could not cover us from the storm, most were of opinion to bear away, and try to put in at Phenice, where we could ride safe, the port lying by south-west, and north-west. 13 a gentle breeze at south, secure of gaining their point, they weigh'd anchor, and coasted close under Crete: 14 but soon after it blew a storm from north-east, which bore so upon the ship, 15 we could not go upon the wind, but were forc'd to let her drive. 16 when we were nigh the isle Clauda, we had much ado to hoist in the skiff. 17 this done, all hands aloft they frapp'd the ship tought with her cables, and for fear of striking upon the sands, they struck the main sail, and so drove. 18 the next day the storm work'd the ship with great fury; they threw some of her lading over board: 19 and the third day we lent our hands to send the tackling after. 20 For several days, we had not seen either sun or stars: the tempest still bore hard: all our hopes of escape quite sunk,
21 and our spirits droop with fasting: when Paul presented himself, and said, "well, my friends, it had been, if I could have prevail'd upon you, to have sav'd your selves all this perplexity and loss by staying at Crete. 22 yet now I advise you to discard your fears: your lives are all safe, though the vessel will be lost. 23 for an angel of that God , whose minister I am, and whom I serve, this night appear'd to me, and said, Paul, be not afraid: 24 you must be brought before Cesar: and upon your account, the whole company now with you, will God preserve. 25 take courage then, my friends, for I have this confidence in God, that what has been told me, shall be effected, 26 notwithstanding we must be shipwrack'd upon some island." 27 It was the fourteenth night that we had been driving up and down in the Adriatick sea, when the ship's crew about midnight suspected they were making to land: 28 they threw the line and sounded twenty fathom water: a little further they sounded again, and came to fifteen fathom: 29 then for fear of striking upon the rocks, they dropt four anchors astern, and lay impatient for the day. 30 but the crew under pretext of dropping their anchors to moor, had hoisted out the boat; designing to make off: 31 upon this Paul said to the centurion and his men, "except the crew stay aboard, you can't be safe:" 32 and immediately the soldiers chopt the cable, and set the boat adrift. 33 while they were waiting for day, Paul advis'd the whole company to take some refreshment: "these fourteen days, said he, you have been very abstemious, and not made a meal: 34 therefore, pray, take something to recruit your strength: and be assur'd every one of you shall be preserv'd." 35 having said this, he took bread, and gave thanks to God, the whole company present: then he broke it and began to eat, 36 at which they all took heart and fell a eating likewise, 37 the whole number then on board being two hundred and seventy six. 38 when they had eat enough, they threw the wheat over board to ease the ship: 39 at day-break they made an unknown land, with a creek, where they resolv'd, if it were possible, to run the ship ashore. 40 accordingly, having heaved in their anchors, they drove with the sea, then loos'd the helm, bois'd the mizen-sail to wind, and made to shore: 41 when falling into the confluence of two currents, they ran the ship a-ground: where the fore-castle stuck fast and would not give, but her stern was shatter'd by the violence of the waves. 42 the soldiers propos'd to dispatch the prisoners, for fear any of them should swim for their lives; but the centurion, 43 who had a mind to save Paul, prevented their design: and order'd all that could swim immediately to get off to shore, 44 and the rest to get upon the planks, or other pieces of the wreck: and by this means it happen'd that they all came safe to land.